Chapter 45: Tough to crack

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             Taehyung heard the silent drops of the shower head turn on and fall onto the floor of the shower. The beta looked back at the way he treated his own Alpha; he ignored him and put him mast when it came to Hoseok. The younger just couldn't believe how blind he has become throughout his days after letting the alpha back into his life. It was like Hoseok changed him and made him turn the other shoulder on the one he should be giving all his attention to everyday. The beta spent no other second than to remove his shirt and his own underwear as he stepped into the bathroom and joined Yoongi in the shower. Taehyung pulled the dividers apart as Yoongi stood there with his head down, feeling the warm water drip and run through his hair.

           The alpha knew Taehyung showed up for him and all he could do was smile while his head was pointed down and heard the dividers draw close right after. Only then, Taehyung hugged his husband from the back and presses his head against his alpha's exposed back to softly give him a kiss right after. “Yoongi…”

          “Yes, Darling?” The older responded as he looked back to see Taehyung with a pout over his plump lips.

           “I'm sorry… for not giving you attention. I guess I got too happy that I had a friend and forgot about having you now. I think, I feel so lonely when you leave, I have no one to talk to and I too feel left out. I just overdid it… Didn't I?” Taehyung whispered and just with that, Yoongi was forgiving his beta. “I take you for granted… I should be able to love you and feel happy that you're not like any other alpha that would hurt me if I was to do something like that…”

           Yoongi smiled to himself as he then pointed his body to face the beta and cup his husband's head into his hands. “I'll forgive you because I love you, Darling… I may get jealous, but I'll never hurt you over something like that. I do this because I don't want to hurt you… Over anything, if I do hurt you, please… Know that I don't mean it. I just love you too much that I get so worried I could lose you..” Yoongi assured. Taehyung thought that his husband was thoughtful, loving and very supportive. Yoongi changed just so his heart wouldn't get crushed like last time with his past relationship.

            “I know you're doing this because you don't want to lose me.. But I don't want you to be stepped all over when I disobey. Please tell me and talk to me. Don't be a stranger; if something I do bothers you, tell me! I don't want to hurt you as well.” Taehyung promised. It was things like these that would hurt their relationship. It was okay to allow such things like jealousy to slip; but, too much of it was enough to hurt what they really had inside.


            Meanwhile, at asylum a group of officers walked in a pack as they made their way in. Two officers leading by the front was the officers that went to Jungkook and Jimin's house to investigate the scene left by Kyunsji. Just a little more research after, confirmed that it really was Kyunsji's stand of hair in the dresser and his DNA samples were found within it. They compared the results to Kyunsji's tests through the asylum and were able to say that it was him from the very start. -Not that they had any doubt about it anyways.-

             The officers stepped in and followed one of the employees. Knowing who they wanted to speak to as soon as they stepped in. “Glad you all can make it… She wouldn't answer any of my questions and would sit there making paper crafts!” One of the employees claimed while he guided the group of officers to a patient's room. Hoping to get answers on Kyunsji's whereabouts through one of his old friends within the asylum. But to her, she knew she meant more for the alpha that escaped. It was the same beautiful patient Jimin and Jungkook first came across when they walked into the asylum. Within her small and blank room, there was many paper crafts and all she did in her room was make more to give to her many friends within the asylum. Yet, she always kept one on the table so she could give that special one to Kyunsji. They were close together in the asylum and she was the one that helped him escape, but she kept silent about it all. She was crazy, but not stupid when it came to hiding the promise she made with Kyunsji.

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