Chapter 107: Curtain call

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            Jungkook walked with confidence down the hospital hall where he just left Jimin. In the omega's mind, Jungkook would be right by his side once he wakes up. Certainly, Jimin knew that Jungkook received a message by Kyunsji trying to bait him, and Jimin urged Jungkook not to go. No matter what the other alpha did, Jimin didn't think it was worth losing his husband through another fight he would be too fragile to go to and save Jungkook again. Even if he had no idea where the fight would be. He slept and thought he was holding Jungkook's hand with his, but it was all in his head.

           As Jungkook charged towards the entrance of the hospital, Joo-Ho suddenly jumped in and stood in front of his boss with his arms spread out to stop him. At the moment, Joo-Ho finally gained strength back from his numb legs and stood in front of Jungkook to block his way out. “Move…” Jungkook uttered in a rush as Joo-Ho only shook his head and folded his arms.

          “Where are you going? How could you even dare to run out right now? Go back to Jimin… Whatever it is, it can wait.” Joo-Ho responded and kept his stare at Jungkook. But, this never phased the younger alpha.

         “I'm going to end this… Don't follow.”

        “J-Jungkook! Y-You can't! You don't know what that man has up his sleeve! You can't go… Report where he is and the police would get him by there.” Joo-Ho urged the alpha to understand his wishes, but Jungkook only shook his head and showed the text messages. “... He can't reach Jimin at the hospital. He's safe and secured.”

        “But you don't know what he could do to Jimin! It could be tomorrow he could take him and Minho… I can't let him hurt my family for many years to come… I don't want him to come after my twins once they're here. This is it. I'd either die trying… Or die with him. But I want you to guard and protect them with your life.” Jungkook advised the alpha like it was his final wishes. The younger alpha then placed his hands on Joo-Ho's shoulders and looked at him before moving him aside. “Good bye… If I don't make it out, don't let Kyunsji make it to Jimin and Minho. I trust you.” Jungkook stated.

        The reason why he chose not to send the police towards the old set where Kyunsji hid, was because the man would escape and attack much harder than he did before. He would even run up to Jungkook to kill him any second outside the house. This was what Jungkook wanted to put an end to and as an alpha, he knew he couldn't have him wandering around to attack years later when the twins are finally born. This was a mistake he couldn't make anymore.

          “J-Jungkook!” Joo-Ho rose his voice in a trembled tone as Jungkook only ran out and by there, he was gone. Joo-Ho remembered the text messages and instantly looked around before walking to Minho and Jimin's room. Just hoping he could ask the omega without even telling him all about the fact that Jungkook went off to go against Kyunsji one last time. Only one will come out alive or even both of them will fall to their knees at the last stage.

          Jungkook ran down the streets; panting and checking his phone for the directions. He felt like he walked this road before, having fear jump out of his chest when he first went against Kyunsji years back. He no longer had doubts that he would die, the alpha kept in thoughts of his omega and pups and this made him keep running. Eventually, he took a bus ride nearby the location that was awfully far to reach just by walking. By the final minutes of the bus ride there, he looked around the streets of the grim neighborhood. The sun was at it's highest peak, it wasn't even dark outside and it was still broad daylight. By there, his phone chimed again; signifying that him and his husband were late for the visit at the clinic. The alpha smiled to himself and scoffed as he looked out the window of the bus ride as some other passengers took pictures of the celebrity on the bus, which was extremely rare since he would never see himself riding a bus especially when he had his own car to drive, but his personal driver took him everywhere.

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