Chapter 39: Not who I thought you were

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         “I don't even know what we can tell him… should we call him?! Maybe he'll find out…?” Taehyung wondered and let out a sigh. “What if they were just practicing? Please let it be that…”

           “Can't be… That was really Jungkook! Why would he do this? Cheating on Jimin is difficult because if he goes off to someone else, that'll be a downgrade!” Yoongi claimed and pressed one of the pictures to zoom in on. “That's his jawline, his nose and hair… It's no use… Jungkook must have gotten tired of Jimin or they could have gotten into a big fight!”

          “No! They're so perfect together… Don't say that!” Taehyung continued as he covered his ears. “What about Minho?! What if Jungkook doesn't want Jimin anymore? Jungkook will have to hurt and kill Jimin and then if he wants to kill Minho, he will!”

          “He'll kill Jimin but he'll leave Minho alone… He's an Alpha after all and alphas are very important. Just… Jimin won't be as important. He's just an omega.” Yoongi replied. It was no secret that the two were nervous about this. They didn't know what lied ahead, but they worried for the couple and just hoped everything will be alright. By now, Yoongi just forgot about the whole fact that Taehyung moaned Hoseok's name. However, the alpha did realize that Taehyung himself didn't even bring it up at all. Keeping the whole wet dream to himself.


              An hour into the whole drama that took place, Jimin was oblivious to it all as he sat on a small bench and watched Minho giggle and run around with Sejin; Jin's and Namjoon's five year old daughter. Minho had on blue denim overalls, a black and white striped sleeve shirt and matching yellow timberlands while Jimin had on shades over his eyes. He wore a white turtleneck sweater and black ripped jeans with white shoes after. As for Sejin, the small girl wore a dark blue, denim jacket, a white blouse with frills along the collar, dark blue jeans and white tennis shoes too. Jin of course, was right by Jimin's side; watching over the kids and gazed at them running around happily. Seokjin had on a loose, pink sweater, black pants and white shoes for the day too. Knowing that they were going to walk all over the kid cafe, they all wore comfortable shoes.

           Jimin pushed up his shades over his eyes and he could see a few parents staring at him with worry in their eyes. It made Jimin feel uncomfortable as he gazed at their nerve-racking gaze. This caused the omega to look over at Seokjin and nudge him after. “W-Why are they staring at me like that…?” Jimin wondered as his friend only shrugged.

           “I guess it's because you're famous.” Seokjin thought as Sejin came running back so her father could fix her ponytail that became loose from running too much. Jimin watched how Sejin sat on her father's lap and allowed Jin to tie her hair up once more. “It's better if you have your hair loose, Sejin.”

            “It gets in the way..” Sejin replied as she pouted. Her lips resembled Seokjin's while she had the gleaming eyes of her other father Namjoon. Just looking at her pale skin and perfectly tilted nose that she also inherited from Namjoon, showed that if you look at her, you'd see Seokjin, but then you'll see Namjoon at the same time but of course, the young girl had her fair share of feminine looks and chubby cheeks the glew a rosy red color.

            “Alright, I'll tie it this time, but if it falls off once more, you'll have to let the hair free.” Jin told his daughter as Sejin nodded her head and finally let her go.

            “How is it like to raise a beta..? She doesn't really cling to any of you..” Jimin asked as Jin looked back at Jimin and smiled.

             “It's just like raising Minho, but she just doesn't stay by my side or Namjoon's side. I guess she just does whatever she likes. She clings to me at times, but then at Namjoon. Betas like who they like. You know, I get so sad when she talks about being a mother when she plays with a baby toy. Namjoon ran this through her once, but she's just like Taehyung when he wanted one of his own. Hopefully in time she'll know. I'd hate to have someone tell her that betas can't bear any pups because society only sees them as toys and nothing more.” The father then sighed and leaned back as he gazed at Minho running around and constantly gazing back at his father. “How's raising an alpha?”

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