Chapter 32: This is it

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            “Ah! An alpha! My baby boy is an alpha!” Jungkook continued as he was finally driving home. “Post the video! We need to tell everyone about it!” Jungkook said so happily. For a first time father, having an alpha for a pup was the best thing Jungkook could ever have. Surely, he would have accepted any type from Minho, but being an alpha meant that he knew how to raise Minho and knew what goes through their young minds. Alphas were at the top of the social rank and Jungkook was more than happy than to take care of his pup through his own experiences.

          “Oh you're so happy about this. This will be my first time to raise an alpha, I was hoping he'd be an omega or a beta since they seem more easier. Alphas are tough to raise, no wonder it was so difficult to take care of Minho for the first few weeks!” Jimin claimed as he looked down to see Minho grabbing onto Jimin's index finger and keeping his small hand locked around it. “I guess my little Min-Min is going to start being more clingy towards me now.”

           “Well, I know that. My mother used to tell me stories on how I would become extremely clingy towards her. Even my father got jealous at some point but he allowed me to grow out of it. I guess it gets worse when they hit their two's or three's!” Jungkook mentioned while Jimin gazed at Minho and even tried to pull his finger back; but, Minho refused to let go.

           “I could tell. Why couldn't I see this sooner? He always had an attitude when it came to you giving him a kiss; he would turn red and grunt too! But when I would give him a kiss, he'd smile and try to reach out to me. He does a good job switching on those… What about the time he kissed your nose?” Jimin wondered as Jungkook started to laugh. “What?”

           “Baby, he did that because he was trying to bite my nose! It's no rocket science, Jiminie.” Jungkook stated while Jimin giggled and made Minho coo after. “That little lion is cooing so much today. I guess reading to him really gets him used to our language. He'll be able to form sentences by age two if we read him books every day. I also think he should start playing piano too! Isn't that something? He'll be an intellectual like Seokjin's husband, Kim Namjoon!”

         “I haven't heard from them in a while. They went to live in ilsan with their daughter, but after that I didn't hear about them at all. They post things on social media so that's as far as I can see.” Jimin claimed and as he pulled his hand away from Minho's small grasp, the pup started waving his hand around and let out a grunt.

         “Mh!” Minho hummed into a grunt as Jimin let out a giggle and dropped his index finger down so Minho wouldn't cry. The pup then held Jimin's finger within his small hand and remained calm while he tried to bite it.

        “A-Ah! No!” Giggled the omega as Jungkook held such a smile while he was driving. Sooner or later, they finally arrived home so they could rest and maybe eat something. But even then, Minho still didn't want to let go of Jimin's hand. It was like he feared heading back to the clinic and getting another shot or even having a cold stethoscope against his exposed chest. “Minho, I'd like to have my finger back, please.” Jimin told his pup while Minho only pressed his head against Jimin's chest and let out a coo. Finally letting go of his father's finger. “Sleepy? Hungry? Do you want another book?” Jimin asked as Jungkook took down the bag and secured the car shut.

         “It's almost time for you to breastfeed him anyways~” Jungkook added with a smirk while he walked over to the door and unlocked it so Jimin could carry Minho in. “So-”

         “Don't start, Jungkookie!” Jimin giggled as he shoved the alpha back and kept walking with Minho to his nursery room. “I don't want you to watch.”

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