Chapter 71: As far as the eye can see

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          It was the following morning, Jimin woke up hugging a pillow as always and being left to sleep by a bare spot right next to him. Jungkook already left for work and left the omega with the pup once again. Minho was able to detach himself from his father easily and be able to spend time with the two equally like a beta and no longer held Jimin up on this pedestal since he was an omega and think of his father as a figure to protect. It took a lot of tears and complaints, but Minho gave in and grew apart from Jimin enough for his little phase to end before his fourth birthday. Minho was able to learn things so easily and Jimin was proud that attitude from the pup was finally over. Who could have known that Minho was able to distinguish this behavior and learn so easily? This came to show that the pup had an intelligent mind for his age and of course, had time to play around equally too!

               The omega got ready for his day and walked out of the bathroom with his pajamas before going to the pup's room. It was about 11:05 AM and he suspected the pup to be awake by now, but Minho was still asleep. Normally, the pup would be up at the moment. Yet, the pup was asleep. “That sleepy pup~” Jimin whispered to himself and stepped in to see that Minho wasn't in bed. “Minho..?” Jimin whispered as he then looked under the bed and then the dresser. But no Minho. “Minho?” Jimin called out slightly louder and walked out of the bedroom. He was growing afraid almost instantly because he knew that deep down, there was someone out there watching over the family. That monster alone was able to pick the lock and mess with their heads; especially Jimin's because he alone wasn't sure when the monster was planning to make the first move. However, Jimin just thought this was it.

             “MINHO?!” Jimin called out and hurried out the bedroom and stopped at the rails of the second floor to realize that the galaxy was on and Jimin only looked around in the dim room to see that a spotlight shined on the pup sitting by the piano and giggling as he pressed his finger against the middle C on the piano. “Oh thank goodness…” Jimin let out a sigh and pressed his head down against the rails of the stairs while he watched over the pup before going to join him by the piano. As Jimin approached the pup, he noticed a bill of ₩1,000 on the piano once more and grew silent as Minho looked up and let out a cute giggle. “Stop letting your father bribe you! What did he make you do now?”

             “Minho played Father a beautiful song and father loved it so much, Father gave Minho an award! Does daddy want to hear it?” The pup asked as Jimin nodded his head and sat down with the pup before having Minho sit right on his lap so the pup wouldn't have to crouch so his small body could reach the keys of the piano. “Minho will play the best song for daddy!” The young pup continued as he then slammed his small hands on the piano and giggled before turning around and hugging the omega. “Did daddy love it?!”

          “O-Oh of course! It was perfect.” Jimin lied knowing that those words pleased his sweet little boy.

           “Minho will accept Minho's award now!” The pup added as Jimin then smiled and brought the pup down and over his lap to give him kisses on his cheek and tickles over his stomach. “-AH! MINHO MEANT WONS!” The pup shouted before letting out his pitched giggles that made Jimin laugh while the pup kept trying to fight against it.

          “Minho has so much money already! What will my little Min-Min do with more wons?” Jimin asked as the pup then smiled and stood up on the piano stool to face his father.

          “Minho will buy Sejin a ring just like father and Daddy!” The pup answered happily as Jimin began to giggle and hug his pup after. “Father says Minho needs to talk to Satan first! Who's Satan, Daddy?” Minho wondered as Jimin suddenly knew what Minho meant by that.

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