Chapter 8: Wish

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         During the long livestream the couple had, they showed off the clothes Taehyung gifted them along with nursery books they would soon read to their pup. At this moment, Minho already fell asleep and was sleeping in his crib with his yellow mittens covering his small and pink hands in his sleep. Jimin rested on Jungkook’s shoulder as they sat close for the livestream talking about how difficult it is to raise a pup -especially for first time parents like them- the two went on to explain it as the comments spammed things like; “Please remember to eat!” “Sleep every chance you get.” “Take turns caring for Minho.”

        Jimin read these helpful comments and made a smile while he nodded his head. “Ah, I just don't want to pull away from taking care of our pup… I want to be there every second and I'm pretty sure Jungkook does too.” Jimin answered while Jungkook moved his hand behind Jimin’s head and started to fluff his hair and smile at him.

        “Jimin is very overprotective when it comes to our little Minho. He doesn't want to be excluded because he worries Minho might want me to take care of him more. My omega wants us equal.” Jungkook chuckled and leaned in to give Jimin’s head a kiss. “I would love to try taking turns, but Jimin isn't a fan of that.”

         “Not that I despise that lovely idea… I just, want to be by Minho a lot. I don't want him to grow up too soon and look back and see that his parents didn't care. I want him to know that he is loved.” Concluded the Omega and made another smile as he looked into Jungkook’s eyes while the comment section spammed with hearts once more and chants demanding a kiss from the fans.

          Jungkook then turned his head to dodge the kiss into a tease while Jimin giggled. The Alpha then sat up, leaving Jimin to press his head against the couch. “Why.. Is there so much yellow and blue everywhere?” Jungkook read a question out as he let out a little smile to answer. “Because we like those colors and chose to have the nursery theme like this. It's adorable, isn't it? We also have small bunnies and baby chick toys.” The alpha answered and sat in close to read one more question. “When are you going back to act?” Jungkook read while Jimin looked at Jungkook; wanting to hear his answer. “Well… That I don't know. I'm going on hiatus to raise Minho. He's a week old and I hate to leave him now. So, soon. Just wait for my comeback.” Jungkook answered as he turned his head to look at Jimin. “What about you, babe?”

           “I don't think I will. Minho is here and since you will go back to act, I guess I should stay and care for our little pup.” Jimin claimed as he smiled at the livestream once more. “We should get to sleep now, Jungkookie.” Jimin said as he stood up to stretch. “I'll be in the room.” Jungkook then smiled at Jimin and watched the Omega leave the room. “Jungkookie! Take advantage of the time we have now.”

            “Ah, alright. Goodbye!” Jungkook then waved his hand as he stood up and walked over to Minho’s crib so he could end the livestream. “Here's Minho one more time!” Jungkook said into a whisper as he pointed at Minho sleep in his crib with his beautiful eyes shut and a pacifier he sucked on in his sleep. “Bye!” Jungkook then ended the livestream and made such a smile while he took the phone off the selfie stick. The younger then walked over to the couch and sat down as he looked through his email. Hoping to see new offers on roles, but not act in any… Just having the feeling of being contacted and asked to be in movies or plays made him smile. It's been such a long time since he had the opportunity to do so. He missed the spotlight and the paparazzi. Of course, when he goes out on his own for a while, people were bound to take pictures. But he wanted something else to talk about other than having to explain when is his next comeback.

           Jungkook then gazed at Manager Xin’s phone number on his contacts as he let out a sigh. He wanted to call him so bad and be told the roles he was offered, only to decline them for the sake of Minho. Jungkook felt empty without his limelight since this was all he's ever known. Of course, Jungkook understood that being a parent wasn't going to come so easily. He'd have to sacrifice things he loved just so Minho could get the attention of his caring parents. Even Jimin gave up his dream and stuck to the one-hit wonder role he had in ‘Rujiko’ The boy looked back at that film and felt like the two of them went through a lot during the filming of it. People could just look at the movie and rely on what they saw on screen, but to Jungkook and Jimin, this film meant the world to them. It wasn't what was shown, but hidden. It held their love story within every blooper, within every glance at production. It was a perfect serenity they had behind curtains.

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