Chapter 97: Only if you can

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           Jimin turned his face away to gaze down at the ground due to how nervous he became. Jungkook's glare at the envelope deepened as he walked forward and read the words on top of the thick letter. “To my loving son, Sahiro Minho.” Jungkook read in his head and tilted his head so suddenly to shift his glare onto his husband. “...Where did you get this…?”

          “I-I went out with Minho today and brought Joo-Ho along too…” Jimin whispered and placed his hand over his stomach ever so gently. “We didn't stay home…”

         “Did I say you can leave?”

          “Jungkook… I-”

          “No, you aren't allowed to leave without telling me! I have to know. What if something happened to all of you? How would I know? Did you forget there's a crazy man that hired his apprentice to stalk you and probably try to do something even worse?! Telling by the envelope you have here, I guess you had a wake up call.” Jungkook spoke to discipline his omega and then folded his arms.

        “C-Can you let me speak for once?! You're always cutting me off when I try to speak my mind! You've always done this to me… I'd like it if you'd just listen to me, please! I… I just wanted to go out and finally do something and keep Minho from being locked up all day. You may not see it, but he gets so lonely. It's not easy to stay here everyday and not feel your heart grow heavy when you hear Minho complaining of being locked away like a prisoner. I wanted to tell you, but I knew you would drop everything to come back and tell me that I can't do that. Now… I just realized that not even an hour outside the house we could last without Kyunsji's minion coming after us… But now, he's targeting our Minho…”  Jimin spoke. His eyes began to gleam with tears as Jungkook sat on the coffee table to look at his omega, reaching his hand up to dry the tear that slipped off his eye with each time he bat his eyes shut.

          “Baby, I just want to protect you both. I'm telling you to stay indoors to avoid that! Ah, I don't want to torture you both… Whenever I get the chance, I take you both out for some time together. But, with that monster pulling unknown moves left and right, you can't expect me to learn that this crazy man is trying to lure in my pup and feel all calm about it! Of course I'm going to flip! Jiminie, I only want to protect you both. Do not go out ever again without letting me know! Imagine what could have happened.” Jungkook told his omega. No longer raising the tone of his voice since he knew his omega was just tired of staying indoors all day for the sake of their only pup. “I can't get mad at you… You're just tired… I am too…” Jungkook whispered and stood up to hug his omega while Jimin pressed his head against Jungkook's waist so gently.

            “Jungkookie… If it wasn't for Joo-Ho, Minho would be missing… Imagine how quick he had to be just to stop him from trying to lure our little boy any further! He's a good bodyguard to us… Don't get upset.. Please…” Jimin added on and Jungkook only sighed and rolled his omega's hair back so softly to lean in and give him a gentle kiss on his head.

           “I'm not upset… Just call me next time, okay?” Jungkook whispered and still hugged his omega close. “What do we do with the envelope?”

           “It's filled with wons. But I don't want anything to do with it. Maybe… We can give it to Joo-Ho… Minho can't have so much money like that and Joo-Ho was the one that saved him. So, let's give it to him. Just get rid of that envelope. Reading it in my head endlessly makes me feel so nauseous…” The omega claimed and Jungkook let out a scoff that shifted into a chuckle after.

          “I’ll burn it. Jiminie… Don't stress this out. It's not good for you, baby…” Jungkook told his omega and with that, they spent a whole minute in silence until, Joo-Ho stepped out of Minho's room and made a smile at the couple down on the first floor. “Joo-Ho… Thank you for protecting Minho…” Jungkook spoke up and smiled at the alpha at the second floor. “You already earned the job and my trust.” Jungkook announced as Jimin still had his head pressed against his alpha's torso.

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