Chapter 99: When we were at peace

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          The family finally arrived back and throughout these two months, Joo-Ho lived in the extra room right by Minho's room. He lived with the Jeons and along the way, he almost felt like he was part of the family like Manager Xin. Even if the elder wasn't around the family as often as he used to, he still handled the case since he had his own life to focus on now. Joo-Ho was here to help and his bond with Minho represented the bond Jungkook had with his manager before. Making Jimin smile at the friendship they had. Of course, Minho still had Sejin; paying her visits on Sundays when the beta wasn't held back by schoolwork.

           Minho ran into the house and instantly jumped onto the piano stool and slammed his small hands onto the piano to then look back at Joo-Ho. “Best friend! Come teach me!” Minho said happily as Joo-Ho walked over to the pup and sat down next to him. Up until recently, Joo-Ho has been teaching Minho how to play music on the piano since Jungkook and Jimin were too busy at times to do so.

       With the pups Jimin carried, most of the time he spent was, eating and sleeping while Jungkook was busy acting all the time. The omega paid attention to Jungkook becoming busy each and every day, and at times, it would make the pregnant omega feel a little upset he'd see other families spending time together, but not his own. It would be rare times like this since work got in the way and Jimin's pregnancy alone. Yet, it didn't mean they dropped their guards due to the silence Kyunsji made with his apprentice. That only made the bodyguard raise a brow while he focused on protecting the three and ready to risk his own life to take any bullet for them so Jungkook doesn't have to.

          Jungkook messed Minho's hair up and gave him a kiss on his head before tilting his head and glancing at him after. “Don't stay past your bedtime again! I gave you too much privileges at the premiere. I won't do it again.”

         “Why?” Minho asked curiously and Jimin only folded his arms after. Just then, Jungkook leaned in to whisper to the pup, but make his whisper slightly louder so Jimin could hear him as well.

          “Because your Daddy is very scary… He might tie me up and touch my-”

           “H-HEY! Stop telling him those things!” Jimin shouted and shoved Jungkook to then, grab him by the ear. “It's your bedtime now.” Jimin cooed and Joo-Ho laughed at how Jimin always had Jungkook wrapped around his finger to do whatever he wanted with no exceptions.

          Jimin dragged the alpha to the room and before he could shut the bathroom door, Jimin shouted goodnight to the two as Joo-Ho sat in closer to hit the piano keys in so Minho wouldn't hear whatever his parents would be doing in the bedroom upstairs. Back at the second floor, Jimin had Jungkook laying on the bed as he locked the door and leaned against it with a smile on his smug face.

           “Would you look at that… Jeon Jimin wants to be the one on top tonight~ you're hilarious, babe.” Jungkook teased, keeping in mind that he'd always be the one to dominate. “I thought you wouldn't want to do it tonight~ we did it yesterday, but I don't mind a round two.”

           “Give me a break, Jungkook! I'm not going to do any of that. It'll be Minho's birthday tomorrow and the last thing I want to see is him running in and seeing me naked with a leash attatched to my choker like last time! Besides, I can't really keep silent. It's so hard to hold in my screams so Minho or even Joo-Ho won't hear me.” Jimin said and began to unbutton the white coat over his white dress shirt underneath. “I'm going to sleep.” Jimin concluded. Walking forward as Jungkook stood up and made his way up to his omega to push him back against the wall and have his hands caging him under.

          “Are you sure…? Limited time offer, I'd even throw in my tie and the blindfold too!” Jungkook whispered as Jimin giggled and tried to shove the alpha away, but Jungkook suddenly slammed his hands against the wall and made a thud, causing the omega to flinch and let out a laugh.

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