Chapter 41: Change of plans

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             Jimin rested his head against Jungkook's shoulder as he let out a sigh. He heard his alpha mention moving now and this only left him to think about the whole stress that comes from it. “We… We can't move again…” Jimin whispered, yet, he wasn't disagreeing with the thought. He knew it was mandatory; however, a side of him just wished to stay in place out of everything.

            “Jimin, we have to. It's the only way to keep each other safe. We'll start picking a place soon and I'll take care of everything.” Jungkook promised as he gave Jimin a kiss on the cheek while he had him in his arms.

           “I'm not against it… I'm just tired of it. What if Minho hates moving? He didn't want to do it after his first birthday and it was tough for him to adjust to it. Now, he has to move again and won't see Sejin again. It hurts him, Jungkook…” Jimin continued as the alpha then let out a sigh and looked to the side of the wall. By there, Jungkook locked his gaze over at the phone Jimin tossed against the wall. “Baby… Were you that mad at me?” Jungkook asked as he looked back at his omega.

           “I thought you didn't love me anymore and that was something I couldn't live with… I was such a mess...” Responded the omega. The older then clung onto Jungkook's black jacket and inhaled the scent of his alpha that was mixed with his own scent. Showing that he was Jimin's alpha. “I don't want to lose you… I was so upset that even Minho understood… Then I had to buy him chicken, candy, and soda so he could smile. It worked though, but not for me…”

           “It was all Kyunsji. That monster is out there somewhere and I just can't sit by and wait for him to attack me so he could keep the two lights of my life. We… Just need a place to stay until we find our own. I need to get this house on the market and then get another house, during the transition, we can't stay here…”

           “Maybe we can stay with Jin until we find a place? He's very helpful and he also has tight security. Ah, wait a second.. did you even tell everyone that it wasn't you?” Jimin asked as Jungkook face palmed and shook his head.

            “I don't want to.. They'll murder me and won't believe the whole issue. The world knows about Kyunsji ever since that day he almost killed me, but they all know he's in the asylum… No one knows he got out today and caused such a big problem…” Jungkook claimed. The alpha then watched Jimin snatch Jungkook’s own phone as he held his alpha's hand and took a picture right where their hands lied locked together. The alpha was silent as Jimin logged out of the young actor's twitter and logged onto his own. “What are you doing?”

            “I'm going to clear it up the best I can.” Jimin stated as he laid back on his alpha's chest and began to make a post. His notifications were muted since he was being tagged to the same post countless times. This left Jimin to ignore it as he decided to finally speak about the issue.

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