Chapter 49: A rush~

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           Jungkook carried Jimin to the bedroom and didn't want to stop right at the living room. He wanted all of Jimin; everything about his body, his imperfections, his soft skin and lustful gaze that began to rush through a simple touch Jungkook had on the omega. Jungkook set Jimin down on the bed and looked down at him to suddenly point his face up by holding him by his chin. “You just dare to test me…” Jungkook whispered as he swiped his tongue in between his own lips while Jimin laid on the bed. Only then, Jimin dropped his hands over his own body to let out a huff of breath. Already feeling the rush of his alpha just counting the seconds before he let himself go. Ready to touch Jimin and kiss him so hungrily.

           Jungkook watched how Jimin laid there and slowly bit his lip. Tempting the tensed alpha as Jungkook then dropped in so suddenly and forced his lips against Jimin's. Automatically, Jimin let out sharp pants and arched his body forward until Jungkook pinned Jimin's hands above his head and bit the omega's bottom lip. By now, Jimin doubted Jungkook could even form a sentence over how deep he was going into his rut. He felt his lover's hands run down to his pants as he tugged on the waistband under the pants Jimin wore. “start slow...” Jimin huffed into a whisper as Jungkook smirked and stood up before licking his lips once more. He suddenly turned the omega over on the bed and pulled the older's hips down before Jimin could even think to crawl over to the center. Jungkook pulled Jimin so swiftly, he left the omega to let out a yelp as he looked back with a red blush over his eyes. “O-Oh Kookie… Don't…” Jimin begged the alpha, not knowing if he could make it if the alpha chose to go in rough, but of course, Jungkook knew his limits when it came to his sensitive omega.

           Suddenly, Jungkook pulled Jimin's pants down and had his omega arch his back over the bed. He knew Jungkook loved this position the most when it came to his rut, it made it easier for him to stand and pull Jimin each time he gave his husband rough anal as Jimin was bent over the bed. Jimin glided his hands down onto the bed as he let out a sharp breath and suddenly felt Jungkook strip away the omega's underwear and pants, nearly ripping it off due to how impatient he has become. “J-Jungkookie… T-Take it easy.” Jimin whispered as Jungkook suddenly spanked his omega's rear and caused the older to close his eyes while he bit his lip against the bed sheets.

        “You think you can tell me what to do in bed?~” Jungkook whispered as he then teased his index finger along Jimin's rim and leaned over to roll Jimin's shirt up and have his other hand glide upwards until his hand found Jimin's clip that held his bra closed. As soon as Jungkook unclipped the bra, Jimin automatically felt his alpha's finger's tease his hard nipple as he let out a huff. By now, Jungkook traced his other hand away from Jimin's rim that was slowly starting to lubricate, and down to the base of his cock where Jungkook started to touch Jimin; running his fingers along the sensitive points of his husband’s body. “Cry for me.. Scream my name…” Jungkook whispered as he watched Jimin start to whimper against the bed sheets. He felt the omega's body grow hot while his face was tinted red within seconds. “I'll fuck you like this until I'm done… Understand? Hm?” Jungkook asked and suddenly began to kiss along Jimin's soft skin on his back and up to his neck right after.

           Jungkook still wore his clothes as his omega just had on his top rolled up along his upper torso as Jungkook tried to calm himself down before ripping it apart and fucking the omega naked over the bed. It was when Jimin's body began to shiver and his entrance became wet with lubrication; Showing that he wanted it already. The omega grew hard and was begging to feel pain as he let out a mewl and clenched his small hands onto the bed sheets. Only then, he hummed his whines as Jungkook knew he just couldn't hold back. The alpha quickly took his shirt off and flipped Jimin over, wanting to be able to lick along his bite mark while he fucks his husband through it all. Jungkook loosened the belt over his jeans as he leaned his body in and lowered his underwear until he was able to pull his hard and wet cock out before rubbing the head along Jimin's entrance to get the entrance lubricated enough before he cab begin. “Ngh…” Jungkook growled impatiently as Jimin's body began to shake slightly from the teasing feeling of Jungkook's wet tip rub his sensitive entrance.

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