Chapter 24: More than a feeling

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          It was about ten minutes into the play and Jimin sat over Jungkook's lap; giggling and looking into his husband's eyes to lean in and receive many kisses from his alpha. “Jungkookie~” Jimin giggled silently while the play was still going. This left Jimin to try and stop the kisses and flirting so he could pay attention to the play. “Kookie! We are in a public place!” Giggled Jimin into a whisper against his husband’s ear as Jungkook then stopped kissing and teasing his fangs along Jimin's neck; yet, this only left him with his hair messy and out of place.

         “I can't help it~” the younger continued while he still had Jimin over his lap to keep him close. “I have a feeling people caught that and took pictures.” Jungkook stated as Jimin smiled and caressed Jungkook's hair back before leaning in on his lover's chest.

         “Do you really think so? I didn't even know!” The omega responded into a whisper so sarcastically.

         “Ah, shut it, I knew that.” Jungkook chuckled as Jimin smiled and leaned his head against his alpha once more to watch the lovely and romantic play before them. After the play, they stood up and looked for a way to avoid a crowd. Just below them, they could see people who weren't originally seated at the venue show up and wait for them by the entrance. This left Jimin to smile and wave at some of his fans so happily.

         “Jungkookie, look! They're all here to see the two of us.” Said the bubbly omega while he looked back to see Jungkook pull Jimin close and not allow him to leave until they were escorted by security.

         “Don't you even dare, we can't even step out of this place without security guards. Ah, you make it seem like you haven't come across the groups of fans of ours.” Jungkook mentioned as he held Jimin's hand as they awaited a staff security to take them out of the box seat area. Eventually, two staff securities came by their side to walk them out of the theatre. By now, Jungkook and Jimin finally reached their car with paparazzi still flashing their cameras and shouting do many questions, this made Jimin push his shades up as he then huddled in closer to his alpha who protected him along with the two other security guards.

            As soon as they climbed into the car, Jungkook heard the many muffled and inaudible questions being asked to them while they hid within the sealed car to look around them and still feel the flash against their windows. “Shit… These people really are annoying..” Jungkook hissed to himself and inserted the keys while Jimin was smiling at the cameras and posing while his husband focused on pulling the car out of the parking lot. “Are you really posing for the cameras?”

           “Well, I don't see you doing anything.” Jimin giggled while he then placed on his seat belt and made a heart with his fingers so happily. Jungkook watched Jimin continue to pose until the alpha knew this was enough before he started to pull out of the parking lot. By there, they safely drove off to eat dinner together now that the play was done and the clock on their phones flashed 7:04 PM signalling them to head out and eat before they lose their appetite.

          Concurrently, Taehyung was back at the house with Yoongi while he he carried Minho in his arms at the living room while Yoongi was fast asleep in the nursery room; sleeping on the couch. Yoongi was never told that Hoseok was going to stop by soon to take care of Minho as well. Only Taehyung knew but he had his doubts since Jung Hoseok would at times forget to show up to places on time. Taehyung believed Hoseok wouldn't show up, but little did he know, Hoseok was slowly growing fond over the beta so, there was no way he would avoid Taehyung like this.

          “Minho, you're so small! How did this cruel world ever deserve such a cute little pup like you?” Taehyung cooed while Minho slammed his small hands over Taehyung's exposed forehead and blew raspberries at the beta followed by a smile that appeared over the corners of his lips. Right when Taehyung was rubbing his nose against Minho's small and button-like nose, Minho threw his small hand over Taehyung's big nose and cooed. “You're such a mean little pup, Minho…” Taehyung laughed. Only then, there was a hyper and melodic knock at the door. This only left Taehyung to realize it must have been the director. Jungkook and Jimin gave off the passwords of the gates over to Mr. Xin, Taehyung, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Seokjin; only allowing them to come over when they need to pay Minho a little visit or just hang out.

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