Chapter 75: Quick-witted

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             Jimin sat there. Finally face to face with Kyunsji with glass separating the two from having a close contact. But to Jimin, he only wished the glass was thicker to keep him far from the alpha's creepy gaze. Kyunsji sat down on the other side of the glass while the phone was pointed out to Jimin so the prisoner could hear him once he held the phone up to his ear. “Do I have to repeat myself to get it through your thick skull, Sahiro Kyunsji?!” Jimin rose his voice as the alpha let out a relieved sigh to place his free hand over the glass while he held the phone against his ear with his other.

            “Oh Jiminie… Your here..” Kyunsji whispered as Jimin folded his arms and leaned back on the seat. “Why would I leave my family alone? I love you all so equally. Baby, you can't make me ignore you and leave you at that..” Kyunsji said and made a smile as Jimin rolled his eyes. “I just wish this glass didn't stand between us..”

            “You listen here, I do not appreciate you chasing after MY family. Stay the hell away from them… I know what you're doing and I'm here to tell you to stop! Don't you get tired of doing the same thing over and over again? I'm not yours!” Jimin rose the tone of his voice and scoffed. “You're making me insane… Why can't you move on? I'm happy with Jungkook and I came here to get you to stop in the most civilized manner.”

            “But baby, you know you wouldn't come on your own. I had to call you through that letter. You mean so much to me!” Kyunsji said and pulled a pout just like Jungkook's but the scars along the sides of his face made Jimin have an unsettling feeling. “Oh Jiminie… You're as beautiful as I hoped you were. This is the first time in years I finally see you like this. Face to face… Eye to eye… Smile to smile.. Well, almost a smile for you. But to me, my smile will go ear to ear for you. Even if I suffer… Sahiro Jimin-ssi… You make me so happy.” Kyunsji said while he still kept his hand over the glass and smiled. “Let's talk about anythi-”

           “No! How about my name first? It's JEON Jimin. Get it right..” Jimin snapped and slammed his hands onto the table as he stood up. “I'm sick and tired of you always coming after me! Leave me and my family out of your own, sick, little world! You don't know how much I hate this… And you. You make me feel paranoid to the point where I feel stares from outside my window! I know what you're fucking doing you piece of shit…” Jimin hissed while Kyunsji kept his gleaming gaze at Jimin. Not really caring about what the omega told him. All he focused on was that Jimin kept his eyes on the alpha the whole time and having Jimin there, was enough to make Kyunsji happy. “LISTEN TO ME!”

            “I am…” Kyunsji answered and kept his eyes at Jimin like he was the precious gem to his world. “I hear you, I see you… I can feel how much you hate me, but in exchange… I love you.” Whispered the alpha into the phone as Jimin snatched the phone hanging from his side and gripped onto the cord. “Calm down, my princess~ I don't want you to get your heat… Okay? Take it easy.” Kyunsji told the omega and this alone made the older see how much the alpha had in common with Jungkook. Every little word, every little smile and tone was like Jungkook. Jimin just felt like he was going to be sick from the alpha's actions. The way Kyunsji sweet talked the older caused Jimin to feel disgusted through every word the younger uttered. “Are you calm now, my dear?” Kyunsji whispered into the phone as Jimin held the phone back and looked down with a sour look to his face.

            “I'm not yours… I'M NOT YOURS! I'll never be yours, Kyunsji. You need help… I-I can't do this anymore.. I never wanted you to follow me.. Take a fucking hint already! You're killing me!” Jimin hissed as his tears began to run while Kyunsji only let out a pout and started to tear up while he took out a tissue and began to wipe the glass gently. Wanting to be the one to wipe Jimin's tears dry. “S-Stop it, you idiot!”

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