Chapter 102: After two months

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         As the small gathering came to an end, Jungkook brought up a knife and popped the balloons with the tip of the iron point. Continuing on popping balloons as Minho shouted from a distance, ran up to his father and held his elbow back so he wouldn't ruin any more balloons. “NO!” Minho shouted as Jungkook set the knife over the shelf and looked down at his pup. “Minho loves the balloons! Father, please!” Minho begged and Jungkook only pulled a smirk before he grabbed the knife once more and popped the yellow balloon to his right. “NOO!”

       “What are you talking about? You don't want me to hurt the balloons?~” Jungkook teased as Minho desperately nodded his head. Just the sight of his pup's pout made the alpha start to laugh maniacally and then suddenly stab another balloon, making the loud pop sound erupt within the pup's ears. Suddenly causing Minho to flinch and deepen his pout. Just then, Jimin suddenly shoved Jungkook to the side and confiscated the knife Jungkook played around with.

       “Jungkook! If Minho said he didn't want you to pop the balloons, you don't pop them!” Jimin scolded the alpha, but he was suddenly cut off from his own laugh once Jungkook tilted his head and folded his arms to smirk at his husband so playfully. “Ah, Minho it's time for bed.” Jimin changed the topic and placed the knife down on the coffee table before scooping the pup up and into his arms.

       “Daddy's belly is big! Brothers or sisters ate too much!” Minho giggled and looked down at the omega's stomach that wasn't too big just yet. It looked rather normal so far, but Minho was able to catch each time it grew more than a week before.

        “It's not that big! It shows a little difference, but other than that… It's not as big as you say it is!” Jimin complained as Jungkook let out a cough. “Really? Ah.. Hey, where's Joo-Ho?” Jimin asked as Jungkook pointed his thumb to the back and threw it over his shoulder to point at the door.

         “He said he felt as if something was off tonight… So, he walked outside to take a good look. He's walking around the yard as we speak, but I don't want you to stress about it. Joo-Ho will be able to catch anything that he feels that's off.” Jungkook assured and the omega gazed at the door with a stare. It was the fact that he too felt that something was off. He knew it so well, but Jungkook just didn't want his omega to even grow a stress hair about it. Just because he feared or stressed over one thing, he was at risk of hurting the pups inside him if he allowed his blood pressure to rise.

          “But-” Jimin sputtered, but his alpha didn't allow him to speak any further into his sentence.

          “No. Go upstairs. There's nothing to talk about. Just know that you'll be safe, okay?” Jungkook assured and walked forward to lean in and kiss Jimin on the lips while Minho rested his head over Jimin's shoulder. “No matter what you think, don't stress about it… Okay? Think about our pups and how hurt they'll be if you keep causing your blood pressure to rise and stress over this.”

          “...I… I understand… I'll go read Minho to sleep.” Jimin assured and walked off to go read Minho to sleep. His mind was occupied on trying to toss away every little second doubt he had in his mind; just so his unborn pups wouldn't suffer through it.

          “... Minho has many toys… Uncle Hoseok bought Minho many toys!” Minho spoke out to lighten up the mood as Jimin finally pulled a smile to himself. “Minho gave some to Ju-won… Ju-won loved the toys!”

          “What about Sejin? Did you give Sejin some toys?” Jimin wondered and stepped into the bedroom for the pup that was filled with many toys and cardboards that housed the toys before Minho opened them and threw them around so carelessly.

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