Chapter 87: Second thoughts

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          “I don't like him.” Jungkook said and walked into his own bedroom while Jimin followed with his arms folded and growing disappointed at the same time. “The way he stutters, smiles at you and mentions how happy and how ‘hard' he worked to get here! What did he work hard for?! How is something like this a dream job?! He's a creepy fan that did this to get to us! He could be the stalker Kyunsji hired to come after us!” Jungkook hissed into a whisper as Jimin then shoved Jungkook onto the bed and ensured the door was shut.

            “S-Stop! He's an alpha too. He can hear you!” Jimin replied in a lower tone and locked the door behind him. “Don't say that about him… Honestly, I don't want to hear about any flaw he could have. It hurts me… I'm tired of running from that thing and now that there's someone who seems good, you come up with the most ridiculous assumption yet!” Jimin shot back and looked down with his arms folded after he shoved his husband against the bed. “Calm down, Jungkookie… He's not out to get us. Ugh, that thing really did leave you traumatized, huh?” Jimin asked as Jungkook kept gazing up at his omega in silence. “Please… Just please don't do this… Don't pick fights with him because you don't know what he knows.”

            “Jimin… Jimin, I feel like something is off with him! Don't be so gullible!”

             “No, Jungkook! He smiles at me because he's trying to be nice and he's excited to see us. We're very famous so he smiles. He stutters because he is nervous meeting us! It's his first time here and Joo-Ho is expressing how excited he is. It's not easy to be a bodyguard so he worked hard for this. It's not that deep, Kookie! Stop looking into this.” Jimin told his husband as Jungkook thought on it and had to believe it was a misunderstanding. Jimin knew Jungkook was left paranoid from Kyunsji's constant attacks and such a fear of letting that alpha in their house through a mistake was worse enough. There was that constant fear that roared behind Jungkook's mind and it was his instinct on protecting his family. That alone came with trust issues that never failed to show especially when it came to meeting Joo-Ho; the soon-to-be bodyguard for the Jeon family.

              At the moment, Minho was downstairs with his toy car as Joo-Ho looked up at the bedroom door and back at Minho while Manager Xin stepped out to handle business matters with another actor to support while he still worked with Jungkook. Joo-Ho was now, all alone with Jeon Minho and he couldn't help but to stand there and not communicate with the pup while waiting for the couple and the elder. Joo-Ho got down on his knees and crawled to the pup as Minho was busy blowing raspberries and moving the car with his hand. Not really using the remote to control it.

             “Hey there! Do you know how a remote controlled car works?” Joo-Ho asked the pup as Minho stopped and had his little tongue stuck out while he was blowing raspberries and making car noises. “You use this little remote to move the car without actually touching it! It's really fun. My little boy used to love these cars… I thought you would love them too!” Joo-Ho stated. Sounding as if he wanted to bring Minho almost everything his own son loved.

            “Minho wants to move the car.” Minho replied with a cute smile and resumed blowing raspberries and moving the car around. For a three-year-old pup, Joo-Ho was surprised that Minho was very communicative for his age too. “....Minho also thinks friend is a nice friend.” The pup added as the man smiled to himself, leaned in to lay on the ground and gaze up at the pup right by him. The alpha then held his head up with his hands against his cheeks and his elbows against the rug under them. “Minho likes new friend.”

            “Friend… Me? You like me?” The man asked and smiled. “I always wanted a friend. Thank you for making me feel wanted.” Joo-Ho responded and kept gazing at the pup like he was his own.

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