Chapter 36: The love in your eyes

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            Taehyung held the phone up to his ear with a smile. All evening to night, he was by himself while his alpha worked a night shift. It felt so nice to finally have a call from someone. Yoongi would be too busy to even call so his husband spent most of his time by himself. “Hello?” Taehyung answered and just hearing the sound of someone else's voice made him feel a lot more better.

            “Hi, Taehyung! I know I already called but I was bored.. You really are the only one on my contacts other than business and my family members.” Hoseok mentioned as Taehyung did feel a bit bad that Hoseok seemed to be a very social alpha, but when all of those things are weighed down nothing, Hoseok needed friends the most. “So, what are you up to? I've been meaning to reconnect with you and start being more of a friend to you.”

           “Oh thank you so much! I'm glad you want to try and tie up loose ends with me.. It's been so long. I'd like that.” Taehyung answered so happily in response. It was something about talking to Hoseok to avoid hearing nothing but silence all day. It was the feeling of having someone there for Taehyung when he didn't even have his alpha around him like that. Taehyung grew to enjoy the company Hoseok supplied him with. Letting the alpha in once again and setting the issues they had before, aside and ignoring it once more. Taehyung tried not to think too much into the issues he had with the alpha before and was glad to finally have him in his life again. Hoseok struck Taehyung as a kind alpha and that was all Taehyung wanted to see from him. A happy and kind alpha that didn't ever want to come between the married couple. Of course, that's what Taehyung believed as Yoongi thought otherwise. It was in Yoongi's nature to think that Hoseok wanted so much more from the beta.

          “Hey, Taehyung… I think we should see each other one day. I think it'll be nice to finally meet after so long! I know you said you don't want me to travel so far for you… But I want to! Very soon I'll start on another movie project and I want to run it through you.” Hoseok claimed while he couldn't bear to hold a blank face when he heard the beta giggle. It was like all those things he did bad to the the beta was no more and now, they had their friendship rising between them once again.

          “Soon. I just don't want to force you to come over here. You must have gotten back from your big trip and the least I want to do is stress you out.” Taehyung added and made a smile. “You come here when you want and maybe we could meet up and eat something together or drink something! I have so much to tell you.”

          “I can't wait.. You're making me want to head over there now so I could hear it all! Ah, I can't help but to feel like I ruined my friendship with someone as great as you. I can't believe you forgave me for it all…”  

         “Ah, Hoseok it's been years since that happened! Just be happy that I don't hold grudges.” Taehyung assured. For the whole hour, they spent the night talking and bonding as friends. It was a big change compared to what happened years ago; but now they were bonding together and setting everything aside. The young beta felt like he could trust the alpha once again and being able to work with the director was enough to make the man excited to meet Hoseok after so long.

         Eventually, the two talked until 1:46 AM and by now, Taehyung was getting sleepy. It was hours into the call when Taehyung was starting to close his eyes each time. “I feel like I'm going to sleep any second!” Taehyung laughed as the alpha on the other line was listening through speaker as he kept it on the spot next to him on the bed. It was like the two were laying down together, sharing stories and secrets which brought them closer, even if they were far from each other.

         “Ah, do you really have to sleep?” Hoseok asked. The alpha was laying on his own bed while he closed his eyes to imagine Taehyung was laying on a pillow right by him… But this only left Hoseok to feel really lonely. There was things he wanted like having Taehyung by his side, but that was something he could never have. Yet, it took him a while to realize it. Of course, he never wanted to turn the page to see the fine print stating that he wasn't ever to be with the beta ever again. “Stay up a little longer… We could do this often now. Just you and me..”

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