Can't We Help?

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"Hey sweets you ok? You were quiet at dinner." Stef asked taking a seat on the outside porch next to her daughter for she had noticed how quiet Frankie had been. Sure she had her days but usually the girl talked their head off much like she did as a kid. "Everything ok with you and Erin?"

"Yeah we are fine mama."

"Yeah then what's up my love? MM. I can tell something is on your  mind." Playing with her daughters long curls she smiled softly at her as Frankie returned it. "Talk to me sweets."

"I'm just really worried about Mariana. I didn't help today and I should have."

"Help in terms of what babygirl?"

"Well I picked her up for school this morning so we could walk together. Since she promised she would go. And aunt Peaches place is just awful. Well the usual I guess.  I mean it's bad mama. She has men staying over and Mari sneaks out at night. She didn't even go to school today because she decided to go off with that nasty boyfriend of hers."

Letting out a sigh Stef knew how bad it was. She really did and they had tried to help for years and were still trying to help. At times it could be challenging even for her because after her divorce with Mike and after she had really started to recover Peaches had changed and became rude and paranoid causing many family fights. In the end they only really cared for the wellbeing of Mariana and little Jesus.

Regardless, Stef also knew how devoted Frankie was to her cousin and would do anything to help her. However the blonde didn't want her risking her own life. Not at all.

"Sweetness you do help. You went over and tried to get her to go to school. That is helping. But I don't expect you to drag her out of that assholes car. Never because Mama Lion and I don't want you risking your own life or your own judgement because of Mariana's poor choices. Yes you have been there for her since she was a little girl you always have but do not and I mean do not do anything that will put you in danger. Is that understood?"

"Yes." She said looking to her mother.

"Francesca I'm serious. You let us handle it."

"I promise mama." The  girl said nodding her head as Stef grabbed her hand holding it.

"Mama Lion and I will go over this weekend and see what else we can do. That same boy in the red car picked her up huh? The one about twice her age?"

"Yup. He's so gross. I mean what does she even see in him?"

"A way out my love. Comfort. An escape and empty promises. I've met many men like him and they are all the same."

"But don't we give her comfort and love?"

"To an extent sweetheart. But sadly Mariana has issues we can't solve. Issues we never could solve for her."

"I don't know mama I know was young then but I don't think Aunt Judy should have given her up like that.I think she should have kept her because Mariana would have had a better life." Frankie could only sound aggravated not to mention upset as Stef glanced to her grabbing her hand yet again. Yes she felt similar she really did and always knew it was a mistake on Judy's part to reverse the adoption. But she would never rub it in the woman's face ever for Judy felt bad enough watching the little girl she loved crumble and fall off the deep end. Even she had very limited control over her now, very and at times Mariana was just as mean to her as she was to Peaches. Stef knew that had to do with Mariana possibly feeling abandoned by Judy.

"It's easy to say that love and I really understand your frustration. Both Mama Lion and I do.  To be honest Aunt Judy really thought she was doing the best for Mariana at the time. She really did think giving her back to her biological mother would be the best. Sadly it wasn't."

"Uncle Mike didn't even want to give me and Jude back to you when you got out of jail. I knew all of that."

"What love?"

"Yeah. I overheard uncle Mike say that a few times when I was little. He didn't think you were going to be a good mother but you were. To all of us and still are. But this is totally different. It really is. I mean can't Aunt Judy take her and Jesus?  I know we can't but can't she?" Stef wasn't really sure what to say for she had no idea Frankie really knew any of what went on when she was younger. But the blonde had to remember how perceptive Frankie had been and still was. 

"It's not that easy baby."

"Why? Aunt Judy loves Mari and Jesus. Can't seh foster them."

"It's more complicated then that honey."

"Why mama."

"Baby girl it just is."

"Mama I'm not trying to be disrespectful but can you please tell me why. Why is it difficult."

"Judy can't ust foster them. There would need to be a reason."

"Oh like someone would need to say Aunt Peaches is unfit? But she is. I get it we don't rat out family, but even if she just stayed with Aunt Judy it would help. She's really the only one she will listen to sometimes besides you and Mama Lion."

"Even then honey. Even I can only do so much. I try both Mama Lion and I along with Judy. We have for years but we aren't giving up on Mariana or Jesus. I want you to know that."

"I know. But we can't do more because aunt Peaches won't let us? What about when they ran out of food or when they got evicted and stayed with us? Then we could help more but not now?"

Letting out a sigh Stef understood her daughters frustration and many times the family thought of reporting Peaches for neglect. But was it the right thing to do? Would they make things worse? None of them knew the right answer and wanted to do what was in the best interest of the kids.

"Baby I don't want you to worry. I know you are upset but me, Mama Lion and Judy will fix this. Ok? We will." Smiling softly at the girl Frankie returned it hoping they could really help. 

"Ok mama."

"Talk to your brother today? MM?"

"Yes. Always kicking butt on the street." Frankie laughed as Stef pulled her into her side.

"That he is. Loves the job."

"Yeah you can tell."

"Any ideas on what you want to study yet? You have time but I was just curious."

"Not sure. I love music but what would I do with that. Try to become a singer." The girl laughed.

"MM there are many things you can do with singing. You can teach it, you can compose, you can write it. You know write songs for record companies or your own. A couple of things sweetheart. Take your time and decide you have a bit of time and you can always changed your mind."

"It seemed like Jude always knew. Like it was a straight path for him. I just feel lost about it. Like how am I supposed to decide what I want to do with the rest of my life at 16. That's impossible."

"It can feel that way. ANd sure its a big choice but like I said love you can decide on one thing and you may change it later on in life. You never ever know. Don't let it make you feel like it's this big daunting decision. Sometimes you just need to try a few things out before you find something. And there is nothing wrong with that. You know you can always, always talk to me and Mama Lion about this. Always, but it's ok Franke if you don't know. Hell I didn't know until I was 40." 

Smiling at her mother Frankie continued to hold her hand.

"DO you think if you had not gone to jail you would still be doing what you do?"

"MM that's a good question honey. Honestly I don't know to tell you the truth. I'm not sure what else I would have been or maybe I would have done it regardless. Sometimes your experiences help you choose a career sometimes not."

"That's true too."

"In any event just stay focused in school it's a very important year for you and I know you will figure it out. Ok sweets?"


"Anytime princess." The blonde winked hugging the girl as Lena stood at the door smiling. These two always melted her heart and always would no matter what.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now