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As Tracey stood in front of Roxy blocking her from Stef she wasn't even remotely interested in anything she had to say. Nothing and wanted her out of the family BBQ wondering how she could even show her face. Right at this moment to her it was almost as if they were right back in Chowchilla settling a debt that would never be paid or a betrayal that would never be reversed ever.

"Trac I don't mean any harm I just wanna talk to my sister. That's all."

"She don't wanna talk to you. So get the fuck out."  Moving closer to Roxy Tracey soon felt Stef gently take her hand as she was still sitting behind her. Everything about this felt like jail, every second of it  as Miss Rose watched intensely still witnessing Tracey's fierce level of protection towards Stef. That was one that never ever changed and never would.

"It's ok baby. I got it." The blonde said as Tracey turned around glancing to her her face instantly softening. "It's alright. Promise."

"Trac lets go help Olivia with the baby. Come." Mama Rose said as the girls eyes stared right back into Roxy's with hate,venom and anger. She really didn't want to budge but always respected Stef's wishes even when she didn't agree with them.

"You touch her I'll cut your fucking throat out. Got it?" The girl threatened as Roxy's face softened and she nodded her head. Of course she knew Tracey had no reason to believe her, or trust her ever again and it was another relationship she wanted to mend so badly. But it would be difficult and she knew that.

"I won't. I swear it I'm not here for trouble. I brought some food too and desserts I made."

"Thank you Roxanne. Come Tracey." Mama Rose said once again and gently grabbing the girls hand.

"You better not touch my mother because I'll come back over here and rip your hands off." Snarling at the older woman Tracey walked off with Mama Rose for she would never trust Roxy. Ever and Stef didn't as well regardless of that fact that Lena thought she was changing for the better.

"Can we talk?"

"You weren't invited. You just show up? I don't want you here. At all. You fucking get that. Peaches, Mariana, baby Jesus are fine to come, you I want on the curb with the rest of the fucking trash."

"Listen just let me explain myself. Just here me out even for a minute Stef."

"A minute is far to fucking long for me to listen to anything you gotta fucking say and I consider it a waste of my time."

"Please. half a minute."

Stef could only sip on her cold drink as she cleared her throat not wanting to cave one bit. But as she looked over to Peaches who seemed rather nervous the blonde could only look back at Roxy with annoyance but curiosity at the same time.

"You got 20 seconds to waste my mother fucking time. No more then that."

Nodding her head Roxy took a seat beside the blonde as Stef eyeballed her coldly. By this time Lena spotted the two and walked over taking a seat beside her wife which Roxy actually appreciated for she was hoping Lena's words could help. A bit.

"Look Stef,  I wasn't trying to get one over on you or use your memory lose to my advantage."

"Oh no? Could have fooled me."

"I know it looks like that but it wasn't.  Stef I've been on the straight path for a year and a half.  I'm in school. Culinary school and making something of myself. I swear it. I've been going to anger management and I haven't touched a drink. Look I know I should have come clean earlier about it all I just didn't know how because we were so cool again. And I missed you. I did and I missed what we had. I'm sorry Stef."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now