Face to Face

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"Frankie pass me that book baby." Mama Rose said as her and Frankie were organizing the choir books for their next practice. With all the kids practicing along with baby Stef and Alice who was directing them the woman could see the girl seemed off as Frankie handed her the book.

"Sure Nana Rose."

"So how is everything my little Stef? You have been very quiet."

"Nothing much really."

"No? It doesn't seem that way to me. You don't seem yourself. Everything ok at school and with your girlfriend? MM?"

"Yeah we are fine. School is fine." She shrugged once again as the woman gently took Frankie's hand and motioning for them to sit in the pew.

"Come sit baby. Just for a minute. Talk to me now. I know when something is wrong."

"It's really nothing."

"MM mm. Spill."

Letting a sigh out Frankie looked to the ground as she began to play with her fingers just like her mother. Infact that was one reason why Mama Rose knew something was troubling the girl for she could be very closed off when it was. Just like her mother she often said nothing and tried to solve it herself and not always in the best of ways for she was very impulsive.

"Just me and mama."

"Ok what about you and your mama."

"I don't know we always seem to be butting heads. She doesn't understand me. Like at all."

"What doesn't she  understand honey? I know you two have had your moments but you seemed to be getting along the last few weeks and months."

"She doesn't listen. She just yells when I say something she doesn't agree with. I really don't want to go to college but she is making me."

"Ahh I see."

"I have a plan but she didn't even want to hear it. At least Mama Lion asked and listens but mama never ever does. It has to be what she wants all the time and it's really frustrating."

"Ok well let me ask you honey. What is it you want to do when you graduate high school? What did you have in mind?"

"Well I'm just going to work at a store and work on music. And hopefully get a deal or something."

"Ok and what did Mama Lion or your mama say or suggest?"

"Mama Lion wants me to go to school and have music as a minor but study something else. But I just don't want to go to college it's not for everyone."

"No it's not for everyone however you are very smart honey and would it hurt to maybe have two majors? Something you can fall back on? You are still very young and have so much time to decide. Or even take a few years after high school and decide."

"I don't know. I just wish mama wasn't so forcefull and so mean when I don't do what she wants me to do."

"I understand honey. I'm going to tell you that your mama just wants to give you what she didn't have honey. That's really, really what it is. She does love you and she knows how smart you are. Maybe you won't always do what she wants or get along but if you both can see each others sides and talk normally you would see you are most likely on the same page. I believe you are. I will tell you when we were in Chowchilla I saw how much she loved you and your brother so much and wanted the world for you. She does baby and still does."

"I know and when I was little we got along all the time and she understood me. She really did and I love her so much but as I get older she just doesn't  understand me Nana Rose. It makes me not want to talk to her at times. I wish I could explain myself better to her and I wish she would listen but she doesn't and only knows how to scream at me. She screams at me about everything."

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