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Earlier that morning around 5am 

"Babe I'm so glad you  finally came to your senses and want to head out with me. Forget your lame ass fucking cousin and family. I been telling you they are no good!" Sean said as Mariana hopped into his car and threw all her clothing in the back seat. She was happy as well but sad to leave her brother behind. She really was but felt she had no choice in the matter.

"Tell me about it. Plus I heard they wanted to send me to some fucking boot camp. No way. So where are we headed?"

"Tijuana mama."

"Tijuana? Mexico? What happened to LA?"

"Nah. I got business in Tijuana first."

"Ok but I don't have a passport."

"No bother. I got one for you plus we ain't coming back anyway."

"Wait what?"

"You ask too many questions mama. I got a house down there, you ain't gotta do shit but look pretty."

"Well I wanted to go to beauty school in LA. Remember we talked about it Sean."

"Ya'll go. I got an aunt down in Mexico who can teach you all that shit. Stop fucking worrying I got all that shit planned out."

"Ok but I want to be able to come back here. I don't wanna be trapped in Mexico."

"Look. I told you I got you. Nobody trappin you but I got shit to take care of. Then we can come back here in a few months. Now stop fucking worrying and open that box I got for you. You gonna like it."

Letting out a sigh and not sure how she was feeling about this Mariana grabbed the box and opening it saw an entire new perfume set of Channel No. 5.  Maybe a few days ago she would have been excited but today she wasn't sure anymore. She really wasn't for going to Mexico was not what she expected for she did still want to see her brother, her Aunt Stef, Lena and her cousin once she wasn't angry anymore.

"Sean what about Jesus? I can't be away in Mexico forever. I still need to see him."

"Girl you working my nerves. For real. Now shut the fuck up cuz you really getting to me and I can't think. We got a long fucking drive so shut your fucking trap before I stick you in the trunk. You lucky mama. You so lucky I was waiting around for you. Because you delayed alot of my deals and shit. Deals I could have had going because you needed to stay and make sure you retarded aunt was ok."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Don't you ever talk that way about my aunt Stef again. Ever. She almost died! What is wrong with you! And she's not retarded! I love her and don't you ever talk that way about her."

If anything made Sean more angry it was the way this girl was talking to him as he sped into a gas station shutting the car off. Mariana could only look at him with both fear and anger as he let out a grin.

"You know you right. That was cold and real mean of me to stay. It really was. And you know what...."

"What?" The girl asked as Sean looked out the window then back at her and smacked her so hard in the face the back of her head hit the window. Grabbing her by her hair and pulling her to him  he punched her in the face with his fist over and over. 

"You lost your fucking mind talking to me like that your dirty cunt! Huh! I'll say whatever the fuck I want about whoever I want you piece of shit!  I should fucking kill you! I should just like I did that baby you had in you! 

"Sean stop please. Please stop!"

"Fuck no! You gonna learn to respect me! You gonna learn." He yelled grabbing her by the neck and holding her so close to him as her face was bleeding like crazy. "You will never talk to me like that. Ever again and I'll say whatever the fuck I want about whoever. Now go in that fucking store and get some shit to fix yourself. You ain't meeting my family looking like some nasty slut who can't fix her face. Take this cash and go buy something. And hurry the fuck up before I run you over."

Quickly getting out the car the girls face was so busted and hurting that she could hardly see out of her left eye. It was in pain as she wiped it with a napkin she had in her Louis Vuitton purse Sean got her. This was horrible and not what she wanted for herself at all as she was beginning to think this as a mistake. Mexico? She did not want to go there at all she thought as she walked into the store however something surprised her. Big time.

"Baby Stef?" She said confused as the girl was in the drink aisle getting some cola not noticing her cousin at all. "What in the world?"


5 hours later

"Are we really just going to sit here Lena? Sit here and do nothing? I think we need to go back out again." Stef said pacing the police station as the entire family was there crowded around Mike's desk. This was driving her insane, it was driving all of them insane as her and Lena had driven around their Sacramento neighborhood for the past two hours looking for any sign of baby Stef and Mariana.

"Baby we will. But we need to check back in....

"For what? Huh? We need to be out there looking. We need...

"Stef. You have to relax. Please. I told you that. Do you want another stroke?"

"Of course not." 

"Then please baby. We will find baby Stef and Mariana. Please sit down. Please." The woman begged as the blonde carefully took her seat.

"I'm just so worried. She's only eleven. She's...

"She's tough.  I know she's sweet but she's tough as well because she has you as her grandmother and has learned alot from you. Believe me and I'm worried too sweetheart. But we all have to try to remain as calm as we can. Much easier said then done I know."

"Very much so. I just wish she had taken her phone with her baby. She knows she can call us. I have always told her that."

"I know. But she also knows if she came to us that sooner or later she will have to move in with her mother."

"What is with that? Do you get it? I never once undermineded Callie as a parent or tried to make her feel as if she wasn't. But what the fuck is wrong with her?"

"I don't know honey. Honestly I don't." Lena said as the two women glanced to Callie who was sitting beside Pete with tears streaming down her face.

"Yeah well I'm about to get to the fucking bottom of it right here and right now and then we are going back out to look for those girls. Can't get shit done sitting in here." She said starting to get up when Lena pulled her arm.

"Do not. Do not go over there and make a scene right now Stef. Do not."

"Lena I am not going to make a scene. Would you calm down."

"I can't because I know how you are." She said as Stef got up this time and Lena did as well.

"Callie is being an ass."

"Well yes but telling her that right now is not going to help any of this for any of us. You know that baby. And I told you a million times today. You have to relax. You have to. Do you understand that?"

"Yes baby I get it. I do. I will relax and calm down." She said letting out a sigh and seeing Pete walk over to them.

"So moms I'm gonna go back out and look for baby Stef. Check maybe some areas we didn't check last time." He said as Callie soon walked over.

"Yeah sure. We will do the same." Lena said and now glancing to Callie. "How are you honey? You ok?"

"Of course I'm not ok. What kind of a stupid ass question is that!"

And with that statement Stef could no longer take it and slapped the girl right across the face to everyone's surprise. Everyone even Lena for Callie was the one person beside herself she had not smacked and she never thought her wife would. Holding her cheek Callie wasn't sure what to say at all. Not in the least and neither did Pete.

"Talk like that to Mama Lion again and ya'll get more then a smack. I don't give fuck how old you are." She said without any hesitation and soon looking to Pete. "We will help you look. Is that a problem?"

"Course not mom. No."



So Mariana found baby Stef.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now