A Choice

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"HIV? Tracey has...she has it?" The blonde asked completely stunned and taken off guard as she sat on the bed beside her wife.  This was really the last thing she expected and she had no idea how to feel. None at all. "She, she told you this?"

"No baby she didn't. I found her meds when I was helping her pack. She doesn't know that I know. But if I had to guess it's the root of her depression. But I'm not sure because we don't know how long she's had it. She's could have had it for years and maybe didn't even know herself."

"Jesus. Christ almighty." Getting up from the bed now Stef ran her fingers through her long blonde hair feeling unable to breath and like her legs were giving in. Sure she was strong but not all the time and certainty not enough to hear this.

"Stef I um, I spoke to Tula. Since her and Tracey were intimate."

"Yeah?" She asked feeling her chest grow heavier.

"Yes. I told her that um she should get tested. But I haven't heard back from her since. Stef I need to ask you something. Is it possible Tula gave it to Tracey?"

"No. Tula was clean. She didn't fuck around like that."

"To your knowledge. She's not exactly innocent."

"She didn't have it Lena." Seeing how defensive her wife was it was really throwing the woman off and was growing more and more frustrated. " And you went by there?"

"Yes. I had to."

"When? Why didn't you tell me?" Turning around to face her wife Stef again wasn't sure how she was feeling about any of this. Really not or how long did Lena know. "You mean you have known for almost three weeks that Tracey had HIV and possibly infected Tula among many other women she's been fucking and didn't say anything to me? Why?"

"Stef there was alot going on and you have had alot going on an..

"What does that matter Lena? What does that matter! You don't keep this from me."

"I did not intentionally keep it from you. I did not Stef and I was going to tell you."

"No? You didn't intentionally keep it? Going behind my back and telling Tula to get an AIDS test. Finding out Tracey has it and not telling me. That's not going behind my back? If not then what is Lena? I thought we stopped with the secrets and keepings things from each other?"

"We have none. I did not intend for this be a secret at all. And you have not been sympathetic to Tracy's needs or her condition at all. Not in the least almost as if you don't care so I had to step in. You left me no choice Stefanie."

"I do care."

"Really? That girl thinks you hate her. She cried in my arms because that's how she feels. She asks about you everytime I call her! Every single damm time! And it seems you care more about that tramp of an ex then you do someone that you claim you see as a daughter."

"Shit we are back to this again! Huh!"

"Yes we are Stefanie!"

"Stop calling me that."

"No! I will not because that is your name. And yes we are back to this again! You help every single person in this family, strangers might I add and the one person who loves you more then life itself you turn your back on because she fucked your ex."

"I told you I don't give a shit! I told you that!"

"You do! Clearly you do! Because I told you where Tracey was, how long she would be there, I gave you all her information and you never reached out once. Not one time to her while she sat and waited for just one phone call, one text or one visit. Just one and you couldn't even do that for her!"

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now