Old Faces

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A few weeks earlier

Out of all the people that could have shown up at Mike's apartment no one in a million years would think it was his sister. No, not Stef but his half sister, Roxanne Foster who had just gotten out of jail. How? How had the violent woman gotten out after what she had done and after the harsh sentence she had gotten from the judge. But Mike had seen stranger things happen and this was not the most surprising. Not at all as she stood there grinning at him and leaning against the front door.

"Hey big brother. Never thought you would see me again huh?" She laughed as Mike shook his head and she let out a wide and somewhat creepy smile. It was true that roxy had not changed much in the last few years and still sported the same spiky black hair, tattoos and tight shirts that showed off most of her cleavage. Yes she was tacky, downright tacky, rather butchy and lacked class. Stef had also been a little rusty in the beginning when she first got out of Chowchilla but over the years she had matured and had become more polished with Lena's help. Much more polished and had learned to interact with society in a more positive way allowing her to move up in the job world. The blonde had worked hard for that and was still striving to be the best she could for her family and herself.  Roxy on the other hand no one knew what her deal was only she did and that in itself could be scary.

"What the hell are you doing here? And who let you out? Escape?" Mike asked unimpressed and holding a beer in his hand. 

"Oh I have my ways big bro. Me and Peach starting over again. Thought maybe you could let me crash here for a few nights until I can go on over to her place. Got a curfew and all since I'm on parole."

"You are kidding right? No way. I wouldn't let you step foot in here and she is crazy to even think of taking you back. How did you even manage to wezel your way into her life again. Tell me that."

"Ahh Peaches knows I mean well and I got help. So you better get use to me being around because I'm not going anywhere this time or fucking up. No way. I want to have a fresh start and make amends with you and big sis. You can understand that right?"

"Roxanne I'm not trying to understand anything you are saying. Nothing and it's not happening. You better stay away from me and if you know better you will stay away from Stef.  Are you on a suicide mission or what?"

"Look Mikey I ain't scared of sister girl and she can't stay mad forever."

"Glad you think so. You must have lost your mind to think anyone in this family wants you back and wants to see you. You have no business being back here and no business being back with Peaches. You must want Stef to kick your ass or even me."

"Ha. First off I know you and Peach had a thing going on and can't say I'm too happy about that. I wasn't and really really wanted to do some damage ya know. She was my woman and all then come to find out you were banging her and got her pregnant. How am I supposed to feel? Ya know? But I'm a forgiving person and you and Stef should be forgiving people as well because we all got shit on each other. You know what I mean big bro?"

"I don't even know what you are talking about Roxanne. I really don't so I think you just better get lost and no you are not staying here. No way."

"Oh come on Mike. I'm your flesh and blood and I'm telling you I'm a changed woman. I'm just trying to live the straight life this time. Like you and big sis."

"Yeah sure. Look, I've had a long day, a long and exhausting day and the last thing I want is to deal with your ass. So get lost before I call your parole officer and hopefully have you sent back to jail where you belong. Stay away from us and stay the hell away from Peaches. You are rotten to the core and none of us want your ass around. None."

"Believe me big bro Peaches wants me around and always has. You're just upset that she doesn't want you anymore. I'm the one for her, the one and only one for her and her little son. We plan on being a family, getting a house?"

"A house? Like that dump you had her living in with the holes in the wall. And I know you haven't change. No one believes that because I'm pretty sure you plan on hurting her again so that she can no longer take care of Jesus. Like you did when Mariana was little. You ruined that little girls life and she is still suffering because of you. Do you get that? Do you get what you did to her by hurting her mother. You almost killed Peaches and she's still not right because of you! You destroyed that family." It was evident that Mike was drunk by this point and it was the last thing he needed. It really was because it was a little known fact that at one time in his life he struggled with alcohol.

"Sure. I get that and I plan on making amends with Mariana.  I feel bad about what I did and we will be on good terms you wait and see. And Jesus that's my little man. Peach and I plan on being a family Mike. We do and I'm a changed person."

Mike could only shake his head for he just didn't get it. He really didn't and for the life of him he would never understand what Peaches saw in Roxy and why she would even help her. Was she that lost? That stupid and that misdirected? Of course he knew Peaches was and Mike also knew this situation would only get worse. It had too and there was no way to prevent it for Peaches was going to do what she wanted regardless. Regardless of how poor of a choice it was for her and her kids, especially Mariana.

"Look I know your kind Roxanne. I know it and come across scum like you all day everyday. People like you never change and never will change. You're shit, you're scum and white trash and the world would be a much better place without you. I'm warning you to leave Peaches alone and her kids."

"Nobody scared of you Mike. Nobody especially not me."

"You should be. And if you're smart which I know you aren't you will get lost before my sister finds you and hurts you. Hell I might hurt you."

"For what? I ain't harassing you and I told you I'm here to make peace but you don't get it huh? Do not know what there is to get or not get. You lucky I never hurt you because I could have. Big time big bro. Big time whether you a cop or not."

"Look fat ass, you come near me again, or my sister or anywhere near those two kids you won't see the light of day again. You won't."

"Sure big bro. Sure."

Laughing at the cop Roxy made her way to the halfway house she was registered at only to move in with Peaches a day later. Things were about to get even more interesting for the family as Stef soon learned of her release. What she would do no one knew. Not even her wife.

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