All Lies

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After the trip to LA and learning that Tracey not only had a sister but a son both women were mind blown. Mind blown beyond belief for they still had not found Tracey and were now trying to track down her little boy. If their life was not already loaded it really was now and soon would be even more once they realized what was going on with Frankie as well as Mariana. In reality how much more could they take.

"I just don't get it Lena. I've known Tracey more then 10 years. Not once did she mention a sister not to mention a son. Ever. I mean that's something that even if you don't want anyone to know it slips out. How could I not know. How could she not tell me?" Stef said taking a sip of coffee as the two were sharing their morning breakfast before they headed to Noah's competition.

"Maybe it was too hard baby. I don't think it was personal I think it was too painful. Or, we don't know the situation or the ins and outs  of it. Nothing. We are only going by what her sister told us."

"I know. But what else don't we know?"

"I don't know baby. I'm sure there will always be things we don't know about everyone. Maybe, I'm guessing. But we will figure that out and this and hopefully she will show up or we will find her. And her son."

"You know I hope we do before it's too late. Because it sounds like she just lost it. If she has HIV and isn't taking her pills and is fucking around spreading shit, what in the fuck is going to happen to her?"

"I don't know baby. I worry too. I do."

"I did call Tula by the way." The blonde said now glancing to her wife." She didn't answer which is either a good thing or a bad thing. I don't know." Lena could only let out a sigh along with Stef as the slim woman grabbed her wife's hand. "Do we just pray on shit now? Because I'm at a loss Len. I feel like I don't know anything anymore. Nothing. Even if I don't try to control shit it gets all fucked and mangled and why is everyone hiding everything.  Who the fuck knows what our kids are hiding. I just have a bad feeling about Frankie too."


"She's off lately."

"How so? She's been good."

"Yeah. That's the thing. She's been too good. And I don't trust it. She's hiding something."

"Honey what could she be hiding. Seriously. I think she is trying and I think you are too hard on her still. She has to be who she is and maybe college is not it right now."

"What Lena? Come on."

"Look it's not for every kid. Maybe she can work for a few years then go."

"I can't believe I'm hearing this." The blonde said taking a sip of coffee.

"Listen I want the best for all our kids too. But just because I think their life should go one way doesn't mean it's meant to. Cut Frankie some slack honey. She's a good kid."

"She's also a royal pain in my ass."

"Well that goes without saying. She will find her way."

"You are too nice Mama Lion. Far too nice." She said softly kissing her wife's lips as Lena smiled at her.

"That I am. And you are just as tough as ever. It's sexy though."

"Ha! Is it now. Get your ass over here and sit on my lap."

Teasing her wife Lena smiled wide as she straddled her wife looking deep in her eyes.

"Promise me. Promise me you will take better care of yourself. I need you, we need you."

"I promise."

"And you have to promise not to get so upset and stop smoking those e cigarettes. They aren't good for you either. Please baby love." Gently cupping her wife's cheek Lena smiled at the blonde as Stef returned it.

"I promise."

"Good because we need you. All of us do."

"Yeah and I need all of you too." Softly kissing once again Noah walked into the room now closing his eyes.

"Ahh mama's! Seriously! Can you guys go for one second without making out."

"We aren't making out young man. I was just loving up on your mama." Stef teased slapping her ass as Lena blushed.

"Yeah, yeah."

"So you all ready? Ready to go kick some ass my boy."

"Stef. Language." Lena reprimanded as Noah laughed.

"Yeah mom I am. Excited everyone could come."

"Well we wouldn't miss it for the world. " Winking at her son Noah smiled wide as Mariana, along with Jesus,  and baby Stef walked into the room as well saying good morning to their moms and munching down on breakfast. Stef however could only notice the absence of Frankie.

"Baby Stef go get your sister. Ok? She needs to eat too unless she dying her head again."

"Frankie isn't there Yaya."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh um Frankie went for a walk." Mariana chimed in.

"A walk? I didn't see her leave and I've been sitting here for awhile." Stef said. "Plus she knows she is not supposed to go anywhere. A walk where Mariana?"

"Oh she left um awhile ago said she just needed to clear her head."

"I didn't see her last night either." Baby Stef admitted as Mariana let out a sigh for she knew it would be impossible to get her to not say anything. "Didn't she leave last night?"

Lena could only glance at her wife for she knew this wasn't good. Not by any means.

"No, no she didn't baby Stef. She left this morning."

"I didn't see her."

"When did she leave Mariana? Is it true she left last night?" Lena asked for she could now she her wife was ready to kill and so was she if she was honest for if Frankie snuck out last night this was not good. At all.

"No, No she left at 6 in the morning. She wanted to go before it got to hot." Lying once again even Noah knew she was as he was well aware where this was going. Everyone did as Mariana swallowed hard.

"Mariana you of all people know I can't stand lying. And I know when someone is lying and you clearly are." Stef began. "Your shitty ass story is weak and pour. So you have two choices. Actually only one. Either tell me where the fuck Frankie went or tell me where the fuck Frankie went. Because if you don't you will no longer be able to chew out of that lying mouth of yours because I will knock all your teeth out. Which one will it be?"

Letting out a sigh Mariana wasn't sure what to do as the nausea crept up in on her and she ran to the bathroom once again. At this both Stef and Lena looked to each other confused.

"Mariana threw up all night. She does all the time." Baby Stef said as Frankie soon walked in the front door and all eyes turned to her.

"Where in the fuck where you!" Stef yelled as the hazel eyed girl stood staring at her once again.

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