Going Back

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"Baby Stef what are you doing here?" Mariana asked her little cousin and walking up to the girl. She really wasn't sure and was now worried that one of her family members was with her or out looking for her already. But she risked it just to make sure the little girl was ok.

"Cousin Mari? What happened to your face? Are you ok? You are bleeding!"

"Yeah I'm fine I just fell. What are you doing here? Are you with Aunt Stef? Who is here with you?"

"No one. I ran away." She admitted as the older girl looked to her rather shocked for this wasn't like her at all.  Not in the least.

"What? What do you mean you ran away? Why? What happened?"

"Sean did that to you didn't he? Yaya said he's a no good for nothing piece of shit and she's  gonna snap his neck. He's not nice Mari."

"Never mind that but you can't run away. People will be worried sick about you. What happened?"

"I don't want to live with anyone else beside Yaya. I don't."

"Mariana where the fuck you at!!" The girl soon heard and grabbed her little cousins hand hiding behind the chip rack. "Mariana!! Where the fuck are you!!? You taking to long and wasting my fucking ass time."

"Don't go with him. He's not a nice person Mari." Baby Stef whispered making a face. "He's an asshole."

"Watch your language and I know." The girl whispered. "Stay right here. Please."

"Only if you promise not to go with him. Please."

"I won't. But stay put. I don't want him seeing you."

"I can knock him out for you Mari."

"Yeah I bet. I wouldn't put it past you. But stay here I promise I'll be right back." She whispered again and nodding her head obediently at her cousin Mariana grabbed the band aids she saw and walked over to Sean who looked more angry then he did in the car.

"Didn't I tell you to clean your fucking face! What the fuck is taking so fucking long! Huh! You fucking stupid or something?"

"I'm sorry someone was in the bathroom and I was looking for the first aid." She said stuttering rather nervously as he walked closer to her yanking her by the front of her shirt.

"You lying to me? Mm? You fucking shit."

"No, no Sean. I'm not. I just had a hard time looking for the stuff. But I'm not lying. I swear."

"You better not be. You got three minutes bitch. Three! And any longer and I'll drag your ugly Latin ass out of here. You got me? You wasted enough of my fucking ass time as it is."

"Yes. I will hurry I'm sorry. " She said rather obediently.

"Get the shit I'm watching you. Little fucking cunt.

Grabbing a pack of cigarettes and walking out the store owner looked rather worried to the young girl knowing she needed help in more ways then one.

"Hey kid do you need help? You don't look so good and that is not a nice boyfriend you have there."

"Oh I'm ok. Thanks." Quickly walking off and finding baby Stef was not where she left her the Latin girl instantly grew worried. Baby Stef? Where are you? Baby Stef?"

"Right here. I found the stuff for your face."

"Come into the bathroom. Quickly." She said grabbing her hand as the two  quickly went inside the bathroom and Mariana locked the door.

"We have to get you back home. I'm sure everyone is worried sick."

"You too though. Why are you running away with Sean?"

"Baby Stef you are too little to understand."

"I'm not to little to know he hurts you and calls you names. Yaya told me if anyone does that to me man or woman to knock their ass out."

"Ha yeah that sounds like her. But look I'll get you back home. You can't run off like this. You are too little and I'm sure your mom will understand if you want to stay with Yaya."

"She doesn't understand I already explained it to her. She's scared that Yaya will die and that I'm too attached to her. When it's really her who is scared."

"What? Who even told you this?"

"No one it's obvious. But why is it ok for you to run off but not me? People care about you too Mari and love you. I know I do and baby Jesus. And you're my sister too. Just like Frankie." The little girl said now gently cleaning her cousins face for she really was a sweet girl. Beyond words as Mari smiled softly at her. "There are nicer people out there. There really are."

"Yeah. Look I'm gonna call home so someone can come get you. Ok?"

"No. I'm not going home unless you do. I'm not."

"Baby Stef it's not that easy."

"Yes it is. Look at your face Mari. It's bleeding. I'll go back if you do. I will."

Letting out a sigh Mariana knew what she she should do and every bone in her body knew once Sean took her to Mexico she was never getting back to the United States. Ever.

"Look you gotta do what I say. Ok? I will go back with you but you have to listen. Ok?"


"I swear."

"Ok what's your plan?" The little girl asked as Mariana glanced to the small bathroom window knowing they had one way out. And one way out only for Sean had taken her phone as well.

In a rush and knowing it was passed three minutes Mariana looked out the window to see it was safe.

"Ok I'll let you climb out first. I'll lift you ok?"

"Sure. But your coming too right? No shittin me?"

"Oh my God your mouth. Yes I am. I promise."

"Ok." Carefully lifting the eleven year old up to the window baby Stef crawled out rather effortlessly as Mariana as promised followed behind.

"Come we gotta go!" The older girl said grabbing baby Stef's hand as the two ran off as fast as they could.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now