The Motel

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"Why didn't you tell me you got Frankie a credit card? How could you not tell me?" Stef asked her wife as the two headed into the seedy motel that was dripping with crime. 

"You are not even allowed to ask that considering all the shit you keep from me. And I got it for emergencies when you kicked her out the house almost two years ago. Remember that?"

"Oh so I'm not the only one with secrets huh?"

"Look you are already on my shit list Stefanie. Don't talk to me." Storming into the motel Lena had had it with her wife and Stef was feeling very much the same. But they had to put that to side now as they both stormed into the motel looking around at what a dangerous dump it was. It was scary to even think that Frankie was staying in such a place as the two women walked passed a few people getting high and a few prostitutes.

"Well this is a charming place now isn't. Glad my daughter gets the very best."

"Stop it."

"It's a joke Lena."

"Well its not funny."

Rolling her eyes at her wife the two stepped up to the front desk seeing the skinny clerk with stringy hair smoking a cigarette.

"Lets ask this charming young man. Shall we."

"Charming is not how I'd word it. That's for sure." Lena said letting out a sigh as the blonde looked the clerk dead in the face.

"Rooms are 80 bucks a night. 10 an hour."

"As enticing as that offer is and as enticing as your motel is I'm not interested in a room. Did a girl with long curly hair check in here?"

"Lady alot of people come in and out of here. I don't keep track."

"Well look at her photo and try to remember."

"Yeah what do I get for telling you." He said grinning as both women were growing irritated. Lena could only let out a sigh as she gently grabbed he wife's hand knowing she might kill this guy.

"You get to live." Stef said holding the phone up with a picture of Frankie. "Now have you seen her or not?"

"Oh that girl. What you want with her? She's crazy. Nearly took my neck off because I made an innocent comment about her little freckle faced girlfriend. I should have kicked the little bitch out." He laughed and upon hearing that Stef grabbed him by his tie just as Frankie had but with more force then ever as she stared deep and coldly into his eyes.

"You wanna repeat that last part again to me. Huh? Because you are fucking with mama bear and I don't appreciate that. Now is she in this motel?"

"Yeah. Room 216." He said chocking for the second time that night as Lena glared at him.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it? You ever call my daughter those names again we will be the last people you ever see." Letting go of the man he flung back in his seat rubbing his neck.

"Now I know why she's so crazy. Look at you." He yelled as the blonde looked to him and Lena grabbed her hand.

"Forget him lets go."

"Piece of shit he is." Stef mumbled wanting nothign more but to drag him from behind the counter and beat the shit out of him. But Lena was right in the fact that they had no time for that as they made their up the steps to room 216. "Couldn't she find a better place? Chowchilla was safer then this." She said walking over trash and passing another prostitute who held onto her pimp.

"I don't know maybe it was all he could find since it's close to the bus station. Now please do not barge in there and tear her to shreds. That is not going to work."

"So you want me to be nice huh? Calm, relaxing? Tell me since you know best."

"I'm not doing this with you."

"Doing what Lena?"

" IF you wanna be an ass I'll do it myself. She needs both of us. Mainly you. When will you get that? Huh? Never. She came here to help her friend, well girlfriend and obviously she felt she couldn't tell us. And we need to figure out why. Can you be there for her just this once?"

"I am there for her. I am!" The blonde yelled as suddenly the door opened behind them as Frankie froze seeing her moms. She could only swallow hard as she held the vapor in her hand and both women looked at her. They also couldn't help but see Erin in the background who was naked under the sheets in the bed. Stef could only let out a sigh as she walked away from the door leaning her back against the motel wall.

"Mama's I um...

'"You have alot of explaining to do. Please get dressed and we will come in when both of you are decent." Lena said as the girl nodded her head.

"Yes ma'am." Closing the door Frankie was mortified as Erin quickly got dressed. Stef herself who stood outside with Lena just looked to the ground.

"So they are fucking too? Right now? Really? Why else was Erin half naked?"

"It's not like we didn't know love. We will handle one issue at a time. Ok."

"Jesus fucking Christ. I can't with this kid." She said leaning over the railing as her wife glanced to her.

"Listen I know this hard for you. I know Frankie grew up faster then we both wanted her too. Why I don't know Stef. We did our best but she is who she is."

"She's me Lena. Every single part of that kid is me and I knew it once she hit puberty. I saw it. I saw it and it scares the shit out of me.  I can't force her to be something she's not and it's not even that she copying me. It's like we are the same person. What she's doing I would have done too. But she's so young and she doesn't see the consequences of her actions. She only sees right now. She only sees protecting someone she cares about. Sacrificing herself. Not thinking far ahead enough. I wanted more for her. I always have Lena." With tears falling down her face Lena moved closer to her wife and hugged her. She knew it was so hard for her it always had been in terms of Frankie no matter what.

"I know baby and we will continue to try our best with her. But what you just told me, tell her. Ok? Just talk to her."

"I don't know how Lena. I'm scared."

"Don't be baby. I got you and we got this." She said smiling softly as Stef returned it.

"I'm sorry Lena. I'm sorry for....

"Moms?" They soon heard seeing the girl appear in the doorway as they both looked to her heading into the motel room.

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