Getting Away

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Most nights Stef found herself getting up in the middle of the night to watch TV for she couldn't sleep. She also enjoyed the peace and quiet that she didn't get during the day for the home was always loud, crowded and overwhelming. If she was honest she wanted everyone to leave her alone and just wanted to run off. But her mobility was still not the greatest as she struggled with pretty much everything and it made her crazy. What she didn't know was Lena heard her get up most nights for she often found Stef sleeping on the couch most mornings. When everyone would get up in the morning the blonde went back in the bedroom not wanting to be bothered. Lena knew depression was kicking in among other things and she knew she had to try to find things that would help her deal with it. However that was proving to be another challenge for Stef was constantly battling her and Lena could do no right.

It was typical for Stef to drop and break things everyday for she didn't always have the coordination. It was also typical for her to lash out at Lena when she was frustrated and many times the slim woman would go in the bedroom and just cry. Her heart was breaking and was about to break even more. 

She was grateful on days the family took over more seeing she really needed a break and to get out. Mike would help along with Judy, Jude, Dana, Mama Rose, Stuart and even Roxy. Everyone was still very skeptical of her and wary but she seemed to be doing her part and was one of the few people that could handle Stef.

"So brought you a chocolate croissant sister girl. Eat up. And it falls apart easy."

"Why does everyone think I'm a fucking baby and can't eat alone." The blonde snapped as the two ate on the back porch.

"First off I never called you a damm baby and second because you can't eat alone. How many fucking dishes and cups is it gonna take for you to understand you still need help."

"Get out Roxanne."

"Hell no. I just got here and I'm having my coffee with a croissant that I baked at 4am for your ungrateful ass. And you better stop being so mean to your wife. Lena loves you."

"I'm not mean to her on purpose. She just...

"She just what? She puts up with your bullshit. Don't use this stroke as a reason to be in a bad mood."

"I'm not!! Fuck you! and I told you to get out."

"And I told your mean ass I ain't. I wasted gas money to come over and eat with your cranky ass."

"I, I, I never told you or asked you to come here."

"I needed to give your wife a break from you. The one you don't remember."

"Oh, like, like I'm doing it on purpose asshole."

"Look I never said you were. And maybe your mean ass can't control yourself. And Lena and I have had our differences big time but she's a good woman Stef."

"I, I never said she wasn't. But I can't...

"You can't what?"

"I can't pretend to love her.I, I , I don't know her.  I know you, and Mike and a bit of Jude and Kate... I mean


"Yes. Callie and Tula."

"Tula? Your ex from jail?"

"I don't know. I guess. I don't remember really how we met."

"What do you remember about her?"

"MM various stuff. I saw her at the hospital. I've talked her on the phone."

"MM. That's playing with fire Stef."

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