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"So I ran into baby Stef at the store. Well the soda aisle." Mariana admitted as the two had been picked up by one of Mike's friends thankfully and the entire family was now at the police station with them. They were all relieved for it had been rather stressful and were surprised to hear the girls were together. The odds of that were slim but they were grateful. "I just wanted to get her back safe. That's all that really mattered. And plus Sean wanted to take me to Mexico."

"Mexico? Ay dios mia!" Peaches said letting out a sigh and both Stef and Lena could only sigh as well. "Mari do you know how dangerous that was and how dangerous he is? Why don't you seem to understand that?"

"The same reason you don't. You're not the best example mama." She said looking to Peaches and to Roxy who let out a sigh. Since Callie spilled the beans on what happened with her Stef had been giving her some serious looks and Roxy knew she needed to explain herself to her sister. Big time. Right now wasn't the time but it would happen soon enough and she was dreading it. Why Callie needed to do that she wasn't sure but it seemed to her that the young mother well hell bent on making the blonde's life difficult. For whatever reason.

"Look I know I wasn't. I know that and I'm sorry. I really am and I've been getting alot of therapy. I want to do better for you and your brother and I was messed up for awhile." Softly smiling at the daughter she barely knew and messed up with countless times she gently stroked her long black hair as Mariana softly smiled back. "I wasn't a good example for you growing up and I messed up alot. I did and I see you making so many of the same mistakes I did. Just looking at your face alone and how he hurt you kills me. It does Mari and I never wanted this for you. Ever. I just want you and me to have a better relationship and I'm sorry I was forcing you. And forcing things on  you and not being the mother I should be. Judy and I both love you and Mike. The entire family does."

"I told you." Baby Stef said smiling as she sat on Stef's lap holding the blondes hand tightly. 

"I love you Mariana." Judy said coming over to the girl and sitting beside her. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you either. I'm sorry this was the only way you could get us to listen and I'm sorry you are and were so angry. I really am."

"You gave me away. Like I was nothing." The girl soon admitted. " Maybe you had good intentions but I didn't understand that and it still hurts. I loved living with you and I was happy with you and Mike and everyone. Then one day I woke up and it was gone." With tears rolling down her face Judy wiped them feeling horrible about the entire thing as Mike felt bad as well as he took a seat beside the girl grabbing her hand and Mariana could only look at him. "I never had father and you were my only father and you were gone too. I didn't understand what I did wrong."

"You didn't do anything wrong Mariana. Nothing and none of it was your fault. We should have all sat down and talked about this before. And we are all sorry we didn't." Mike said. "I'm sorry I didn't and that I left. I really am kid."

"Mari I love you. I always will love you and you were the little girl I always wanted. But I guess I really wanted to give your mother a chance as well since she was better."

"She did Mari and I didn't do well by you. None of us did." Peaches admitted. "Listen, we are listening now honey. Tell us I mean who do you want to live with? MM?"

"Mariana I can get my own place until your more comfortable with me. I can." Roxy said as the young teen glanced to her and so did Stef. "It's cool and I wanna win your trust but I know it will take time. Take as much time as you need for real because we don't want you running off like that again. None of us."

As the girl let out a sigh she glanced to her little cousin who smiled at her for she had been thinking of the answer to this since baby Stef asked her. She had as she looked to her entire family.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now