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"I should never have given her back. Ever. What was I thinking?" Judy said rubbing her forehead as it was now 8 am and she had not heard from Mariana. She hated to bother Stef and Lena once again but she was at her wist end with the young troubled teen. "Did she say anything to you Frankie? Anything at all?'"

"No Aunt Judy. Last she texted me was she would meet me tomorrow to work on our papers together."

"Well we all know that was a load of shit and that she is with that Sean motherfucker." Stef said chiming in.

"She promised mama. She promised all of us that she wouldn't see him anymore."

"I know baby but Mari is not very believable when it comes to her promises. We all know that." Letting out a sigh Frankie shook her head in frustration at the entire thing for she just didn't understand. She really didn't as both Stef and Lena could see the extreme guilt written on Judy's face as a result of Mariana's issues. "Frankie go get ready for school babygirl. We need to talk to Aunt Judy privately."

"Ok. Just let me know if you hear from Mari mama."

"We will babe." The blonde said as Frankie obeyed and headed to get dressed completely worried about her cousin. It wasn't unusual as she texted her again hoping she would respond. But if she was with Sean there was a good chance she would not. "Judy listen you can't continue to blame yourself. You just can't. You did what you thought was best love."

"I know but she's a mess because of me."

"No she's not a mess because of you. She's a mess because her mother neglected to take care of her. That's why she's a mess."

"I didn't help Stef. I really didn't and we had a big fight before she ran off. I try with her and try to give her what she needs but she is angry with me and that boy is brainwashing her. I'm really worried she's going to end up ...." Fading off the woman felt self conscious about continuing what she was going to say for she didn't want to offend the two women by mentioning jail

"In jail?" The blonde said.

"Well in trouble with the law."

"Judy you don't need to worry about saying that. Stef and I don't take offense. We are worried about that as well in terms of Mariana and will help as much as we can with her and Jesus." Lena said.

"I know and I appreciate it. I really do. She's my little girl and..." with tears rolling down her face Judy began to tear as the two women hugged her.

"It's ok love we will fix this. We promise." The blonde soothed.

"I know. It just feels like yesterday that she was that sweet little girl. Mischievous yes but deep down she was sweet. I think she still is but just misguided."

"That she is. Unfortunately but we can reguide her." 

"I don't know Stef I think she needs more help then anyone of us realize. This Sean kid really has her thinking it's ok to beat her up. I found cigarettes in her bag, condoms and weed and she thinks it's no big deal. She's barely 15. What business does she have doing any of that and being with a man. A man not a boy a man."

"I know it and maybe if her ass gets in trouble she will learn. Or we take her to the center and show her what the fuck can happen."

"That could work." Lena said as they both glanced to Judy. "Sometimes they need to be shown what will happen if they continue down a certain path. And I'm sure we can get a restraining order against Sean."

"I hope so. I really do. I just want my little girl back and Jesus."

"Don't worry love. We will fix this." The blonde said as she hugged her sister in law once again knowing how painful it was. They all did as Mariana showed up at Judy's five hours later with no sign of remorse. Judy however refused to let her get away with anything and the two had yet another fight. 


While Stef and Lena were trying their hardest to help Judy, Peaches had visited Roxy once again. What would posses her no one knew but their relationship was growing despite what happened in the past and the many men she was sleeping with. It had started out slow with letters and phone calls which escalated to visits that grew closer together. No one approved, no one saw it as a good idea and it would have consequences just like it did before. It was one of the main reasons Mariana lost all respect for Peaches. That and many other reasons. Roxy loved it, and loved that the woman was back in her life. She was thinking this time it would be different especially if she got out early and could lessen her sentence with Peaches help. But of course she had her own girlfriend in jail whom she smacked around pretty often. Sadly enough and that was something that might not change.

While Callie was working on her degree baby Andrew was doing well along with baby Stef and Noah.  Ali Jacobs was excelling as she anxiously waited for the adoption court date. Of course it made her nervous but she was thrilled Stef and Lena wanted to be her moms. That alone made her the happiest in the world and that her and Callie would have the same parents. Parents that loved them for the first time in their lives.


"So you both really mean it? You really want to be my moms?" Ali said as both women were smiling wide and holding her hands. "Like really even after I stabbed you Mama Stef?"

"Ahh I forgot about that babygirl. And you have come along way. You just needed some love and I hope Mama Lion and I have given you that. And continue to."

"You have and I love you both so much for it. You have no idea. No one has ever stuck up for me. Especially in regards to Sheila. Thank you. Thank you so much." Letting the tears fall from her eyes Ali was inconsolable as both women hugged her tightly. The tightest they ever had. "I love you so much mom's. And I promise I'll continue to do well. I will."

"We love you too sweetness. We love you too and have no doubts you will." Lena said as they continued to hug the young girl who had stolen their heart. Just like Callie and always would.


Never in a million years did Stef and Lena think they would have so many kids or make the life they did. But they had and it was something they would never trade for the world.

Callie of course was still very close to the blonde and nothing had changed that during the last decade. They still hung out as much as they could and Callie of course was over for dinner all the time especially since her daughter still lived there. Sure she wanted baby Stef to live with her but she knew the girl was just too close to her grandmother and would be heartbroken. Maybe when she got older she would but Callie knew the chances were slim and didn't push the girl.

Tracey was doing her best while working on her music and a new album. But the breakup with her girlfriend was causing a deep struggle and as a result she had been distant the last few weeks which Stef of course noticed. Tracey had come over less, avoided phone calls, stayed locked up in the studio all day or smoked her brains out. Even she knew Stef would only allow that for so long and despite all the other things going on the blonde planned on showing up at her doorstep. And that was something Tracey could never avoid. Ever.


Peaches will never learn!

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now