Not One Care

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"Wait he did what?" Lena asked her wife as the two sat out back and the blonde was furious to the point she couldn't think. She really couldn't and had driven around for an hour before she came home to cool off. Lena of course was the only thing that could calm her thankfully as she ran her fingers through her blonde wavy hair.

"You heard me babe."

"So he brought your mother to the diner and didn't tell you. What on earth possessed him to do that."

"I have no fucking idea. None and I made it clear I didn't want anything to do with that cunt. And let me tell you she's a fucking bitch if there every was one."

"What did she say to you?"

"Bullshit. That she watched me in Chowchilla. That she saw everything knows everything even about the Lion's Den. She doesn't know fucking shit and I think she probably heard half of it from someone popping their gums. Fuck her. But one thing really fucking pissed me off and I don't know how she even knows it."

"Knows what babe?"

"She mentioned she knows Jude shot Frankie's father. No one fucking knows that shit but you, me and Mike. No one."

"Does Roxy know?" Lena asked as the blonde let out a sigh. Fuck.

"Even if she does how would this bitch know. She never spoke to Roxy in Chowchilla."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I mean even if she did Rox would not have said that. I mean not the old Roxy anyway and there is no way for them to talk now. But this cunt got her information from somewhere."

"Or she was watching more then you realized. You don't remember her at all baby?"

"No babe. I really don't. Not at all. And she definitely didn't go by Sharon Foster. I knew everyone in that fucking prison Lena. Every single person and how she got passed me I have no fucking idea. And how she knows what she knows. When I find out who has been running their mouth I'm going to...

"Do nothing. I do not need you back in jail baby. Just leave it alone. We are doing well, we have been doing well so leave it be. We left all that behind baby love. All of it and we don't need to go back to it. Ever. You don't need to see her, you don't need to talk to her nothing. We have our family, Mama Rose is your mother and you don't ever need to be involved with this woman if you don't want to. If Mike does fine. But you are not obligated to." Holding her wife's hand Stef glanced to her and smiled for it was just like Lena to be like this. Supportive, understanding and smart. Never was she impulsive like the blonde could be which had served them well during their marriage and prior. "Don't worry about what she knows. Who cares you just focus on your family. Understand baby?"

"How did I get so lucky with you? MM?"

"Well how did I get so lucky with you? I think we both go lucky." Lena said smiling as the blonde returned it.

"I don't need this right now baby. Her coming into my life. We have so many other things to focus on. Ali's adoption, Callie and Andrew, Mariana and Jesus, Noah, baby Stef and my daughter loosing her mind again. Why would Mike do this. Why? Knowing how I felt."

"I don't know baby. I wish I knew but I don't. And I'm sorry. I really am my love. But we will handle it just like everything else. Promise."

"I know babe. But I am going to ring his fucking neck. Big time. And hers."


"You know I didn't mean it right? I only want the best for you mama. That's all. You know I mean well." Sean said to the young Latin girl who had snuck out of Judy's home to see him at nearly 4am. Going against her better judgment and the promise she made her aunt Stef that she would never see Sean again she rolled her eyes as Sean leaned in kissing her cheek and stroking it. Sadly he knew how to get to Mariana often manipulating the girl for he knew she was easy. Very and lacked the confidence to leave him."Come on mama don't be mad. Look, I even got you something to make peace."

"I don't need anything Sean."

"Ahh at least open it. Tell me what you think. Least you could do for calling the cops on me and your crazy ass auntie."

"Well what was I supposed to do? You were hurting me and I got scared Sean."

"Look boo, you know I don't like being that way but if you make me angry that's what I need to do. You gotta make me happy. Not mad." Gently rubbing the girls face again Mariana wasn't sure what to say as he gently lifted her chin up. "It's you and me mama. No one else so no need to get your family in it. We could have worked it out."

"I didn't know what else to do and I'm sorry I really am but I'm not even supposed to be here."

"Says who? I got you and you know I'll take care of you. Forget them people. They threw you away like trash anyhow. Family doesn't do that."

Mariana could only shrug her shoulders as she took a sip of Sean's beer listening to every word he said. Partly she knew her family cared the other part not so much. Especially in terms of Judy.

"So open then gift then I got another surprise for you."

"Really? What kind?"

"Open first then ya'll see."

Rolling her eyes again and giggling the young girl quickly opened the box to find a giant diamond necklace, with a matching bracelet, earrings and new sneakers. Sadly it didn't take much to win her over for the tiny bit of affection Sean showed Mariana literally died for it. Just like her mother. He knew how to play her, and he knew how simple it was being that she was so young and naive.

"Sean this is so sweet. I love it! Oh my god put it on me."

"Yeah I knew you would baby. Now how about we head to a special place. Got a sunrise for you." He said putting the necklace around her.

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Come and I'll show you. But first you gotta make up for what happened. I lost a few days mama."

Grinning the girl leaned in french kissing him as they spent the next hour fucking. What the young teen didn't understand was no matter how hard she tried not to be like Peaches she really was which was unfortunate and would not serve her well as Judy rang her cell for the 10th time with no answer.


I wonder who Sharon got her information from?

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