Memory Loss

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"So mom doesn't know us?"  Frankie asked as baby Stef sat on her lap and the rest of the family listened to Lena. It was a difficult thing to tell them but at the same time the family was so relieved she was awake. "I mean can we help her remember? I just want to see her Mama Lion."

"I know you do sweetheart. I know you all want to see her. We just all have to be very, very patient. They are still running tests on your mother to see how badly it affected her but we won't really know more right now. It's going to take time."

"How does she look? I mean doe she  look like herself?" Frankie asked.

"She does yes. Very much. But the doctor recommend that she only see one person a day for a little bit of time. Or else it can just get too overwhelming for her."

"Can I see Yaya. Please!" Baby Stef asked begging her grandmother.

"Sweetie I think Frankie and Jude should go first ok. Then you." Callie said as the 11 year old looked to her rather sad.

"But I miss her so much mama. I miss Yaya." Starting to cry once again Callie took the girl hugging her tightly as everyone felt bad. They all really did

"I know you do. I know honey."

"Well how about Frankie goes first with her." Jude suggested.

"No you go first Jude."Frankie suggested to her brother smiling. "It's ok I'll go after you. We can go together baby Stef ok?"

"When?" The girl asked wiping her tears.

"Right after Jude. Ok? It will give us time to get Yaya a present."

"Oh well that sounds like a great idea." Lena said smiling at the kids and how considerate they really were of each other.

"Yeah we can all go pick stuff out together for her. How does that sound honey?" Callie asked.

"Ok. But I want to see her with Frankie. Today." Baby Stef was pretty adamant in her demand as both Lena and Callie couldn't help but smile for there was no denying who her grandmother was.

"Well she damm sure has the right name because if that is not Stef Adams Foster behavior then I don't know what is!" Roxy said as the family laughed.

"That it is. And I promise my love you can see Yaya. I promise." 

"Ok Nana Lion." Kissing her granddaughter on the head the slim woman stood up along with Mike, Miss Rose, Dana and Jude.

"I showed her pictures. She doesn't remember most of us. She only remembers you Mike and Roxy.  And she only recognizes her kids from when they were little. I know it's early on."

"Does she know you?" Dana asked.

"No. She doesn't."

"She will honey. Give her time."

"I know mom. She has been through so much so I'd never ever push her. Ever. I'm just so glad she is awake. But I've never seen her so scared."

"She probably does't understand what happened to her." Mike said.

"Mike why don't you go now to see her."

"Nah. Ill let all the kids go first Lena."

"Well it might help if she sees someone she remembers. Maybe go with Jude?"

"Mike go see your sister honey." Judy said as she gently grabbed his hand which everyone noticed and it was safe to say that this entire ordeal had brought the two closer again. "Go see her."

"Yeah. Jude let's go buddy."

As the two walked off Lena took a seat and let out a sigh. Maybe the burden was a little less since her wife was awake but she was well aware they were on a long road to her recovery which she was willing to help with every step of the way.

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