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When the leader and head of your family falls victim to illness the consequence can be that the glue that holds and binds everyone together is no longer present. It is almost as if no one can find their way any longer, function or they often feel as if they are lost out at sea. This was certainly the case in the Adams Foster household as every member of the family sat in the waiting room completely devastated while Stef was fighting for life after suffering a massive stroke.

Lena was utterly and completely beside herself for she had not said a word in nearly two hours. There was nothing she could say she felt, as Callie sat beside her  with baby Stef on her lap as Pete was home taking care of little Andrew. The little 11 year old had finally stopped crying her eyes out for her grandmother only because she had fallen asleep as Alice held Callie's hand tight. 

Jude, who sat on the other side of Lena holding her hand tightly along with Noah was trying so hard to be strong. Nonetheless he had to admit this was the most difficult thing he ever had to deal with even more then when his mother went to jail as he didn't even bother to go home and change still dressed in his cop uniform.

Right now the waiting room was silent as Judy sat across from them not uttering a word either. She had been helpful in making sure everyone was eating a bit and drinking while Mike had to unfortunately go down to the station to pick up both Frankie and Mariana. The two had gotten picked up for stealing a police cruiser and fortunately he was able to pull some strings. Sure Lena was aware and utterly disgusted. But she had no room for it right this second and would deal with Frankie when she saw her.

Peaches, who sat behind Lena was also devastated as Roxy held Jesus in her lap who had fallen asleep. Right at this second there were no family divisions and all past fights and feelings were pushed to the side. Even the worst ones for none of that mattered. None of it at all.

"Lena can I get you anything?" Mama Rose asked trying to get the woman to have a little something. "Coffee a bit of water?"

"No I'm ok. Thanks."

"Are you sure? Can I get you something to eat. A small snack?

"No I'll be fine."

"Your dad is on the phone with Dana. She's flying back in as soon as she can."

"Ok." She said quietly now turning to look at her daughter. " Callie sweetheart why don't you take baby Stef home. It's been a long day for her. You too Alice you both need some rest."

"No Mama. We aren't leaving you or mom."

"Yeah none of us are Mama Lion." Ali said as Lena let out a soft smiling feeling Jude squeeze her hand. 

"You ok sweetheart? MM?"

"Yeah. Scared. You Mama?"

"Same. But I'm glad you are here."

"Me too."

"Olivia is ok?"

"Yeah. I'm texting her said she will look after the kids when we need."

"Ok tell her thank you. Noah you ok baby?"

"Yeah." The boy said as his head remained down and Jude held his hand. "Is mom gonna be ok?"

"I don't know sweetheart. We just need to really pray for her ok?"


"Mrs. Adams Foster." They all suddenly heard seeing the doctor come in as everyone immediately rushed over standing behind Lena. The slim woman could tell by the look on the doctors face that not all was ok still as it felt like she was holding her breath.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now