I'm Your Mother

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"Mama everything is ok I...

"Sit your ass down before I sit it down for you Stefanie Marie. Now!"

Looking surprised at the woman Stef took a seat at their back patio as Mama Rose did the same. The woman was pissed beyond to belief to learn that her daughter was having health issues among a few other things and that Stef didn't tell her. Stef had always come to her with a bit of probing but to not come to her at all, now she was angry.

"Now you tell me what is going on with your health. You tell me right now and no bullshit. I'm not kidding."

"Mama, you have your own things. I don't like running to you all the time."

"Stefanie that is bullshit and is that something you would say to Frankie and Jude? Is it? Or baby Stef or Callie and Alice? Or Noah? Would you tell them oh don't come to me because I have my own issues to deal with?"


"Then why the hell would you tell me that.  I'm your mama and I'm here and will always be here to help you. No matter how small or little. You should damm well know that. You hear me baby?" Gently resting her hand on top of Stef's she softly smiled as the blonde returned it feeling bad for upsetting the woman. "I know you feel like you always have to be in charge still and take care of everyone. But you have to learn to take of yourself and let other people help you."

"I know mama. I know and I don't mean it always. I just didn't want to worry you and Lena is already worried."

"Well that is understandable of course she is. She loves you baby and so do I and so do you kids. Now tell me what is going on with your blood pressure? How bad is it?"

"Enough. A few weeks ago I started to have some symptoms and Lena took me to the doctor. They ran a few tests and said I need to be careful about what I eat and be careful not to stress so much. It was high enough that I'm on medication."

"And I assume no smoking as well."


"And have you been following this?"

"To the best of my ability yes. I eat healthy."

"And have you been smoking?"

Not saying much Stef avoided the woman's eyes as Mama Rose let out a sigh.

"Stefanie blood pressure is no joke. Especially if you are on medication you can't afford to smoke. That's  playing with fire."

"I know mama. I know. The stress at times it's a bitch and there is no excuse for it."

"No there really isn't.  You do not want to get a heart attack because then you are no good for anyone. Please take care of yourself baby you have no choice. Now what is with these bruises. Who did you beat up?"

Looking to Mama Rose Stef knew she had to be honest and if there was one person she could not lie to it was her. 

"Lena and I went over Peaches apartment to tell Roxy to leave." She said letting out an exhausted sigh. 

"I see. And let me guess Roxy being Roxy pushed your buttons?"


"Well that's what she wants and that's how she is. Unless she has changed which I doubt."

"Oh she hasn't changed at all and any minute she's going to start beating up Peaches again along with Jesus and Mariana. "

"Sadly I would not put it past her. None of us would and I know you are angry but what did you think going over there and beating her up would do? You know she wants that right? She wants you to destroy your life babygirl."

"Yeah I know. I almost choked her to death."

"Not surprised. Listen we all want what is best for Mariana and Jesus but you ending up back in jail is not. Or you ending up with more health issues is not either. You have to come to me. Understand that? You have to honey unless you want me finding out and then I come over here and beat your ass. Is that what you want?"

"Definitely not." Stef laughed as Mama Rose did as well. 

"I know you don't. Listen I know life can feel like it's really testing you at times and I know you feel like it is.  But you and Lena you can get through anything especially with everyone on your side. You are never alone Stefanie. Ever. I will always be here for you  no matter what and until I can't be anymore."

With tears starting to form in the blondes eyes she hugged Mama Rose tightly as the women hugged her back.

"I love you mama."

"I love you too honey. More then you will ever know."

Hugging for what felt like hours the blonde soon pulled away as the older woman wiped her tears.

"There is something else too."

"I figured that much. Talk to me."

"Sharon Foster showed up."

"Sharon Foster? As in your birth mother huh?"

"Yeah. Mike found her and she stopped by here a few weeks ago the bitch she is. Apparently she was in Chowchilla and knew every fucking thing going on and was watching me. I had no fucking idea."

"Lord have mercy."

"Can't make that shit up mama. Can't and I had no fucking idea. She went by a different name. Lou or some shit."

"Lou?" With that name Mama Rose's ears perked up big time for she only knew one Lou in Chowchilla and it was not a good memory. Not at all.

"Yeah. You heard of her?"


So Mama Rose knew Sharon? MM.

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