Lost Minds

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Earlier that day

"You have got to be kidding me Francesa Violet Adams Foster. What were you thinking?  A tattoo? What were you thinking young lady! Have you lost your mind?! Have you hit your head?!" I yelled at my 16 year old daughter who looked at me blank. She couldn't be this dumb to do this. She couldn't be and Stef and I thought this careless behavior was behind us. A tattoo though? Something we forbid her to do until she was at least 18. All I knew was my wife was going to murder her and there was nothing I could do about that even if she got one that showed how much she loved us. "Your mama and I said 18 Frankie. 18 if you acted right and that we would pick the place and go with you."

"But then it wouldn't be a surprise. Mama Lion I thought it would be ok and ....

"It's not ok Frankie! You disobeyed both me and your mama! Do you not understand that! And I don't care how large or small it is or what it is of. And where did you even get it? No legal place will give a 16 year old a tattoo!"

"Well, I sort of got it  at the street fair last week." She said hesitantly as my eyes closed and I could only shake my head. She had lost her mind. A street fair? Was she kidding.

"Frankie please don't tell me that. Please don't tell me you got it at a street fair. Do you know how dangerous that is?"

"I just thought it was nice Mama Lion and it was a clean place."

"Your mama is going to kill you Francesca. I want to kill you myself. Do you not think sometimes or what is it?"

"I do but I wanted to just show you both how much I love you by getting this."

"Frankie there are other ways. You show us by telling us, by behaving, by doing your work. That's how you show us. But with this you defied us knowing mama and I would not approve. This is unacceptable young lady. Very much so and I am furious with you."

"I'm sorry Mama Lion." She said looking remorseful.

"You should be sorry Frankie and when your mama gets here we will talk about this more. This is far from over miss. You were doing very well and I'm extremely disappointed in  you. Very!"

 All I could do was shake my head as she did look rather remorseful and knew very well what was coming when Stef got home.

"Go  to your room you are grounded and do not come out. Because if you do so help me Frankie I will pop your behind. Now go!"

"Yes mama." She said walking off as I let out a sigh. God I hated yelling at Frankie more then anything  but she had once again lost her mind and I would once again have to prevent Stef from killing her. Trying to gather myself before the rest of the kids got home from activities as soon as I turned the oven on I heard a loud banging at the door.

"What now?" Was all I could say as I looked out the kitchen window seeing Peaches with baby Jesus. Goodness this would be interesting because it was never good when she showed up at our door. 



"I thought we were family! I thought I could trust you!" I heard Peaches screaming at me from the steps as my wife opened the front door. What in the fuck was she talking about I thought as I walked quickly towards her hoping she would lower her damm voice.

"What are you talking about Peaches? Go inside please! Now!"

"No I want to know who you called Stef!" She yelled again as I was now angry.

"Get inside. Now! If you wanna talk we can talk but not in front of our home like this screaming."

Letting out a sigh she moved passed my wife as I looked to Lena annoyed.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now