What Can Be Done?

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It was safe to say that life was a little on the crazy side for the family. No it was nothing out of the ordinary but with Sharon showing up at their door, and Roxy showing back up and moving in with Peaches that was a disaster in itself. Stef of course was beyond furious along with Lena, Judy and Mike for the family just didn't get it. How on earth could she take the woman back in and Stef for the life of her couldn't understand how Roxy even got parole. It was insane to say the least and it was insane how she even allowed the woman in her home with Mariana and her little son Jesus. But that was the reality of the situation and the family was working hard more then ever to get a better life for the Latin girl and her little brother.

"First off how the fuck did that bitch get out? That's what I want to know." The blonde asked pacing around as her, Judy, Mike and Lena sat around the table chatting. Her brother had just broken the news to her that Roxy showed up at his door and neither her or her wife could believe it. They just couldn't. "And is Peaches this fucking stupid? What the fuck is wrong with her? How on earth can she let that fat bitch back into her life and most importantly back into Mariana's life. I just don't fucking get it! I don't. Fuck her. We just can't get rid of her ass I should have killed her in jail."

"Baby don't say that." Lena said as the blonde let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'll say it baby. I should have killed her."

"Stef it would have been a waste and you wanted to get out for your babies. If you had killed her you might still be in there." Judy said.

"Nah I would have hid it and could have gotten away with it. No one would miss her and no one missed the other fucking cunts I killed."

Seeing how angry she was Lena let out a sigh as she glanced to Mike and Judy. Sure they were aware Stef had killed her fair share of people but it was something of her past and maybe even hidden.

"Had I done it none of this shit would have happened. None of it."

"Baby don't do that." The slim woman said getting up and gently touching her wife's arm. Do not put that blame on yourself. We were done with that life and that kind of life. We were remember."

"Yeah I know but still. She would have deserved it and she did deserve it fucking cunt.Just fuck her."

"Baby it's ok. It's ok." Lena soothed once again. "We have to focus on what can be done."

"Yeah I kick her ass and Peaches ass. Fucking dumbass. What the fuck is she thinking!"

"Stef please calm down." Lena whispered again for she was very conconverend.

"Babe how can I. This bullshit and that fucking cunt SHaron showing up and now Roxy."

"Stef don't worry about Roxy. If she knows better she will stay away."

"Ha you think so huh? I know that piece of shit and she's not staying away. She will make it a point to be in our faces. I know her. Seems she's getting clues from that red headed asshole. Point is we need to keep Mariana and Jesus safe."

"Well we can call CPS. And let them know Peaches has an ex con living there." Lena said.

"I'm all for that. I'll call myself." Judy said growing angry for it had been a few weeks since she had seen Mariana for the girl had gone back with her mother, willingly for the woman let her do what she wanted. Judy did not. "I want what is best for both of them and Peaches is not."

"It's the best thing." Mike said. "She has lost her mind for real this time and so has Peaches putting those kids at risk." Mike could only shake his head as Judy flashed him a look.

"Well you have a good relationship with Peaches. Why don't you go over there and talk to her." Both Stef and Lena could only look at Judy for she usually did not make such comments. She really didn't and even Mike was caught off guard. "I guess the grass was not greener on the other side huh? You fucked her, got her pregnant and she ended up leaving you. Was it worth it Mike? Huh?"

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now