Poor Judgement

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"Mama I'll give you three streaks for now. That cool?" Frankie asked her mother more excited then ever as the two sat in the kitchen and the girl was preparing the hair dye she mixed up. All day the 17 year old was  eager and looking forward to this as Stef let out a smile. The blonde had forgotten so much of what transpired between the two of them that it was almost as if the two were starting from scratch. Maybe that was a good thing but the way in which it went about was not. Frankie would never in a million years wish for her mother to have a stroke and heart attack in order to repair their relationship. Infact she wished it had been repaired prior and regretted how she had behaved.

"Sure that sounds good love."

"Cool. In the back, side, front? Where do you want them?"

"Mmm you pick. To many, to many choices for me."

"Ok sure." Smiling at her mother the girl mixed the dye and carefully combed Stef's long blonde hair that she had loved to play in when she was a kid. She still did if she was honest but her mother and her had not been this close in such a long time that she had almost forgotten what it felt like to even talk to her, much less do something fun together.

"So how was school sweetheart? Learn anything new?"

"MM it was ok. Same old crap but good. Nothing crazy happened today. Which is good. So overall ok."

"That's good. How is the paper? On the president? I forgot his name but I know you wanted Obama."

"Oh goodness. Eisenhower? Slow going but almost done mama. Thankfully! I can't wait to be finished with it because it's one of the most boring papers I have ever written. Seriously!"

"Ha really? That's funny. You know if I'm honest  I don't remember much of my high school. Not much at all really if I think about it. I mean I know I don't remember much anyway but that I draw a blank on."

"Well you didn't really go that long. You dropped out super young."

"Really? Why?"

"Your dad wanted you to do stuff for him so you did that instead." The girl admitted as Stef let out a sigh for she vaguely was remembering that time in her life. "Like run his operation you said."

"Yeah Frank. I named you after him.  Francesca and your middle name from my girlfriend. Violet. She was wild as hell." 

"Yeah? That's super cool mama. Did she have purple hair?"

"Not that I remember." The blonde said laughing. "No she had long dreadlocks."

"Really?" Frankie asked surprised.

"Yes. She was from Jamaica. Had an accent too from what I remember. Ha smoked my first joint with her." At this Frankie had no idea what to even say as she couldn't help but he shocked.

"No way you smoked weed?"

"Yeah. Definitely. Probably killed some brain cells."

"Well yeah I heard it does but um why did you name me after her?"

"MM she was my girlfriend at the time and I thought I was going to marry her I think."

"Wow you never told me that." Frankie said applying the blue dye carefully as Stef sat as still as possible.

"No? Well yeah I did come to think of it. I mean almost married her and  I screwed around with her while I was with your dad when we worked at that strip club. MM maybe I should not have said that." The blonde admitted as her daughter looked shocked once again for she had no idea of any of this.

"What you worked at a strip club? Like making drinks?"

"Ha no honey. Definitely not making drinks."

"Wait you were a stripper? Really?"

"Yup. I don't remember how long but I was."

"Wow. I never knew that."

 "I guess I never told you?"

"No definitely not. I mean you told me other stuff but not that."

"Yeah well I guess I had my reasons. But um I heard you are not allowed to hang out with Maria. I mean Mariana. Why is that?" The blonde soon asked as Frankie stopped what she was doing for a bit for she wasn't sure what to do. She had been really honest the last few months with both her moms and wanted to remain that way.  She really did as she continued to remain silent which her mother picked up on. Maybe Stef was not herself at all but she could still sense things. "Mm that, that bad huh?"

"Yeah sort of. We were kind of getting into a bunch of bad stuff."

"Like, like what baby?" Hearing the affectionate term her mother used Frankie let out a sigh as Stef soon grabbed her hand gently and the teen looked her dead in the face.The blonde could only smile in a somewhat reassuring way.  "I'm not perfect and I wasn't when I was 17.  I did alot of bad shit. I won't, I won't judge you." Continuing to stare at her mother this was all so new to Frankie she didn't know what to do. At all for she was always waiting for Stef to rip her to shreds. "Why are you scared to tell me? MM? Did I yell at you before or something? Was I mean to you?"

"Well yes and no but I was messing up alot so you had every right to be."

"But enough for you to not tell me things? Why?"

"Well, Mariana and I kind of stole a police car and we were smoking vapors. You  know e cigarettes."

"Really? Why? You seem like a very smart girl who has her own style and a good head on her shoulders. Why, why would you steal a cop car?"

"Mm stupid I guess. Mama Lion tore into us that day and it was sort of the day you had your stroke. It was baby Stef's birthday party and me and Mariana bailed to go smoke and hang out. It was dumb."

"Ok but why? Besides you don't know there must be some reason or something."

"I um, I guess I was feeling suppressed and frustrated with everything. I was living with Nana Rose at that time because our relationship was pretty bad mama. We weren't talking and when we did we yelled at each other. You um, you actually threw me out."

"Oh." Stef said feeling rather disappointed.

"I mean I deserved it. I was really, really fresh to you. We just had a different opinion about things and I was rude about it and you pushed."

"College? I heard Lena, I mean Mama Lion mention it to you. You don't want to go?"

"Well not really. But you and her want me to so I will. It's not big deal. I did alot of stupid stuff the last few years like getting a tattoo and drinking and I didn't make the best choices."

"And I guess you couldn't talk to me about it?"

"Not like I wanted to. No."

"Look baby, I know my mind is not 100 percent yet but why don't we talk now. Anything you want."

"I don't want to overload you. I do as it is."

"You don't. I am trying to get to know my baby. Will you let me?" The blonde said smiling as she continued to hold Frankie's hand.

"Sure mama. Sure."

"Ok then start with the smoking. Why?"


Man Stef is so different to Frankie even she is not sure about it lol 

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