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"I definitely didn't call CPS on her." Stef said as she was now smoking from being stressed out and running her fingers through her blonde hair. "Even if I should and even if she fucking deserves it. Jesus was a mess. Did you not see?"

"I saw baby. And I didn't think you called. I mean I didn't either and I know we have talked about it. But do you think it was Mike?"

"MM no. I went over there this afternoon with baby Andrew. It wasn't him he's still got feelings for her which get in the fucking way. I honestly don't know who it was. I mean maybe it was Judy but I feel like she would tell me or maybe it was a neighbor considering she has people coming in and out of there all the fucking time. This entire thing makes me fucking nuts." Puffing on her cigarette Lena could see the stress in her wife for she knew there was more going on that she might not know about. She was also thinking it was a bad time to tell her about Frankie's tattoo for she might really kill her.

"What's wrong baby. You don't smoke unless you are extremely stressed out. What's the matter?"

"Mm it can wait. You mentioned at the door we have other issues. What's going on here?"

"Nothing honey what's wrong?"

"Lena don't tell me nothing. Something with the babies? Who lost their mind today?"

 As much as Lena wished she could sometimes not tell her wife things right away the odds were slim. Very as she looked at her suspiciously.

"It's Frankie." Lena said as the blonde let out a sigh. "But I took care of it so you don't need to."

"Yeah? What was it? MM?"

"Stef you have to promise me to remain calm. You have too because you are already on edge and I'd wish you would tell me what is up."

"Not until I know what our daughter did. Frankie get your ass in here now!!!" She yelled as the 16 year old emerged from her room looking nervous for she was dreading Stef coming home.

"Mama Lion told me to stay in my room."

"Yeah why is that? What the hell did you do? You cut school? MM?"

"No mama."

"Then what. And get over here." Seeing how furious she was Frankie hesitantly walked closer to her mother more nervous then ever. At the time of the tattoo she wasn't thinking of the consequences but now she was and she would give anything if it was just Lena who had yelled at her. "I asked you a question. What did you do?!"

"I um, I um sort of got a tattoo." She said looking her mother in the eyes as Stef laughed.

"A tattoo? You are kidding right? You are serious? She's kidding right Lena?"

"No baby she's not kidding."

 The blonde could only laugh once again and Frankie knew this wasn't good. She really did.

"Mama I didn't mean to defy you or Mama Lion. I didn't I just..."

"You wanted to do whatever the fuck you wanted to do regardless of what me and Mama Lion said. Nothing more to it then that! YOu damm sure aren't sorry you're little ass is sorry that you got caught and you knew what you were doing!!"

"I am sorry. I got it for you and Mama....."  Frankie said but Stef was silent she was silent for a few momments and her daughter grew more nervous. "Mama I...

"I don't give a shit." the blonde said standing up and getting in her daughter's face. "You have a hearing problem. You have always had a hearing problem and you just continue to do whatever the fuck you wanna do!!"

"No I was listening mama. I have been but..

"I didn't tell you to talk. Did I tell you to talk? Huh?! You shut your fucking mouth! And ya'll pay to get that fucking thing removed I don't care what it is of and I don't wanna even see it! But you will pay that's all I fucking know! You will work for it and pay because as usual you did another stupid ass thing!! We just started to trust you. Now you blew it again!"

"I'm sorry, I....

"Go ahead say another word and see if I don't break your legs and knock all your fucking teeth out! Try me! You wanna huh?"

With that Frankie said nothing as she swallowed hard.

"Just get the fuck out of my face before I throw you out onto the street. Go!"

Putting her head down Frankie walked off into her room closing the door behind her as Stef sat down rubbing her forehead. Lena always felt bad for how harsh her wife could be with their kids but she knew it was who she was and that wasn't changing.

"Who legally gives a 16 year old a fucking tattoo Lena?"

"She got it at the street fair."

"Great so she is dumb as shit. Well if she gets an infection it's on her. Let her do whatever the fuck she wants since she does anyway."

Watching her wife head to their bedroom Lena knew not to press for any information right now. She needed time to cool off as she followed behind her closing the door and taking a seat behind her on the bed. All she could do was gently massage her shoulders that were always as stiff as rocks.

"Hey. Listen I know these kids make us insane. I know it babylove but try to breath and relax for a few moments ok? I know Peaches coming over didn't help matters either. But it will all be ok my love."

"Yeah, if I didn't have you I'd lose my mind. You know that right?" She said turning to look at Lena as the slim woman wrapped one of her arms around the blondes wasit. Softly she kissed her lips as Stef smiled warmly at her gently grabbing her hand.

"I probably would too. And thankfully we do have each other and always will. I love you baby. Just incase you forgot."

"Ha. It's hard to forget. I love you too." Gently cupping Stef's cheek she kissed her lips once again and looking into her soft hazel eyes that appeared to be worried and trouble.

"What's wrong baby? Talk to me sweetheart. MM? Let it out." Letting out a sigh Stef put her head down as Lena softly rubbed her back knowing that whatever it was it was difficult.

"Mike found our mother."

"The one who left when you were little?"

"Yeah. And um she was in Chowchilla when I was."

Upon hearing that Lena was speechless and had no idea what in the hell to say. None at all and neither did her wife as they soon heard a light knock at the door.

"Um come in. Yes?" Lena said as it woke her up out of her shock and Frankie walked in looking worried.

"I'm sorry I know I'm supposed to be in my room but it's, it's an emergency mama's."

"What is it?" Stef asked annoyed.

"Mariana is in trouble."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now