Talks (Part 1)

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"Hi Francesca." The blonde said to her daughter as Frankie looked at her rather unsure.  She had not really expected to see her mother and was rather thrown off by it as she glanced to Lena who let out a soft smile. It wasn't the woman's intention to blindside her daughter like this but her and Stef needed to talk and now.  The slim woman was well aware that the two missed one another and could see it on each other their faces. Maybe the talk wouldn't be perfect but it was a start.

"Hi. Hi Mama Lion."

"Hi baby. Is it ok if we come in for breakfast?"

"Sure." The girl said as both women walked into the home. Stef couldn't help but look over her daughter and noticing she looked relatively happy. Happier then when she lived with her.

 "My two favorite people! Come in, come in lets eat. Frankie made a nice breakfast for all of us." Miss Rose said coming out the bedroom and embracing both women in her arms. Of course she knew as well that Stef was coming and had every intention of making her and Frankie talk. It had been a month and it was time even if the teen was not ready to even remotely speak to her. Not by any means.

"Hi mama." The blonde said.

" Hi my sweetheart. Come you and Lena let's have a seat." Grabbing both of their hands especially Stef's the three women sat at the breakfast filled table as Frankie stood by the stove unsure of what to do. 

"Baby come take a seat so we can all enjoy this nice breakfast you made."

"I'm ok here." She said to the older woman.

"I don't bite Frankie." The blonde joked. "Or I can sit outside if that helps?"

Letting out a sigh and looking to all three women especially her mother Stef let out a soft smile to her daughter. She herself wasn't sure how she was feeling about any of this as Frankie looked away still not really wanting to sit at the table and taking a sip of her coffee.

"Oh nonsense Stefanie. Baby come have a seat. Come have a seat." Miss Rose said once again as the girl reluctantly took a seat beside the blonde.

"You drink coffee now huh?" Stef asked her daughter as Frankie nodded her head not really wanting to talk to the woman. Sure Stef took notice of that and of course it bothered her. But she promised her wife she would be on her best behavior and try very hard to start to have more patience for the girl.


"Probably my fault from having her make it every morning for me and Stuart. Frankie is an even earlier riser then me if you can believe it and such a big help. I wouldn't know what to do without her. She has reorganized all my books and everything."

"Wow the girl who didn't like to get up before noon." Lena laughed as Frankie smiled at her. "But she was always a big help. Right baby?" Gently placing her hand on Stef's thigh the blonde glanced to her wife letting out a small smile.

"That she is and was. And Frankie probably picked that organizing thing up from Mama Lion because lord knows I don't do it."

" OH you do honey. Please. You organize many things."

"Everyone is good at something Stef." Miss Rose said smiling as she glanced to Frankie once again who was avoiding everyone. "So honey why don't you tell you moms how choir is going? MM? Frankie has another solo and she's helping with the youth choir."

"Really? You have accomplished alot in a month huh?"  Stef asked.

"I guess."

"Don't be so shy about it honey. That's a great thing." Lena said.

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