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"You let her get that? You are  kidding?! We never once talked about it. Not once. We said 18!" Lena yelled as Stef let out a sigh. "Why do I talk? No one listens. You certainly don't listen to me."

"Babe don't be so dramatic. I really thought it was fine. And I do listen to you babe. I do all the time"

"You  don't! And dramatic? Really? Ok."

"Baby..listen..."she said trying to grab Lena's hand as the woman pulled it away. "Love ..

"We said 18. 18! How would you feel if  I did that!? If I got her one or Noah without talking to you! Huh! How would you feel Stefanie! Yeah I know how you would feel!! Your controlling stubborn pain in the ass would not like it! Not in the least! Would you? Huh!!!"

"If you give me a chance to answer." She joked.

"So I'm funny to you and dramatic? Fine then I'm done talking."

"You aren't talking Lena you are screaming!"

"Well I'm done! Make all the choices you want with our kids and leave me out of it since you are so good at it. By the way I caught our son making out and smoking a joint with that girl while he was supposed to be in school. Would you like to give him condoms and weed since I caught her on top of him?"

"What? When did this happen? Noah get your ass out here! Have all these kids lost their fucking minds!"

"I spoke to him already while you were out plastering our daughters back in ink!"

"Lena! Kill me ok! Go ahead! And I wasn't plastering! Jesus!"

"Now who is being dramatic!"

"Jesus woman you are working my last nerve! I fucked up what do you want me to do huh?! Tell me what! She would get it anyway regardless and I could see she really wanted. Its not that much longer until shes 18. I made a decision about my daughter so kill me.  Ok? Feed me to the damm wolves."

"Your daughter?"

"Ours. You know what I mean."

"Sure I do. Your daughter." The woman said walking off as Stef  realized she put her foot in her mouth and letting out a sigh.

"Lena, baby I didn't mean that. Come on." She said as her wife slammed the front door leaving. Stef could only let out a sigh in frustration as Noah came in the door looking bug eyed for he knew he was about to get chewed out. Big time.

"You're little ass is in deep shit."


"This is tearing me up Peach. I don't know what else to do." Roxy said as she was rolling dough for her homemade cinnamon bus as Jesus helped mix the frosting. 

"You can't force it. You know Stef better then any of us. Right?"

"Yeah I do. I should have come clean early now I just look bad. We were just getting along like we use to. Back in in the day. I was scared to tell her and fuck it up. Which I did."

"Well I can understand that. I guess you can keep trying in a non forceful way but both of you are similar in some aspects. You are really persistent. And that persistence will help I think but it's going to take Stef time honey. And she's dealing with alot especially in regards to Callie and probably still the effects of her stroke."

"I know she is and I wanna help. I've been out looking for Callie too and trying to help Stef stubborn bullheaded ass. I know I betrayed her."

"But why? Why did you? Why did you turn against her and why did you hurt me then." Peaches asked for the first time as Roxy let out a sigh.

"Lost my mind. I wasn't right Peach. I hit my women for years. All of them. But you the worst. My therapist said I have, had alot of anger issues and problems. Steaming back from when I was little. Never being accepted by my own parents I guess. I don't know and um I'm still trying to figure it out. Sometimes most of the time it's hard to realize what I did to you. Truthfully I'll never forgive myself for that. I just won't. I look at you and wonder how I could ever have been so cruel to you. I'm really sorry babe. I'm sorry everyday." Letting tears fall from her eyes Peaches moved in hugging her tightly and soon pulling away. She could only softly smile and gently hold her hand.

"I have forgiven you."

"How? I almost killed you Peach."

"I know. And everyone makes mistakes or does wrong in life. I've made my share too."

"You didn't almost kill anyone."

"Maybe not but I destroyed my relationship with Mariana. I slept around, I did my share of things. I wasn't innocent."

"I'm the real thing for you now Peach. For you and this family."

"I know you are and I trust you. With myself, with Jesus. I mean Mariana..

"It's ok. I get it. She saw the worst in me. And I would understand if we never had a relationship. I get it and I'll still try with her regardless. I know that kid wants me dead or locked up again and I can't blame her. I almost took her mother from her. Well I did for years. And that wasn't right no way. No how. Look I don't want me getting in your way of you and Mariana. I'll step to the side like I have been when she's here and I can keep doing that. Just want you to have you lil girl back Peach and for us to be something."

"We are something Rox. We are something and you are something. I'm not afraid of you anymore. I haven't been. And you are so good with Jesus and I know you are trying with Mariana. I appreciate your patience while her and I work on our relationship. I do so much."

"I'm glad. I am Peach for real. I fucked up with my own daughter, fucked up real bad. Shit really kills sometimes but, I want good stuff for Mari. And she's doing good."

"I know she is and she will keep doing well. Listen, why don't you go talk to your sister again. Try. Give her a peace offering again. Worth a try if she means that much to you which I know she does."

"Yeah she does and I miss the fuck outta her."

"Then tell her again."

As the woman finished the rest of her pastry and put Jesus to bed she decided to head over to her sister's once again and ride around looking for Callie like most members of the family did every night. However before that she made a stop somewhere else to clear the air the best she could and try to settle a debt she knew she couldn't pay.

"Ahh Roxanne just the person I been looking for.  I see my daughter is all better from her stroke?" Lou said as the overweight woman stood outside her door.

"I ain't here about that. We need to talk Lou. We just do."

"Of course. But don't plan on pissing me off. Because honey you have done that enough."



A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now