Bowling Part I

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"I'm so glad we decided to do this. To get the family out." Stef said as the entire Adams Fosters clan had decided to have a night out bowling along with roller skating and arcade games. They all needed it if they were honest as Lena sat on her wife's lap drinking a beer. What was also nice was Stef seemed to make a full recovery despite having to still use her cane which drove the blonde insane. 

"I'm glad we did it too. It's nice to do things as a family then to always be occupied with so much crap."

"Whoa there Mama Lion did you just say crap?" Stef asked laughing as Lena smiled at her running her fingers through her long blonde hair staring very deep into her eyes.

"I did." She teased. "What you gonna do about it?"

"MM alot. Wait till I get your ass home." The blonde winked as the two kissed softly sliding their tongue around each others and Stef could only growl at the woman as if no one was around. 

"Stop we are in public. You are so silly."

"And? Never stopped us before. You and your sexy ass." Lena could only giggle as Stef rubbed her thigh and sucked on her neck. But as Lena She could only laugh at her wife as the two played around. Laughing and smiling at her wife Stef soon looked in the distance at Frankie who was walking with Erin over by the concession stand holding hands.

"They are fucking."

"What?" Lena asked surprised.

"Frankie and Erin. They are fucking."

"Ok why do you say this?"

"Because Frankie admitted it to me at the tattoo shop. She said she wanted to get back with Erin and I've come to realize our daughter is very much like me in many  aspects. As thrilling as that sounds."

"Well we have come to realize Frankie has been sexually active for awhile Stef. Even before we knew it. Unfortunately."

"Yeah don't I know. But does she have to smoke? And do whatever else the fuck she does. Huh? Whatever that is. I mean ok she's a good kid but what does she really do? Mm? I know she's smoking pot."

"Maybe she isn't."

"Please. She's sweet but not innocent by any means Lena. How that happened I don't really know. We tried to protect her from everything and make sure she grows up differently."

"Baby listen we gave Frankie the tools for life the best way we knew how. Sure she has alot of growing up to do. A good amount because she is not an adult at all. And yes we tried to raise her rather innocently but if we are being honest our kids did not have an innocent life. One because we were in jail and that already exposed them to something different. Their life was always little different and still is because of that."

"They were little babe. And Jude is not like that.  He's so different then Frankie."

"Of course he is. You know this and you know Frankie has always been feisty. From the beginning just like her mama but we can't control that. We can't control who she is babe."

"Ha says who?'

"Look we know she's having sex. But we can't stop it even if we try. We can only advise her on safe sex. And smoking of course we can ground her until the cows come home. But once she leaves here for college and really becomes an adult it's a choice that's on her. We can only hope she makes the right choices."

"Lena if she fucks up in college I will fuck her up by shipping her ass home. That's what is going to happen."

"Of course but when's she is 25 and 30?'

"Just give me another heart attack babe."

"Look we will keep talking to her. Reminding her and listening to her. Continue to guide her but she is her mother's daughter." Lena laughed as Stef could only roll her eyes playfully. "Which means she is very stubborn."

"Yeah, yeah. We will see if her ass cracks. That's for sure."

"We will. In the meantime lets enjoy the night baby. Ok Mama Tiger?"

"Yes yes. We can." The blonde said smiling as she soon helped baby Stef bowl. It was nice to see the little girl happy as well for it had been sometime. It really had been as Roxy handed the blonde a hot dog and the two even bowled a game together laughing and chatting like old times.  That was something no one expected as Mariana showed up with Peaches, baby Jesus, along with Jude, Olivia, baby Amelia,Mama Rose, Stuart, Dana, Tracey and Mike. Things didn't always need to be complicated and difficult and it was nice when they could all come together like this as Noah bowled three strikes allowing his team to win.

"Yaya we won! Ya!"  Baby Stef said jumping up and down and hugging her grandmother.

"Yeah we did baby we kicked some butt."

"Yup! Can I get another snow cone?"

"Sure sweets. Take your brother with you."

"I'll take her." Erin said smiling as Stef returned it.

"How about you and I go mm? Babygirl stay with Nana Lion and I'll get your snow cone with Erin ok?"

"Ok sure." She said happily and running to Lena ready to bowl another game.

"Come love. You and I rarely chat if ever." The blonde said grabbing Erin's hand and holding it.

"I know it's been sometime. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better. Thanks for asking honey."

"Sure we were all super worried. I mean we just wanted you to be ok and Frankie was really devasted."

"Yeah I know I scared alot of people. But um speaking of you and Frankie are you both back together? Mm?"

"Well yes. We are taking it slow. We missed each other alot."

"Oh I'm sure and I like you Erin. I always have been because you are such a good influence. Especially for my daughter who can be rather impulsive."

"I won't argue with that." She laughed as the two waited on line for the snow cone.

"But you two are safe yes?"

"Safe?" Erin asked confused but having an idea on what the blonde was refering on.

"Yes love. Safe."

"Oh um yes. We are. Always. Always safe."

"You aren't in trouble love. I mean I'm not dumb and I wasn't born yesterday so I know you both are having sex. Just promise me you both will be safe. Ok?"

"Of course I promise. We always have been Mrs. Adams Foster."

"Erin calling me Stef is  fine. I keep telling you that love. Mrs. Adam's Foster sounds so formal despite the fact that I love having my wife's name."

"Sorry." She laughed.

"It's ok but I'm happy to see you here and maybe you can get my daughter to stop smoking those fucking vapors."  She said glancing to the girl Erin let out a sigh.

"You know?"

"Yes I do. She is my daughter and I had the same nasty habit. Unfortunately and I know I'm not one to talk."

"I'm trying to get her to stop. I am."

"I know. It's a bitch and...." Stef began but as she looked up she saw someone enter the bowling alley. Someone she least expected.


I wonder who showed up!

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