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Walking into the bedroom and watching her wife change into pajamas Stef rested her cane against the wall and took a seat. She felt bad about the fight and for hurting Lena's feelings. She did.

"Lena I'm sorry baby. I am. I was wrong to make that decision without disguising it with you. I was also wrong when I said Frankie was my daughter implying that she isn't yours. I didn't mean that honey. I really didn't and I'm sorry I said that. Sometimes I fuck up I know and just really put my foot in my mouth with you."

"I love her Stef. Just as much as you do and always have. That hurt me what you said. I know I didn't give birth to her or whatever but..

"No that, that doesn't matter. It never did to me or this family. You know that."

"Then why did you say it? And why did you leave me out of this decision?" Wiping her tears as she was folding her clothes Stef slowly got up and gently grabbed the woman's hand.

"Baby I'm sorry. I don't know why I worded myself that way. I really, really didn't mean it. I'm fucking stupid sometimes to be honest. And I would be upset if you said the same to me about Noah.  I guess letting her get it I um I guess I'm trying to understand her more then I use to. And make up for all the time I didn't. It's weird."

"What's weird?" Lena asked now looking concerned as the blonde gently wiped the woman's tears.

"I partly remember being hard on her, she will mention things and I often don't understand why I was that way with her.I know it's the wrong approach but I'm trying to make up for that.  But the wrong way I guess. I already wasted enough time when she was little and I know I kicked her out. Lena, I didn't do it to be a jerk. I'm sorry I left you out of that decisions and it wasn't right of me. I didn't mean to make you feel like any less of a mother then you are. I'm very sorry babe.  I think I'm still learning how to parent again. But in a better way. So um please forgive me?"

Letting out a sigh Lena understood. She did even if she could be a tad stubborn herself as she walked over to the dressor continuing to fold.

Taking her chances the blonde slowly walked over and wrapped her arms around the woman's waist from behind and slid her hand inside her bottoms.

"What can I do so you will forgive me mm? Tell me?" She whispered in the woman's ear as she began to rub her pussy. "Don't be like that. Don't be so stubborn."

"I'm not stubborn." Lena whispered in a sultry tone.

"MM no? You most certainty are." Continuing to rub the woman's wet pussy the blonde slid her other hand under Lena's loose shirt gently rubbing and pinching her nipples. Her wife tried not to moan for she was still angry with the blonde but it was feeling good so good that she could not resist letting out soft moans and grabbing Stef's neck. "Forgive me Lena. MM forgive me. Can't you see how sorry I am? MM?"

 Moaning into the woman's ear she pulled her undies to the side rubbing her pussy harder and fingering her softly. Running her tongue over the tattoo that still remained of her name so prevalent on the woman's neck Stef smiled at it continuing to play with her wife's nipples and gliding her tongue over the letters.

"You made me so horny when you got this. Do you remember that day mm?"

"Yes, yes...

"Yeah?I fucked your brains out for that. Hard and you were begging. You were begging so bad just like you will tonight." Pushing the woman closer to the dressor rather roughly Lena propped her foot on top of it as she opened her legs wider and leaning her back even more into her wife. Stef could only finger her faster and rub her juicy pussy so hard she could feel her hands getting sore. Fuck if she cared not one bit as her wife's tank slide off her shoulder and the blonde sucked on it soft skin.


"You cheat! Cunt licker!" Roxy said throwing her cards down at Stef in frustration. The two had just finished a game of poker and Roxy had lost once again like she always did as Callie could only laugh.

"I won fair and square bitch. Not my fault you can't handle it." She teased.

"You cheated heifer."

"Ha mom never cheats." Callie joked as the blonde smirked.

"Please this bitch always cheats because she can't deal with loosing. I know how you play twat licker. Cheat."

"Yeah? Prove I cheated."

"F you." Roxy said laughing and putting her middle finger up as Stef laughed once again. They all laughed as Lena soon walked in smiling as Stef's grew even wider. Grabbing Lena's hand she pulled her onto her lap as the shy woman faced her. "Hey."

"Hi." The slim woman said rather bashfully even if by this time Stef knew she was not for Lena had moved into her cell and they fucked daily.

"You ok? Why do you have that bandage on your neck. You alright? I need to kill someone?" The blonde asked gently moving Lena's curls from her neck.

"No. Not at all."

"You fall, what happened baby?"

Smiling at the blonde Lena gently pulled the bandage off as Stef's eyes widened upon what she saw. It couldn't be? Or was it? No way.

"Oh dam! Now that's some real shit right there. That's some real prison love shit some ride or die shit!" Roxy said as Stef looked at her rolling her eyes. Lena could only laugh as she stared back into the blondes eyes smiling shyly.

"Do you like it?" She asked gently stroking her girlfriends face as the woman swallowed hard feeling more horny then anything for Lena was proving to be something else. Really something else and she wouldn't put anything past her anymore. Nothing.

"Do you even need to ask that?"

"Well yes I wanted to make sure you liked it."

"Baby I more then like it. It is turning me the fuck on."



"MM good because I want everyone in this fucking prison to know you're mine and that I love you and I don't want anyone else. I don't want anyone else touching me, or loving me, or looking at me the way you do. Ever. I'm committed to you and only you Stefanie Foster." Stroking her cheek and leaning in to kiss the blonde Stef was so hot over this she had no idea what in the hell to do as she kicked both Roxy and Callie out of her cell and fucked Lena's brains out the rest of the night.


"You remember that night mm?"


"Yeah do you? What did I do to you that night? MM?" She asked teasing the women's clit with her finger. "MM tell me before I stop."

"You fucked me. Hard all night. You...you..

"I can't hear you baby. Tell me what I did." Running her hands all up the woman's long legs she knew she was teasing Lena as the woman grabbed her wife's hand putting it between her legs. "Yeah I bet that's what you want. Get your sexy ass over here and let me show you how sorry I am."

Roughly turning her wife around Stef bent down and ran her tongue up and down Lena's pussy making her cum multiple times within minute's. There was really no question that she forgave her wife.


I guess Lena forgave her LOL

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now