Swollen Fists

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"Mom you are lucky. You are beyond lucky." Jude said standing in the kitchen with his uniform on along with his uncle. Mike agreed with his nephew but wasn't sure what to say or how to respond as Lena was icing her wife's fist along with cleaning the cuts above her eyebrow. "I mean you know she is not worth it and wasn't worth it at all. Never was so why even let her get you that angry mom."

"Oh she was worth it believe me baby boy. It was really worth it punching her in the fucking face and I'd do it again. Fuck her and that's the last time she will ever utter any of our babies names. Ever. Everytime that cunt looks in the mirror now she will remember."

"Mom, if you were still on parole you could have gotten in trouble. Do you know that?"

"But I'm not on parole and her ass isn't supposed to be living there anyway with Peaches. So she can't do shit and she's the one who would get sent right back to jail. Not me! I served my time, I did my parole and I stayed out of fucking trouble which this heffer can't do. Dumb ass fucking cunt." Stef said as Lena was wiping her cut eyebrow for she too had tried to break the fight up but with not much luck at all for before she knew it Stef had the woman pinned to the wall punching and choking her.


"Go on let my daughters name come out your mouth again. Go ahead!" Stef yelled as she had Roxy pinned against the wall literally choking her for all the blonde could see now was red.

"Francesca." Roxy said laughing and before anyone knew it Stef had slammed her back against the wall once again and punched her in the face. Lena didn't even know what had happened as Roxy no matter how large she was couldn't seem to fight back for she had forgotten how strong her sister was. Stef had not lost her toughness and was just as hardcore as she was in Chowchilla showing no mercy.  None as her eyes grew colder and harsher narrowing in on her sister. Roxy at this point was growing angry as she kicked the blonde but it was no use none at all.

"Stop please stop!" Peaches yelled as Lena soon tried to pull them apart. But it was no use.

"I'll stay whatever I want you blonde cunt. Fuck you bitch." Spitting in Stef's face she grabbed Roxy once again as the fat woman fell onto the table knocking everything over. She had almost forgotten how strong Stef was as the woman took another punch at her and Roxy tried to fight back.

"Fuck you. Never utter my kids name again. Ever or you won't see tomorrow. You won't see any day ever before I'm going to bury you six feet under!! Stay the fuck away!"

"Fuck you bitch!" Yelling she managed to knock Stef in the eye as by this point the two were now on the floor and the blonde had her hands wrapped tightly around Roxy's thick neck. If she didn't let up Roxy was definitely going to see the end of her life as Peaches was begging for them to stop and for Stef to let go.   Lena herself was trying her hardest to get ahold of her wife but it was no use for the blonde was over the edge.

"Stef! It's not worth it baby! It's not! Just let her go."

"I will fucking kill you! I will!" The blonde growled at her sister while Roxy was trying hard to break free. " I will like I should have done in Chowchilla you piece of shit."

"Stef!" Lena yelled once again. "Forget her. Forget her baby. This is what she wants so that you can ruin everything you worked for. Just let her go baby. Let her go."


"Well I hate to say it but she deserved it. Even if I'm not happy that she took a punch at you as well." Lena said continuing to clean the wound above the blondes eyebrow. "Not much of one though based on how bad she looks."

"What you thought I'd lose that fight." Stef chuckled sarcastically as all the kids including  Mama Rose entered the home. Upon seeing her grandmothers face baby Stef ran to her worried and confused.

"Yaya what happened to you! Are you ok?" Gently touching Stef's eyebrow and rubbing it the other kids took notice wondering what happened as well. 

"I'm ok baby girl. Yaya is fine. "

"Did someone hurt you? Are you ok?"

"I promise my love I'm ok. Yaya is fine sweetness." Gently rubbing the blondes eyebrow Stef smiled at her as Mama Rose walked over herself along with the rest of the kids. Her and Lena knew they couldn't be honest with what happened for all hell would break loose if they were. The key was to keep it simple and vague even if that would be difficult.

"Lord baby what happened to you?" Mama Rose asked. "What on earth child."

"Nothing it was just from the center." Stef fibbed looking to Lena who remained silent as well as Mike and Jude.

"Who from the center mama? Seriously who because I have no issue knocking their front teeth out and....

"Frankie you aren't knocking anyones front teeth out." Lena said sternly. "No way."

"But who at the center?" Callie asked. "And are you ok?"

"Seriously I'll deck them myself. Me and Frank's right sis?"Noah said as Frankie looked even more angry and suspicious for she had a feeling her moms were lying. So did Ali and Callie.

"You babies relax. No one is knocking anyone out. It's over and done. Understand. I mean it. I'm fine. And I'm fine mama. Lena please tell them I'm ok."

"Mom is fine everyone. Don't worry."

"It was Roxy wasn't it? I know it was and what about your blood pressure mama." Frankie asked as Mike and Jude along with Mama Rose looked to the blonde.

"Blood pressure?" Mama Rose asked.

"Sis what does she mean blood pressure? What's wrong?" Mike asked concerned.

"Jesus nothing. Nothing is wrong ok? You all relax and mind your business. I am fine! It was a thing at work and my blood pressure is fine."

"No it's not. I know it's not mama. It's so high you are on meds and I saw the bottles with your name on it. I saw it." Frankie spat out as the blonde let out a frustrated sigh. "Why can't you be honest with us about it? Why?"

"You have blood pressure problems Aunt Stef?" Mariana asked coming out of the room with her baby brother. "Will you get a heart attack?"

Letting out a sigh again and looking to her wife Stef had no clue what to say. None at all and just as Lena was about to say something Mama Rose cut her off completely frustrated.

"Ok outside now Stefanie Marie. You don't get to tell me to mind my own fucking business. Get your ass up and tell me what in the fuck is going on with you. And I damm sure mean it. Now!" Mama Rose said as everyone looked to her surprised for they never heard her curse. Ever.


Mama Rose does not play!


We will soon see what's going on with Tracey. I wonder what she is up to.

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