Frayed Paths

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As the days moved along it was safe to say that everyone was dealing with something in one way or another. No it was not all bad but most of it was rather life changing as Frankie sat beside her cousin watching her write four different rejection letters along with one acceptance letter to Sacramento Community College. Frankie would not actually go or apply to any of them but she would make it look like she was when the time came. It was the only way she could really get her mother off her back and she knew once Stef found out it could mean the death of her. But she was willing to risk it as Mariana typed it out and signed it with the deans name in less then an hour. The young girl felt bad about lying but she had no choice at all as her and her cousin passed an e-cigarette between each other.

Mariana herself was continuing to see Sean as Judy was trying her hardest to get through to the girl and reassure her she loved her and wanted to raise her and baby Jesus. The Latin girl however was not interested in hearing any of it and wanted to live her wild life doing what she pleased.

"Honey you have no idea how sorry I am. I am because I really thought I was doing the right thing at the time. I really did and all I wanted was the best for you sweetheart. I did not throw you away and it's important you understand that." Judy said to the young girl as she met her after school hoping to take her out and talk. Mariana had no interest in what the woman was saying as she rolled her eyes. "I thought we could go out to lunch and talk."

"Um no and I'm not interested in living with you or having my brother live with you. He's going to live with Aunt Stef and Mama Lion. Those are the only two people in this world I trust. You I don't so just leave me alone. For good."

"Mariana listen...

"Get off of me!" The girl yelled pulling her arm away from the woman's grip and ran off into Sean's car speeding off.

It was safe to say the women lost Mariana. She lost her years ago and no matter how much she had tried over the last year to explain how much she loved her it didn't work. Nothing did but she was determined not to give up on her as Mariana went back to Sean's place where they had heavy sex, drank and smoked weed for the next few hours. It was all she wanted to really do and she had no idea how risky her behavior was or the consequences of it. None at all and everything she promised her aunts and cousin went out the window as she helped Sean pack drugs. A few weeks later she started to feel sicker then ever not knowing the cause until she missed her period.

Peaches had no control over her daughter at all and half the time didn't even know where she was. She was trying herself to make a life with Roxy who was still on her best behavior. Even if she had been acting rather strange the last few weeks, almost looking over her shoulder each time she went out. What it was Peaches had no idea but the overweight woman knew she had to do something. She knew she had to come clean to Lou that she spent all the money Frank left years ago and their was none left to be found. None at all and Roxy had lied many times to Lou pinning everything on Stef saying she had the money in exchange of not being transferred to Chowchilla where she could be killed.

How would she fix this and get Lou off her back and protect Peaches along with her kids. How? That she wasn't sure as she entered the small apartment seeing the mess and cleaning it up. Thoughts of talking to her sister had flooded her mind as she really wanted to come clean about what she had don, but there was no way she could ever talk to Stef in life again. That relationship was over or was it? Would they need to talk in order to figure this issue out with Lou who was now threatening Stef's family to Roxy and trying to get both women back in the game.

Tracey with only 10 days left in the program was trying her hardest at getting better. It was more then the drugs, and more then the alcohol for her past kept flooding her brain as well. The abuse, the heartache, the trauma was clouding her thoughts more then anything as she looked at the permanent cutting scars on her arm that had faded with time. She could easily make them reappear again for her heart continued to break for she still had not heard from Stef. Nothing and that hurt more then any drug withdrawal. That and the fact that she had been keeping a secret for months one she had not told anyone. No one and she knew once the blonde knew she would really be out of her life for good. It was a difficult thing to even imagine as each day felt longer and longer to the point she just couldn't hack it anymore. With that in mind and realizing she had no place left in the families heart she packed her bags and climbed out the window of her rehab facility and onto a greyhound bus to LA. Tracey had tracked down an aunt she lived with from time to time who was not the nicest but she would make the best out of it. At least it was one person she couldn't disappoint.

Mike himself felt guilty for everything and he didn't know how to fix any of it anymore. Not at all as he had shown up and Judy's home once again wasted. Like most nights he did this she refused to let him in as she continued to beg and beg for her forgiveness. Wanting nothing to do with him she often cried at the sound of his pity and when it got to be too much she called her sister in law.

"Judy come on I'm sorry honey. Please. Let's fix this I made a mistake. I, I did."

"Mike leave. Leave before I call your friends. I will."

"Oh come on. I love you. I do. Please let's try again. I made a mistake and you are the only one I want. I swear, I swear it."

All Judy could do was shake her head as she dialed her sister in law who came and took Mike home once again. Stef understood but at the same time she was furious with Mike for his past mistakes with Judy and leaving her for Peaches.

Lena herself was struggling with the secret she was keeping from her wife about Tracey and had checked up on Tula but the woman had not answered any of her calls or returned them. Of course Lena wasn't surprised but she would be lying if she said she wasn't worried. For she was as she laid down beside her wife whom she held so close to her, and whom she vowed to tell everything to.

Stef herself was so stressed out she wasn't sure what to do with any of it as she was sneaking cigarettes left and right and even resorted to vapor ones. Even Lena had no idea, no one did as she thought more and more about Callie's words which stung like knife. That and many other things.



A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now