Sisters Confrontation

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"Auntie Stef! Auntie Stef!" Jesus happily said as he ran to the blonde for he had not seen her in a weeks and missed her terribly. Smiling herself after giving Roxy a lethal stare she picked the boy up and kissed his cheek.

"Hey there handsome. How's my baby huh?"

"Good!" He giggled hugging her tighter as Roxy forced a smile. Even if she had every intention of wanting to make up with her sister it still was rather difficult. Plus with everything going on with Lou it only complicated it a bit more as well as Mariana's situation. 

"Good baby boy."

"Hey there Cal. Long time no see. See your kids got big." Roxy said as the blonde stood in front of Callie now blocking the girl. The last thing she wanted was for her to speak to her daughter. Not by any means.

"She has nothing to say to you. Ever and you have nothing to ever say to her in life." She spat out now turning to face Callie." Go on love with baby Stef and Andrew I'll be there in a second."

"Sure mom." Watching the young girl walk off with her son, Jesus ran after the girl for he loved his cousins and baby Stef. Stef herself could only turn back to look at Roxy who had a smile on her face. One she wanted to fucking smack off the woman's face for she had alot of fucking nerve to just keep showing up like this. "What in the fuck do you want?"

"No hard feelings sister girl. Didn't wanna stop by your place and all and seem rude."

"What the fuck reason would you have to stop by my place for? No one wants your ass there and I dam sure don't. It's bad enough you have my nephew with you and that you are somehow getting away with living with Peaches.  I want you out of that house and no where near Mariana and Jesus again. You fucking get that?"

"Yeah I know how you feel. I get that but like I told Mariana and Mike I'm a changed woman."

"Yeah sure. Of course you are. You're a snake and I don't trust you one fucking bit."

"Hey I get that I fucked up and all."

"I got shit to say to you get the fuck out my face." Starting to walk off Roxy couldn't let her for she knew she might not get another chance.

"Look Stef it's about Mariana." She blurted out as the blonde turned around.

"And what about her?"

"Look let's put our shit to the side. Can we for a second?"

"Fuck your requests. What is wrong with my niece according to you?"

"She's pregnant Stef." Roxy blurted out as the blonde walked closer to her staring right in her eyes. "She throwing up every morning and ...

"And? Why are you telling me this? You think you getting back in my good graces by acting like you give a shit? MM?"

"No. It ain't like that. Peach don't believe me and she needs to do something quick. That's all I'm here to tell you because she don't listen to no one else but you and Lena."

"Keep my wife's name out your dirty mouth. Got it?"

"Look for real, and I'm being for real I'm just trying to help."

"Trying to help? If something was wrong with my niece I would know it. Believe me. I don't need your ass telling me. Ever so turn around and walk the fuck away. We will take Jesus home."

"Her and Frankie planning to run off. Bet you didn't know that either huh?" She spit out as Stef grew even more furious. Furious that this woman was in her business, furious that she was telling her shit about Frankie that she wasn't sure if it was true or not and furious that she was trying to get back into her life in a shitty way. 

"You just can't keep my families name out your mouth huh? I would know if my daughter planned to run off and I would know if Mariana was pregnant. I would fucking know!"

"Look can't everyone know everything."

"Yeah? And you just happen to know all this shit huh? Because what everyone suddenly confides in your traitor ass?"

"No one confides in me at all Stef. No one. I lost everyone's respect after what I did to Peaches.I know that and I'm trying to do right now. For real I am."

"No you lost it way before then honey. Oh way before when we were in jail and you were poppin' your chops at me, Callie and Lena. When you lost your fucking mind threatening everyone down to our kids.  What you did to Peaches that was just the icing on the cake. You will never squirm your way back into this family ever again and you may have Peaches fooled but not me. Not me ever nor my kids, my grandkids, Mariana and soon Jesus. He will see what a piece of shit you really are one day but I hope to have him out your fucking life before then. Way before then. So why don't you do me a favor and turn around and waddle the fuck away before I knock you out like I did last time." Stef's stare could only intensify as Roxy let out a sigh. She wasn't even combative right now not int the least.

"Look don't say I didn't warn you alright.  You ain't go to believe me but what reason would I have to lie about any of that shit. What reason."

"I don't know and I don't care because I'm done talking to you. Wasting my fucking time." With Stef walking off Roxy stood there not sure what to do for she knew it was most likely going to go like that. She knew it all to well as she made one last attempt.

"Your mother has been around." She blurted out as Stef turned around one last time." She wants to get you back in the game and I made a deal with her a few years ago. About the money our father left me. I told her you had it.  So now she coming by looking for it and she's gonna come by your place again soon thinking you have it. I'm telling you the truth about that and everything else. I didn't tell her I spent it all but I'm gonna so she can leave you alone."

"So that's what this is about.  You need help and protection from her? That's what this is?"

"No...that's not it I....

"She wants to come my way looking for this fucking money you blew let her because she will find out she's not the only one who can kill someone. And you deserve whatever she does to you. So you fuck off."

Walking off Stef was so furious she had no idea what to do as her head started to hurt once again and she felt dizzy. It was the second time in a few days she felt like this and if one more thing happened she would loose it. This entire situation bothered her and that her suspicions were correct. Mariana was indeed pregnant but what was even more troubling was her plan and Frankie's plan to run off and the fact that Roxy knew more then she did. What the fuck?

"You ok ma?" Callie said seeing that the blonde wasn't feeling well. "Besides seeing Roxy you ok? You don't look good."

"Yeah babe I'm fine. Lets get the rest of the stuff."

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