Tough Waters

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As Lena exited her wife's room she kissed the blonde softly on the cheek promising not to leave her side even for a second.  Which she didn't as she wiped her eyes and headed back in the waiting room where the rest of the family was. Her mind right now was clouded and distraught but one thing she did know was that she was pissed at both Frankie and Mariana.  What in the hell was wrong with both of them and maybe the timing was wrong but she didn't care as she walked over to both girls and literally smacked them both across the face. 

The entire family stood still not knowing what in the hell to say or do for this was out of character for Lena. Or was it as Frankie held her cheek for that smack was harder then any of the ones Stef had given her, Mariana as well.

"I'm literally disgusted with both of you! Both of you who only think about your damm selves running around the streets like you have no home training.  And while you were both out there stealing cop cars and joy riding like a bunch of damm animals your mama, and your aunt was having a stroke!  And where in the hell were you!? Huh?! The both of you! How dare you do this! How dare you and you are lucky that your uncle Mike bailed both of you ingrates out because he should have let you rot in a cell like your mother and I did for years! Then maybe you would understand the  many sacrifices we both have made!

"But let me tell you Francesca Violet Adams Foster. Your little ass is coming home tonight! So you pack your things because your little boycott against your mother is over! You are under my rules now and let me tell you they will have you wishing it was still your mama's because you thought she was bad. No honey, no babygirl I am way worse. Far worse then anything you have ever, ever seen. The both of you will have to deal with me and this plan the two of you have to run off not happening. No way because you are not to be around each other anymore! Do I make myself clear!"

"Yes." They mumbled.

"I'm sorry I can't hear either of you! I said do I make myself clear?!!"

"Yes Mama Lion."

"Good. And Mariana for the record I also don't give a crap how pissed you are at Peaches or Judy or Roxy or Mike. No one cares so you straighten yourself up too and if I see you with that Sean kid ever again I will be the one to break him in half and you too. Oh and while you are here go see the  OGBYN because clearly you need to. Your stomach is starting to show and you can't hide that baby much longer." Walking off furiously both girls had no idea what to even say. None at all for all eyes went to them as Tracey and Tula walked right into the waiting room.

"Mariana is that true? Are you pregnant?" Peaches asked her daughter as she glanced to Roxy now realizing the woman had not been lying.


"Are you ok?"  Judy asked now taking a seat beside Lena who needed to get a bit of air. Her mind right now was so gone, her heart so broken that she wasn't sure which way was up as tears rolled down her face. Just these few hours without Stef were hard enough and she could never imagine a life without her.

"I don't know. I can't even think Judy. Those girls have lost their mind, Stef is....we don't. She could die. She could die Judy and I don't know what we will do. What I will do. I love that woman so much. Judy I...

"I know honey. I know sweetheart." Pulling Lena in for a hug the slim woman cried her eyes out, as Judy held her even tighter. "We can't think that way Len. We need to stay positive for Stef and be there for her. We can't afford to be negative for the sake of her, the kids and ourselves. We can't and I know it's hard honey. I know it is."

"I should have taken better care of her Judy. But I...

"This is not your fault Lena. Not at all and do not blame yourself."

"I do Judy. She has been so upset lately and she has been so stressed out and angry that I should have done more for her. I should have but I didn't."

"Lena, you tried. You tried the best you could and there is only so much you can do. You can't control your wife and how she feels about things. We all know Stef is very passionate about everything and wants to take care of everyone. We know this and we know she has some temper."

"I know she does. Maybe I should have helped her with it more and gone to therapy more and..

"Honey. You are Stef's rock. I know this and everyone else does too. But she is your rock too and you both have a kind of love no one does Lena. I mean you fell in love in prison of all places and you built a life together. We have to believe that she will pull through and you have done everything in your power for Stef's well being. You have and I know she is grateful for that. You allowed her to become a softer person, a wiser person and a happier person. She wanted a better life because of you and she has told me that many times."


"Yes. She speaks so highly of you all the time Lena. Always. So don't do that to yourself. Stef loves you more then life itself and that is why she will pull through. I have no doubts."

"I hope Judy. I love her so much.  I love her so, so much."

"I know honey. It's ok. It's ok." Pulling her closer again the two hugged each other once again and wishing more then anything that Stef would be ok. But no one knew  yet. No one at all as Judy knew despite everything going she had another issue to address. Mariana's pregnancy.

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