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A few hours ago

"Callie what are you doing with her? What are you doing?" Ali said grabbing her sisters arm and looking her dead in the face. It had been three weeks since the family had seen her and since the last time Callie had run off. 

"Go away Ali. I'm busy running my life. Go run your own. I'm good. I'm happy, I'm flying."

"Callie everyone is worried sick about you. You need help. You  need help so bad and moms..

"Ugh. There is nothing fucking wrong with me Ali! I'm fine. Tell moms I'm fine. I like what I'm doing ok?"

"Yeah you like what you are doing? Drugs? Selling yourself?"

"I'm a business woman Ali. Ok? Business woman!"

"No you aren't. What do I tell baby Stef? And Andrew and Pete. Huh?"

"You are so annoying. You just are and if you came with us you would see how good. How good it can be. I'm flying Ali. I'm flying high."

"Girl what you putting in her head!" Sheila said coming back over after grabbing the coffee Ali refused to make her. She wasn't doing anything for the woman and would rather get fired then make her coffee.

"She's coming home with me. You buzz off."

"Ha! Clearly her home ain't her home. Her home is with me! Where it always has been just like you. You think your something because you go to fancy classes?  That you got some fancy family now that adopted both you little ingrates. They don't want you. And they don't want Callie. And if they were any better then me Callie would not have come running back to me."

"None of that is true. You need to leave her alone. She's not well and you know it."

"You just talk, talk, talk.  And you never shut that damm mouth of yours. Ever and that was the problem before. You think I had two daughters for nothing. Oh no I'm gonna get my moneys worth. And ya'll see you will come running back too. Just like your brother John."

"I'll never come back running to you ever. You leave Callie alone. Cal come with me. I can call mom's to come get us."

"No! I like what I'm doing. Go away Ali. I don't want nothing to do with you. None of you let me be me. Just stay away Ali. You just want to lock me up and pump me with drugs and not let me free. But I am free. And I'm gonna fly high off the roof tonight like I do every night."

"Callie no! Please." Ali begged grabbing her hand as Sheila pushed the girl onto the floor. 

"Get the fuck off her. She coming with me you little shit! And go on and tell your mama's. See if I care. "

"Tell, tell that blonde bitch to stay away from me Ali!" Callie shouted laughing as Ali's coworker helped her up.

"You ok? Was that Callie?"

"No. Not anymore."



"I swear to Christ Lena. I swear to ever loving Christ." The blonde said as her and Lena had hopped into their SUV heading to Sheila's after Ali came home hysterical telling them she knew where the girl was. Of course the blonde had called her brother  along with Jude so that they could help Callie for they didn't know what they were up against. They really didn't  as Stef was so beside herself she let Lena drive.

"I know sweetheart. But listen I am worried about you and your health. You don't need this right now. You really don't so please monitor your blood pressure. Please."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now