An Unwanted Surprise

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"You think the judge will grant us another adoption? We got really lucky with Callie." Lena said to her wife as the two finally found time to be alone soaking in the tub together. Rubbing her wife's back Lena gently kissed it as the blonde felt the most relaxed she had in weeks.

"MM it's worth a shot babe. I mean I don't see why not. Plus she's the same age Cal was when we adopted her."

"I know. But I feel like that judge was different. I just don't want Alice to get hurt if it doesn't work out the first time."

"Hey love, you are usually the optimistic one. What's wrong?" Turning around now to face her wife Stef gently stroked her cheek letting out a soft smile. "What's up baby? Do you not want to adopt Ali is that it? Tell me."

"No that's not it at all. I love that little girl and she has come so far baby. She's amazing and apart of us and our family. Of course I want to adopt her."

"Ok yes I know all that but what is it? You aren't telling me something I can see it in your face. MM?" Gently running the sponge across Lena's bare arms the patient smile remained on her face.

"Can we manage another kid? I mean I know she's not little, she's practically 20 but I want to make sure she gets what she needs from us too. That she gets our time, that she gets our love and support even if she will live with Callie. I just want to make sure we do the best for her because she had such a hard time like Callie did. And well Mariana. I wish we had another bedroom for her."

"We can always, always make room for her here. Always and of course we will my love. We will do our best just like we have been with all our kids. This is no different. But you need to tell me if you are not ok with this. You need to tell me honey."

"No love I am 100 percent ok with it. I am. It's just funny."

"What is?"

"That we ended up with all these kids. And that we will end up adopting Callie's sister who use to hate you. I mean she did stab you." Lena laughed as Stef did as well.

"Well yes that she did and apologized over a million times to the point where I told her to shut the fuck up."

"Ha! Like you and Mama Rose. Remember how long you felt bad about that?"

"I still feel bad."

" Aww I know you do baby. But you shouldn't. Goodness she forgave you more then a decade ago."

"I know I just can't imagine ever hurting her like that. Ever again in life."

"She knows that and I'm sure Ali feels the same way about you."

"Possibly." The blonde said grinning. "But hey you are ok about this?"

"I am. I just want so much for all our kids and sometimes I want to clone myself."

"Well now two of you walking around. I really don't know if I could control myself then. Shit my tongue would get some workout." The blonde laughed as Lena did as well running her hands on Stef's soapy thighs. Stef could only pull her body closer to her as the slim woman straddled her giggling.

"It gets a workout now."

"Yeah I know it does because I can't keep my hands or mouth off of you. Never could."

"No why is that?" She asked feeling Stef run her hands all over her ass and upper thighs. Playing with the blondes wet hair herself she could only grin at her as they pressed their lips together.

"MM many reasons. You are very sexy always have been and you are all mine." Smirking at her wife Stef slid her wet finger into Lena's wet pussy as the woman slowly began to ride it moaning a bit.

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