Day Three

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"I know nobody wants me here and I don't have any right to be here after I ran off  when Mama Lion tried to help me." Tracey said as Miss Rose took a seat beside her. The girl was in bad shape which everyone could see and Miss Rose and Stuart were admitting her to rehab as soon as they could. "I know I fucked up. I did. I didn't want everyone to know that I had...

"It's ok baby. No one is angry, no one hates you. Everyone has their moments. It doesn't mean they are bad people honey. And family is about forgiving. Especially during times like these honey. Point is your back and you want help right?"

"Yeah I do."

"Alright then we will get it for you but you have to promise not to run off this time. Please because when Stef wakes up she is going to want to see all her children. And I mean everyone and know that they are ok. So you need to be here. You do."

"She is going to be so pissed at me. I just know it but what happened to mom? I mean how did this happen?"

"Well it's never one thing honey. It was many things that contributed to her stroke and heart attack. Life, stress, not taking care of her blood pressure. Many things. Things we will have to help her with when she gets better."

"I wanna help her. I do Miss Rose."

"You can't help anyone unless you help yourself. So let's go get you checked in."

"Ok. But I need to talk to Mama Lion and Callie."

"Understandable baby." Miss Rose said holding the girls shaking hand as Tula had snuck into the Intensive Care unit seeing the woman she was still very much in love with fighting for her life. Lena of course was asleep holding the blondes hand while Tula watched from the glass window.

Like everyone else her eyes filled with tears ones she could not control either for once upon a time ago they had talked about getting married.


"Ok so what if I was 7 years younger. Then could we?" Tula asked as Stef turned around glancing in the young woman's dark eyes. "I don't care how old you are Stefanie. Why does it matter so much to you?" Gently she cupped the blondes cheek as Stef smiled warmly at her and grabbing her hand. 

"Ahh  many reasons love. It's just a rule I have."

"Love can't break this so called rule of yours.  I sneak out of my cell block all the time ya know to come see you." Tula joked as Stef smiled once again.

"Do you wanna know the real reason? MM baby?"

"Yes please." Wrapping her arms around the blondes naked waist she softly kissed her back as Stef turned a bit to look into her eyes. It was true she was in love with Tula, madly in love and it had sort of crept up on her in the last few weeks. Even if she tried everything for it not to but after Cheryl left she was devastated and Tula had mended that broken piece inside.

"Because when your 40 I'll be what 55. Or close to it and when I'm 70 or 80 ya'll be still young and I'll need a wheelchair to get around. Fuck that I don't want that for you."

"Stefanie. No."

"Yeah. I don't want to die and leave you alone because I'm old as shit and your still young. Plus I wouldn't be able to fuck you as hard ya know."

"Stefanie that is crazy. I will still see you the same even when you are 80 and I'm 66 or 67. Even when you are 90. I don't care and we don't always need to fuck hard. We can do it slow then."

"Please baby. You don't have to lie to me."

"I'm not Stefanie. You will always be beautiful to me and I'll even have some of your babies."

"Ha! Will you now?"

"Yeah. I really don't care about that stuff. I'll still see you the same when you are 90. I'm not vain."

"I know you aren't."

"Then maybe I can get you to change your mind. Maybe one day because if you ever ask me to marry you I will yes instantly." Smiling at the blonde Stef returned it as they fucked for the next few hours.


As Tula stood there watching Lena hold Stef's hand and rub her cheek she couldn't help but wonder how she would feel and what it would be like if that was her. If her and Stef had gotten married and this happened would she be able to be that strong? As strong as Lena was in her eyes. Had their life been similar, better or worse? Or had it not worked out. She wasn't sure as she wiped her eyes that continued to pour out with tears for her heart was never this broken. Never before in life. Walking off Lena now noticed the woman but did not have the current energy or desire to speak with her.  Her mind was solely focused on her wife as Stef entered the third day of being unconscious.


Stef affected so many people in so many ways. Tracey is now willing to really get help. :)

 And Roxy wants her family back. Do you guys trust her? 

Lena really needs her wife. :(

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now