Crazy Ideas

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"I'm sorry did you say engaged? Or did I hear wrong? Maybe something is wrong with my hearing. What do you think Lena?" Stef asked as the two women were chatting at the party when 17 year old Frankie had dropped a bomb on them. Stef wasn't even sure if she heard right as she now laughed.  Laughed pretty loud as Lena herself was rather speechless as the girl swallowed hard.

"You heard right I'm sure babe."  Lena whispered as Stef laughed once again not knowing any other way to respond for this was ludicrous and absolutely insane.

"Mama you did hear right. I asked Erin to marry me. We, we wanna be together." The girl knew it was going to be a tough thing to tell the blonde but she was hoping with their new relationship that was still going well despite the morning that it would be ok. Well for the most part since she knew she was very young and they may not really approve of it. Stef still had no idea what in the hell to say and Lena could tell by her laugh and look on her face that she was going to loose it at any point which was never good. 

"Frankie, you are only 17 years old.  When did this happen?" Lena asked. "And why?"

"We love each other Mama Lion and we want to be together." The girl admitted as Stef let out another laugh.

"Love?" The blonde asked. "You have been dating for a year off and on.  What do you even know about love Francesca? Much less getting married. I mean just answer me one thing. Please because I need to know.  Have you lost your ever loving mind? Or do you even have a fucking mind to think we would be ok with this? Huh? Because let me tell you little girl no fucking way. No way in hell is this happening and your're not even old enough  to get married. At all!"

"Not now but at 18 I can."

"It's not happening at 18 either! It's not."

"Babe..." Lena soothing trying to calm the blonde down a bit as Stef let out a stressful sigh.

"Why? We love each other and want to be together. I don't really need your permission when I'm 18 mama."

"Oh no? Says who? MM? I don't give a shit what some fucking law book says and that 18 is legal. In this house and for my daughter it's not! It's not at all!"

"You aren't even listening to me mama. Just like before. Why did I think things would change with us. Because they haven't."

"Because you continue to do stupid stuff Francesca! One thing after the other!"

"How is marrying someone you love stupid mama?" Seeing where this conversation could go much like the way they use to go Lena quickly chimed in as she grabbed her wife's hand who was ready to explode.

"Frankie what mom is trying to say is we think you are far to young.  We are pretty sure you and Erin care for each other but dating casually is very different then marriage honey. Especially at 17 and...

"And no." Stef cut off. "The answer is no Frankie. No way.  You have your entire damm life to get married. You have school, Erin has school. Where in the hell do you plan on living? "

"At school mama. She's getting a dorm and I'll live with her and work."

"I have a fucking migraine." The blonde said running her hands through her hair as Lena held her hand tighter. "I think you just aim to make me damm near insane Frankie to the point that I can't talk to you right now. Just do what you want. And smoke your fucking brains out while your at it." Getting up from her seat the blonde grabbed her cane and walked off frustrated as Lena glanced to the older teen who looked rather defeated.

"I always upset her. No matter what. After all this I still can't do anything right."

"It's not about that honey. Not at all. Come sit next to me please."

Nodding her head and sitting beside her mother Lena wanted to approach this in a calming manner since she knew Frankie was already upset no matter how crazy this idea was. 

"Sweetheart, what is the hurry to marry? Mm? You have your entire life ahead of you. Both you and Erin are only 17.  Why the rush?"

"No rush Mama Lion. Really."

"Mm I beg to differ baby love. You and Erin weren't serious and it seems fast that you decided to marry her honey."

"Didn't you and mama fall in love fast? How is that different? Wasn't it only a few months?" With that question Lena let out a soft smile as she continued to hold the girls hand.

"Yes your mother and I fell in love very quickly. However, I will tell you this honey. If we got married when we were 17 when we were both in very, very different places in our life we might not have lasted. We both needed to mature, we needed to experience life for a little bit before we we could ever fully commit. And we are still learning baby. Listen, Mama and I are not saying you can't marry Erin but just not right now. Give it a few years honey, get to really know each other, take a few trips together when you are of age.  You haven't even really lived yet baby. You haven't at all. And Mama is not mad she just wants to know what's going on in your head baby and so do I. "

"She's been mad at me for the past few days. Again and I know I shouldn't be smoking."

"No you should not be. Do you see what happened to your mom? Smoking contributed to her stroke."

"I know Mama Lion." The girl said letting out a sigh as the slim woman continued to look at her. 

"Frankie I will say this and I have always said this.  We both love you, very much. And you have always been this free spirit that we love.  Kind, not a care in the world, beautiful, loving, passionate.  Mama and I are not trying to take away who you are, we are only trying to guide you. That's it my sweetheart. So please do me a favor. Rethink this engagement with Erin and think about what I said to you ok? MM? Focus on school, on what you want do with your life and marriage will happen. But it doesn't need to be right now. Ok baby?"

"Ok." The girl said hugging her mother as Lena hugged her back tightly knowing that Frankie was most certainty very impulsive but had a heart of gold. Just like her mother.

"Listen baby, how about we go help cut this cake. MM?"

"Sure Mama Lion."


Never a dull moment with Frankie! Hopefully Lena got through to her.


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