One of Many Nights

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Stef's first night home was anything but easy as she struggled to remember the home her and Lena shared with their kids, putting her clothes away and wondering how she was going to sleep next to this woman she didn't know. Yes over the course of the month she was in the hosptial Lena  had been very determined to help in her wife's recovery but Stef didn't know her and that was frustrating. 

She had tried to remember anything she could about the curly haired woman and yes she thought she was pretty but she didn't see the attraction that would cause her to be her wife. In her mind Lena was strict with the kids, not much fun and too worried and rather paranoid about everything. That was just what she noticed in the hospital but now that they were in the home they shared Stef wasn't sure what to think. The kids they had seemed sweet even if she struggled to remember their names besides baby Stef, Frankie and Jude. Noah she kept calling John for whatever reason, she kept calling Callie, Kate an Alice she kept calling Denise. The kids understood and for the time being Callie moved back in to help especially with baby Stef who really would not leave her grandmother now. Miss Rose had also moved in along with Dana but for Stef's first few nights home they wanted to give the family a bit of privacy as Jude would come by to check on them. However, leaving Lena to deal with Stef alone was a big mistake for the blonde was growing increasingly difficult for her to handle and it would only get worse.

"Ugh I guess I can write about him because I really have no choice. He is just the most boring president ever. Like who cares. No one." Frankie said complaining about her paper on president Eisenhower as the family sat down to eat." I wanted to write about Obama or even JFK. But of course Darlene got Obama and she's like rubbing it in my face. I really just wanna knock her ass out."

"Frankie. Language." Lena said as Stef couldn't help but let out a smirk for she noticed Frankie was rather sassy in the last month. Of what she could remember anyway and that she really seemed like a sweet girl and had been helpful in the hospital. Sadly she couldn't remember anything about her passed the age of two but she was rather eager to get to know this 17 year old daughter of hers.

"Sorry Mama Lion."

"Just try to make the paper fun. And forget about Darlene. You know she does it for attention just ignore her."

"I guess. She's just annoying."

"I know honey but why don't you tell you mom about the class you are taking. I'm sure she would love to hear about it."

"Sure. Um I'm taking this advanced history class mama. Like AP." She said to the blonde as the woman drew a blank.

"Oh. What's um, what's AP?"

"It's for nerds." Noah joked as Frankie smacked him.

"Hello you have nerve to call me a nerd. Have you looked at yourself big head." The girl said joking and pushing Noah's arm. It was typical of these two to goof around as Stef softly smiled and continued to eat.  Lena could only glance at her happy to see the kids could make her smile even if she couldn't. "Anyway before I was so rudely interrupted by the child it just means Advanced Placement. It looks good for college even if I don't rally wanna go."

"We can talk about it honey." Lena said taking a bit of her chicken as Stef's mind wandered again.

"Do you want more food honey? You usually like lamb so I wasn't sure "

"Yeah um sure. Who is, who is Obama?" She soon asked as Callie handed baby Stef a bit more food and Noah looked at his mother ready and willing to answer anything.

"Oh he was our 44th president from 2009 till 2016. Until that asshole got voted in."

"Language. What is with you all tonight?" Lena reprimanded as she began to cut Stef's food up. Wondering what she was doing the blonde glanced to her rather irritated.

"What, what are you doing?"

"Oh just making it easier for you to eat. I thought I'd just cut it up honey that way you don't need to."

"I told you I'm not a damm baby and I told you before to stop doing that!"

"Honey I know you are not I just..

"Then just give me the damm food!

"Stef I'm only trying to help. I just....

"I don't need your fucking help!!!! I said I can do it myself!!" Grabbing the plate so hard from her wife the blonde lost her grip of it and the food and plate went crashing on the floor. She could only let out  a sigh of anger and frustration as Noah instantly got up trying to help.

"I have it honey. Go finish your food it's ok." Lena said. "Just pass me a napkin."

"You sure I can do it."

"I can help to Mama Lion." Frankie offered.

"No babies just pass it to me and keep eating your food. Please."

Sure mama." Handing his mother a napkin Lena carefully picked up the food and broken plate as even Callie was shocked by the blondes outburst. Frankie too could only look at her mother who had her head down not being sure how she felt.

'I'm, I'm sorry. Le, Lena." Stef said.

"It's ok baby. Do you want something else to eat?" She asked gently resting her hand on the blondes arm.

"No. Just, just tired."

"It's ok mama it was just an accident." Frankie said now gently rubbing the blondes hand as Stef didn't make any eye contact with her.

"Ok baby. Come I'll help you get ready for bed."


"Callie just help me clean up and Frankie."

"Sure Mama Lion." They both said watching Stef begin to cry and Lena take her into the room. It was difficult for all of them to see and they wondered if their mother would ever be the same.

"Why is mama so angry and mean to Mama Lion?" Frankie asked as baby Stef continued to eat her food not saying much.

"Mom has brain damage from the stroke. It can affect your behavior and everything. Plus she's frustrated that she is not able to do anything or remember much." Callie admitted feeling just as sad.

"It's scary how she doesn't remember Mama Lion."

"I know." Noah said. "Really scary. I mean she doesn't remember most of us."

"I hope she gets it back soon. I miss her. Alot." Frankie said along with the rest of the kids as they finished their meal in silence and Lena was helping Stef the best she could. But of course it was difficult and when it was time for her to go to bed herself she wanted nothing more but to hold the woman so close to her. However she didn't want to make Stef feel uncomfortable who had tears falling down her face. What was this life she had and who was this person she couldn't remember being?


I wonder who is going to help Stef the most in all this.

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