Baby Stef

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As Callie Adams Foster sat on the back porch she watched her little girl playing soccer with Noah. Now that she was almost 6 months away from turning 12 Callie felt it was time she came to live with her, Pete, and her little brother Andrew. Since Stef had her stroke the girl had moved back in while Pete took care of Andrew and the young mother went back and forth. A few nights a week the two stayed over but for the most part both her son and boyfriend lived at home along with Ali.

Callie was well aware like last time baby Stef would not handle that news well and it wasn't an easy choice to make. On one hand she could still have her live at both places but with Stef still needed help despite getting better she knew once she moved back home having the burden of of baby Stef might be a challenge for the two women to handle. She had no doubts about Lena but she wasn't sure if her mother could handle another kid while she was still trying to recover her memory, and get to know Lena more and both Frankie and Noah.

It was safe to say Callie missed her mother more then anything and even if Stef had planned to take her daughter out so much had been going on the last few weeks that she didn't get to just yet. Sure she noticed Callie was off and the girl rarely spoke to Stef if she was honest. Not because she didn't want to but it seemed as if the blonde was just not interested. Maybe Callie had the wrong idea, or the wrong impression, and she was trying to be very patient. However she couldn't help but feel disheartened especially since it seemed the blonde had bonded with the rest of the kids and grandkids. Maybe it was unfair since Callie was very close to 30 but she still needed Stef so badly, especially when it came to raising baby Stef and Andrew. Smiling at her daughter Callie walked back into the home to see Lena cooking like she normally did in the kitchen and Stef washing off lettuce. Maybe she could not chop but she still found other ways to help.

"So um mom's I've been thinking baby Stef should come live with me, Pete and Ali. She will be 12 in about 6 months and I think it's time." She said as both women looked to her rather surprised. "It's just I know you need help mom and once I move back home with Pete and Andrew  it will be too much for you both to keep taking care of baby Stef." As both women glanced to each other for one reason or another they weren't completely surprised but at the same time it felt out of the blue. "I've just been thinking about it alot."

"We understand honey, both mom and I do because she is your daughter. But it just seems rather out of the blue." Lena said as Stef continued to watch Callie and her wife.

"Yeah no I just have been thinking of a way to tell you."

"Callie, baby Stef is no bother. She's barely any work at all and we love having her around." Stef said. "Plus I am getting better each day and my memory is starting to come back slowly."

"Yeah I know, but I just think it's time. I think it's important for her to grow up with her brother and get to know Ali more and we need to hang out as a family too. She needs to get to know us as a family and how we function as a family."

"We understand that honey. Both mom and I understand and we think it's important as well for her and for you. You are right she is a teenager very, very, soon and it's important that you are there and that she gets to know her aunt and little brother better." Lena said as it really seemed Callie was on guard which Stef picked up on as well. From what she did remember about Callie was she was a sweet, shy girl who had always respected both her and Lena greatly. Never did she raise her voice, or argue with them or even go against them. If she had Stef did not remember.

"Is, is it something else Callie. Something else besides what you are telling us?" Stef asked as the young mother glanced to her.

"No. Like what?"

"I don't know. You seem rather off and standoffish."

"I'm not. I just think it's important for my daughter to live with me now."

"Did I do something Callie? Did I make you feel uncomfortable or treat her in a way you didn't like?"

"No. Not at all. It has nothing to do with you mom." Callie said with a very strange attitude that Lena was picking up on.

"Sweetheart mom doesn't mean anything by her questions she just wants to make sure you feel comfortable."

"Sure I do I mean you are her grandmother. Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know Callie your decisions seem out of the blue and like I said you seem very on guard with me. Are you, are you angry with me?"

"No. I'm not angry with you at all. It's just been alot for her these past few months seeing you like this, and her being the one who found you. I just think she needs to be with the family that Pete and I created."

Something about this was still rubbing both women the wrong way for Callie was now seeming rather defensive and neither could figure out why.

"Do you plan on marrying him anytime soon Callie?"

"Honey." Lena said now gently grabbing the blonde's hand as Stef neglected to look at her.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I'm just curious that's all love no more then that."

"I don't know did you ask Jude if he's marrying Olivia." The girl said with an attitude.

"Callie, mom is just......

"I don't understand why I'm being interrogated for wanting to take my daughter home."

"Honey, no one is interrogating you. No one at all. Mom and I just want to know if anything else is wrong. And why all of sudden you want to take baby Stef."

"Nothing is wrong. And we are leaving the day after tomorrow."


"She's my daughter mom. Not yours." The girl said snapping at Stef and heading back outside as the blonde turned to look at Lena confused. 

"Did I , did I do something to her? I know I'm not myself and I know it's affected everyone but did I do something?"

"No babe. We will get to the bottom of it."

And they would try but little did they know baby Stef had heard the entire conversation.


Whoa. What's up with Callie.

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