Party Talks

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"So how are you doing sweetgirl? I can't believe how big you got." Callie said smiling at baby Stef who sat beside her grinning and eating her pizza. It was still hard for Callie to believe how big the girl had gotten in just a matter of months and it seemed since she had been ill that she missed so much of her growing up. Especially at such a crucial time in her life. The older mother of two could kick herself for what happened and that she was still dealing with this illness not to mention cravings for drugs.

"I'm good mama. How are you?"

"Getting better each day. Promise."

"That's good. We were scared."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you baby Stef. I'm sorry for what I put you through."

"It's ok it wasn't your fault. You didn't know you weren't feeling good mama."

"Maybe but I'm also sorry for trying to take you from Yaya. That was really wrong of me. That wasn't me honey. I hope you know."

"I do know mommy." Baby Stef reassured as Callie looked out at the rest of the family who was enjoying themselves. Of course Stef was witnessing the interaction between the two and was happy to see her daughter doing ok. Well for the most part for Stef knew she was still not herself.

Callie on the other hand was still feeling rather upset about all her actions as she continued to sit beside her daughter who provided comfort much similar to that of her mother. It was hard if she was honest to even think of something to talk abotu with this little girl for the guilt was eating her alive.

"I'm glad you could come mama. You were allowed?" The young girl soon asked in a rather bold manner taking a sip of her pop.

"Yes. I go privileges so I was able to come see you today. I have to go back before six but I was happy I was able to come for a bit."

"Me too."

"So are you listening to Yaya and Nana Lion? You are behaving right?"

"Yes. Plus I know better." She laughed as did Callie.

"I know you do and I'm glad you have them to take care of you. They love you baby Stef."

"I love them too. And I love you mama. Even if I said I hated you a few months ago. I didn't really mean it."

"It's ok I know you didn't. What matters is now ok? So lets focus on that and enjoy your party."

"Ok, and I hope you get better soon. Ill be in 6th grade next year."

"I know and I can't believe it and I want you to know how proud I am of you. I really and I will be around too see you go into 6th grade ok?"

"Ok. Do you know when you will be coming back home mama. I mean if you take medication will you ok?"

"I don't know off hand yet but when I do you will be the first person to know. And yes I'm on medication but it will take some time and you will need to stay with Yaya for bit longer. I don't know if I'll be able to take care of you and Andrew alone. Even with Pete. But um, we have to see how it goes and how my treatment goes. Ok?"

"Ok." The girl said in a rather sad tone for  it was true that baby Stef was strong for her age and resilient but very sensitive. Even if she never expressed interest in living with her mother it was difficult to hear that Callie was unsure if she could ever take care of her and Andrew. It was sad as she took another sip of her drink and looked to her mother.

"I love you mommy and I'm sorry I never wanted to live with you. I'm really sorry."

"No. You don't need to be. Listen I know you love me and I know you love Yaya.  You have nothing to be sorry about ever. This is your home and always will be and that's ok. It's a nice thing to have and I'm glad you do. Ok?"


Hugging her little girl Callie never wanted to let go as baby Andrew ran over to her along with Pete. As Stef continued to watch the little family she could only smile as Lena gently grabbed her hand.

"She seems ok baby." Lena said looking over at Callie's direction.

"She is and isn't. You can tell and I know it's not easy being here."

"Well no but she has no reason to feel uncomfortable. We all love her and everyone here knows she was sick."


"Is yes. But she's doing better baby. Much and I think she will be ok. Of course she will always need to be monitored and take care of herself but she will be ok."

"Her and Pete? I mean you think that will be ok?" The blonde asked now looking to her wife again. "Callie fucked alot of people when she was sick.I mean he knows she wasn't in her right mind but he's very off lately which I understand and it's not easy."

"No it's not easy at all and because he loves Callie so much it makes it harder. I think as long as they work together and he supports and understands what is going on with her they will be ok too. What's wrong honey? Why are you being pessimistic?"

"MM I'm not. I just want our daughter to be ok and I'm prepared for the anything. Even if she has to move back in with us which is not out of the question. You know this right?"

"I know love. I know it's a possibility but lets see how things go ok? It doesn't always have to turn south honey."

"Yeah I know. Oh did you help Frankie find her mind since she lost it?"

"Ha! Well I tried but it is your turn next." Lena said munching on a celery stick as Stef grabbed it taking a bite herself.

"Lena what am I even supposed to say to that. I mean marriage? Really? Like why?  Frankie is impulsive, wreckless and stubborn as fuck."

"Gee I wonder how she got like that." Lena teased as the blonde rolled her eyes.

 "Yeah yeah I only have myself to blame I know but I can't deal with her right now and she picked the worst fucking time to drop that shit on us. I mean now? Really?"

"Well yes the timing is less then ideal but you will have to talk to her at some point. It can't just be me but you can't walk away."

"If I didn't walk away I'd have her head."

"Ok fair enough but you still need to face it."

"Fine Mama Lion. Will do. Now can we enjoy the rest of this party without anymore fucking surprises."

"I think so honey." Lena said smiling and softly kissing her wife on the lips.

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